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Store Your Happy Memories Here:
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Dear All~
What this place is for:
This thread is a tool, a resource, and also I guess a dash of entertainment.
I’ve found that when life is grim that sometimes thoughts of past happiness can create a chink of light in the grey overwhelming press of down. They can help occupy the mind with lighter reflections.
With that in view I invite people to set down a brief passage describing some happy event they look back to with fondness and peace.
They - and others too - can then return to it when they feel the need to glean a little warmth.
It is not a place for gloomy or dire tales, those can go elsewhere.
What to do:
Just set out, as simply as you like, your recollection of some past experience that means something good to you, something you enjoyed, something from safe times.
It can be, like my story below, anything – from an account of visiting grandparents to simply cooking and eating a melted-cheese sandwich in a favorite kitchen – you get to choose.
How to do it:
Write. Write enough so someone else can feel the mood, know what happened, find the goodness. (stop at 2,500 characters please!)
Grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation are not compulsory, just write as you can – the only important thing is the content - not literary merit. Short or long - it does not matter.
I hope you enjoy, contribute and find a little distraction here when you need it.
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Hello Moonstruck, it does seem like a long time since we spoke, but it's good that we recognise each other and thanks so much.
It was brief because we are limited in how to word our comments.
I appreciate you for picking this up.
See you on the site, hope you are looking after yourself.
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Hi Geoff,
Thinking of you! Sorry if you are doing it tough right now!
Cheers from Dools
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Hi Dools, thanks for getting back to me.
Best wishes.
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Dear All~
Geoff: I think from what you said you are going though a rough patch (sorry if I've misunderstood). From what I know life has handed you all sorts of rough patches, and if there was one person here on the forum I'd be certain will overcome them it is you.
If things seem black please reflect on all the hope, advice and encouragement you have given here. True the landscape inside one's mid has great influence, but so do deeds, and you have done so many.
You've turned round life's hardships and used them - from separation to OCD to alcohol - to become a source of (hard won) wisdom. Those you have touched have gained.
Paul: Thank you for reminding me of music from the past, so much is an enjoyable escape. Actually saying 'thank you' reminds me of the Scaffolds' "Thank you very much, thank you very very much ..." 🙂
Mrs Dools: Only you could think of such an ailment with humor, I'd be curled up in a corner feeling sorry for myself (I presume walruses can curl up)
Elizabeth: It's not too late! I suspect I'm much more ancient than you and will jump at the chance if I they have flights my way again (and it's not raining).
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Hi Croix and All,
I'm still working on finding ways to incorporate more humour into my life to deal with my depression!
My happy memory today is from childhood. We lived in a small beachside town. I spent many hours down at the beach and walking along the cliffs.
We would make sandcastles, go swimming, snorkel, look for crabs, fish, pull periwinkles of the rocks and roast them down at the beach, eating them with the thorns from box thorn bushes.
The beach is still be peaceful place. Time for another trip to a beach!
Cheers all from Dools
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Dear All~
I'm doing this for me at the moment to drive my mind away from some hassles. My mind, like many here, wants to concentrate on them to the exclusion of all else.
So I'm conjuring up in my mind memories of my peaceful scene - yes I know I've mentioned it before, but it's just an exercise for me, if you want to travel along that's fine.
I start with a cry of a gull as it is swept overhead. Did you know they sound different in Wales where I partly grew up? More plaintive and lonely. I see sheep in the distance, black heads down, tails to the wind and rain, cropping the turf between rocky outcrops.
There's plenty of turf for then to eat, patches on a mountainside leading to cliffs. All the turf is short, nibbled down.
I'm on a path near the cliffs and my eyes follow the gull, over the sea which is gray, with light grey wind-swept foam. The horizon is hidden due to squalls.
I face into the wind and rain, snug in a heavy coat except for my face. The rain stings my face and forms its own tears that run down to my neck. Not my tears. The wind is real, part of a bigger real world, it is more powerful than my troubles, reduces them in size and importance and blows them away.
Thoughts of Welsh grandparents begin.
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Dear Croix,
My thoughts of care and concern are with you. I'm sorry to read that your mind is taking you on a trip you would rather not travel. May you find comfort in knowing that I and many others care for you. May distraction help as well.
The sea has always been a comfort to me. I grew up just a short walk from a beach. I will take you on a journey from my childhood.
I walk down to the beach with its white glistening sand, there are a few seagulls on the shoreline, staring out to see. They fly away as I approach, some squawking, others silent in their flight. I stand and watch them and watch the rhythmic movement of the waves as they tumble onto the beach, I watch as the water retreats, then comes back in, leaving froth on the sand.
As I walk along the beach I look for shells and pick some up, admiring their colour, texture and wonder where they come from. I look out to sea and wonder what life is like for people who live in other places.
Along the beach front there are lots of holiday houses, vacant generally, empty buildings, windows facing a view no one is there to appr4eciate most of the year.
I like to leave the beach and walk up into the hills following the coast along the cliff tops and back down into the gullies. The rocks are sharp and are black in colour where the waves have washed over them. The water gurgles as it swirls around the rocks.
Sometimes I can see dolphins and watch them for quite a while. Now and then an eagle flies over head or a larger sea bird. The gulls have stayed near the beach.
Wandering along an old bullock track I walk through the she-oaks, the wind makes a haunting noise as it flows through the trees. Now and then I can see and hear wallabies hopping through the undergrowth.
I walk to the top of the hill and look back over the coast, to the beach below and the town in which I live. Tall grass surrounds me and I swish my hands through it as it dances in the breeze.
Crows are watching me as they sit perched in the gum trees surrounding the clearing.
It is time to return to the sea and to the sounds of the waves.
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Dear Croix,
I really hope that the hassles that are invading your mind and energy will dissipate and you can find your calm again.
I am remembering a quiet, cool cave in the mountains, moss on the walls, clear, cool water dripping from the green soft furriness.
The small boy who is with me, around 7 years old, rests on his haunches and gazes, with huge blue eyes, up at the roof and walls that have been standing, coolly, for millennia.
He says, "this is a special place, isn't it?"
I look at him with overwhelming love and nod, tears welling.
Wishing you calm Croix.
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Here is a happy memory. At one stage I assisted the elderly in their homes. One dear lady whom I will call Alice suffered from depression now and then.
Usually I was able to make her laugh and we had a lovely time together. She had a smile that lit up her whole face and it was such a joy to hear her laugh.
One day she was not doing so good at all. She was trying to bake her family goodies for Christmas. I offered to help. As I was pouring the icing sugar into the electric mixing bowl, I accidently turned her machine on to flat out! I was soon enveloped in a cloud of white!
We both laughed so hard we had to sit down! My black pants and dark coloured top were covered in white!
Cooking was a lot of fun that day!
Cheers all from Dools
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Oh Birdy...I loved that.
and Croix, I am sorry I've just read that you haven't been in a very good place lately....I wish i could say something to ease your mind - your memories of the gulls, the sheep etc were so beautifully written down..I could easily visualise the scene in my mind.
Dools I envy you, your funny, happy, laughing memories. I honestly can't bring any to mind so readily. I wonder why? I think it's because they are "Memories" that writing down certain happy events would give me no great pleasure, describing them in detail etc..it would be well written and descriptive...but end up making me sad, not happy....no matter how happy the actual memory was!!!
Bit of a mystery aren't I...or do others feel like this? perhaps Geoff can relate to me...I believe he understands what I mean....anyway...happy Wednesday everyone!!