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Store Your Happy Memories Here:

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear All~

What this place is for:
This thread is a tool, a resource, and also I guess a dash of entertainment.

I’ve found that when life is grim that sometimes thoughts of past happiness can create a chink of light in the grey overwhelming press of down. They can help occupy the mind with lighter reflections.

With that in view I invite people to set down a brief passage describing some happy event they look back to with fondness and peace.

They - and others too - can then return to it when they feel the need to glean a little warmth.

It is not a place for gloomy or dire tales, those can go elsewhere.

What to do:
Just set out, as simply as you like, your recollection of some past experience that means something good to you, something you enjoyed, something from safe times.

It can be, like my story below, anything – from an account of visiting grandparents to simply cooking and eating a melted-cheese sandwich in a favorite kitchen – you get to choose.

How to do it:
Write. Write enough so someone else can feel the mood, know what happened, find the goodness. (stop at 2,500 characters please!)

Grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation are not compulsory, just write as you can – the only important thing is the content - not literary merit. Short or long - it does not matter.

I hope you enjoy, contribute and find a little distraction here when you need it.


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Community Member

Today I got to hold my grandson first time in 4 months - he is almost 2 and as he lives in another state , I don't see him that often.

Each moment is precious and for now memories are all I have

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear SL~

Thank you for that, it's a moment many of us can share. One thing too, we can look forward to a lifetime of development as our grandchild grows.

Croix (who tries to look sympathetic - but fails utterly - when his son complains about the hardships of being a parent)

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Everyone,

My happy memory is of one day when my niece came to play when she was aged about 4.

The lounge room floor was literally covered in toys and books. There was not one place you could put your foot down on carpet. My husband was horrified! I was so extremely thankful my niece liked it at our home.

Being an Aunt, Uncle or Grand parent is a wonderful privilege and can provide great joy and happiness to one's soul.

Growing up, I had a few people old enough to be my Grand parents who were so very important and loving to me.

Today I thank Josie and Freda for all the wonderfully happy memories they helped to create in my life.

Some years ago now , I was released from hospital- my first psych admission , about a week before Christmas.

It had always fallen to me to host the family lunch - my psych advised against it but I went ahead anyway .

My heart wasn't in it though because my daughter was overseas and it would be the first time she missed Christmas.!

I remember I was methodically setting the table, checking the turkey and then I turned and there she was.

My hubby and son and secretly arranged for her to fly home. I balled my eyes out - I nearly hugged her to death- I was scared if I let go she would disappear.

The joy in my heart that day was off the charts , and I've only just thought of it again now .


We are not a strongly religious family but attend a service Christmas Eve etc. I remember when my brother and I got picked to do a special job for the priest and i tripped up the step while holding the wine and my brother was in a fit of laughter trying to contain himself amongst all these people who rightly so take their religion seriously

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Stressless~

I'm glad and grateful you were able to put that post here. On the one level it reminds me of the joys in family, in those you love caring and about being together - plus the many Christmases I've had in their company.

The other thing is that your memory came to the surface, rather than remaining buried and unknown. I think it has to be a sign you are winning your fight


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Jackson~

Thank you for that cheeky memory, I'm sure Christmas Eve was never the same for whatever poor priest you 'helped'. come to think of it most of your memories are pretty cheeky, you must have been a right pair of scamps.

I remember I had to hand out prayer and hymn books at my father's churches and was not always prepared to do it in the prescribed manner. One Harvest Festival I decided that if I was going to be uncomfortable on a hard wooden pew everyone else should be in the same situation and 'mislaid' all the padded cushions.

I think most would have found the sermon longer than usual on that occasion for some reason


Stressless' story of Christmas reminded me of Christmas when I was young.

My dad used to make everyone a cup of tea and bring it up to us in bed. He used to put a dollop of whisky in it and he considered it a treat. Not for the world would I let on I hated it because it was such a privilege to be waited on this way.

We always had bacon and eggs for breakfast, remember this is in England. Then mom would put the turkey on to roast and when the washing up was done we settled down to opening presents. It took ages because we only opened one present at a time. Someone would choose a gift, read out who it was for and who from and hand it over. We all watched to see what was in the parcel with oohs and ahs. Then that person chose the next gift and gave it out. That way we all got to see what everyone had been given and we treasured those gifts.

Two parents and five siblings meant many presents, plus the gifts we had from grandparents and aunts and uncles. We stopped about half way and had tea and warm mince pies before going back to present opening. Of course we played all the games that were amongst the gifts but if we got too noisy dad would banish us to the dining room. First he would get a shovel of hot coals from the living room fire and make a new fire in the dining room. So we had a warm house and lots of pleasure and enjoyment.

I had forgotten this. Thanks Stressless for reminding me.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

The relief of seeing a community mental care worker that really cared who helped me shed the mental baggage I was carrying and didnt even know.....chronic anxiety.....agoraphobia...

He did make me promise I would be there weekly for a minimum of six months....I did keep that promise

Its a very happy memory for me as he taught me that I have to cry in order for recovery to occur

I dont know where he is now but he gave me my life back.

He also made me understand that our therapist is not meant to be our best friend

He was a humble psychiatric nurse. One of the best therapists I have had


Oh Mary

That reminds me of so many movies I've seen - Little Women comes to mind - did it snow?

Ive always wanted to have just one white Christmas- we always do the roast turkey even in 38 deg 😡
