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Hi All,
In the past there may have been threads on sleep and how to improve our quality of sleep.
I am starting this thread up and hope to include past thread titles.
For some of us sleep is a real issue, the more we can learn about it the better informed we will be.
Funny stories on weird places you have fallen asleep are welcome as well.
For me, I had just moved house and was very busy getting everything organised. Friends invited me to the drag races. I was so tired and exhausted that I sat down, leant against the fence right near the starting line and fell asleep for most of the evening.
Hope to read some of your stories and tips.
Cheerio for now, from Mrs. Dools
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Hi Sueetties,
Thanks for sharing what you have tried. Yes, every person does react differently, so what might work well for one person will not work as effectively for someone else.
I don't know about Leah's bladder problem, but mine has been since I was born and seems to be getting worse. I am seeing a Dr about a possible operation to correct the issue.
I've tried not drinking anything after 3.00 p.m. In this hot weather that is not a wise move though! Doesn't make any difference.
Back to sleeping, sometimes we have to try different techniques before we find something that works.
You could also Google "Sleep Hygiene" and see if you come across anything that is helpful.
Happy Dreams! Cheers from Dools
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I struggle to sleep enough.I've been prescribed sleeping tablets & I've been told to take them 2xa week rather than struggling too many days without sleep. More than this reduces its effectiveness.
I can understand your reaction Dools to the gynea appointment. My aunt had a similar reaction when sent to a fertility clinic only to find herself surrounded by pregnant women coming in for an abortion. Sometimes doctors need to be a bit more sensitive & avoid putting people into situations likely to trigger strong negative emotions.
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Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for sharing your story about your Aunt, how horrible for her.
I am trying to not feel stressed about my appointment on Friday, as I know it could well cause me to be anxious and sleep less. One negative thought turns into another and accumulates.
I have a book to read on the table ready to take along with me for the appointment.
Reading can certainly help you relax and fall asleep also, just so long as it is not a really intriguing book that makes you want to keep on reading until the end! I have a couple of "boring" books I read if I want to go to sleep! Ha. Ha.
My Dr gave me some sleeping pills as well and suggested I take them infrequently like you mentioned. Sometimes they work well.
Cheers all from Dools
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Mrs Dools,
i have had problems since birth and I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis in my 40s.
i was sent to a series of male urologists who told me pain and problems was in my head . I found a urologist recommended by the local wee nurse and I was diagnosed but it just means I have to put up with some pain and a low capacity bladder tha does not hold much.
I tried all the no alcohol, no drinking liquids after midday , after 4 pm but makes no differences.
i could write pages on all things I have tried and didn’t work to help with my lack of sleep.
I have had exploratory surgery on bladder, balloons inserted etc, but nothing helped so I am resigned to getting up a lot.
What I need now is a way to get back to sleep straight away instead of lying awake thing of all the mistakes I have made in my life,,
I hope your appointment goes well.
I am sorry for maybe taking this thread off track .
Any hints for getting back to sleep after waking up , would be appreciated.
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Hey Quirky,
You haven't taken the thread off track, it is to do with SLEEP, a lousy bladder does not allow for decent sleep! Like you wrote, answering the call of nature means you have to get up and the mind starts to tick over.
When you notice your mind is going down a path you don't want to entertain, can you tell yourself that enough is enough.
Some nights when I can't sleep, I think of the places I have been during my life that I have enjoyed, or maybe concentrate on different types of flowers, or the counting back form 1000 in 3s puts some people to sleep.
I might think of nice things I can do over the following weeks. It can take some effort to redirect those thoughts!
Regarding my appointment! Last time I saw the Dr she said I could have an operation to fix the issue. This time she said I couldn't! I also asked her why I was seeing a gynaecologist instead of a urologist and she said it was because I was female.
Apparently I can see a urologist in a private clinic if I am willing to pay for it. If I was a man I could see a urologist through the hospital!
Anyway, back to SLEEP. I will be trying hard tonight to not be thinking about this as I am trying to sleep. I will get my journal out later and write my frustrations down so they are out of my head. It is not like the hospital is around the corner from us!
Cheers from Dools
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Hi Mary Siena
I understand what you mentioned above and yes its an awful place to be in....If you wish to elaborate on what you are going through we can provide better quality support
my kind thoughts
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Hi Mary Siena and Paul,
I seem to be following you both around on the forum! Greetings to you both.
Mary Sienna have you had trouble sleeping for a while or is it something new to you?
Have you looked up "Sleep Hygiene" on the internet? Some of the articles have some interesting suggestions.
When my mind is ticking over at night I try some different strategies so I am not thinking about "Stuff" I will try counting back for 200 in 3s, think of countries of the world starting with each letter of the alphabet, or think about places I would like to go for a holiday or even for a walk and allow my mind to drift to somewhere pleasant and relaxing.
Sleeping medication works for me one night but has little effect other times.
Hopefully you can find other ways to switch your mind off so you can relax and sleep.
All the best from Dools
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Hi everyone
Back in 1987 when I had my first panic attack - and falsely diagnosed with heart attack which I believed for 3 months! my therapist at the time taught me "muscle tensioning exercises"
The technique if done correctly is amazing in how I can then fall asleep and have a sound sleep.
With quietness around you before sleep, lie in bed and listen to any sounds around you to familiarize these so you are not distracted during the exercise.
Start with your toes, hold them by tensioning them down for 10 seconds, then feet and so on right up to and including your face/head. This process should take you about 15 minutes. Then once finished tension up all of your muscles for 20 seconds. Then release.
By this time your heart rate would have dropped significantly. In fact sometimes I'm completely numb which is the most relaxing moments.
I'm still doing this 32 years later.
I also discovered I have mild sleep apnea and use a breathing machine CPAP which stops me feeling tired in the afternoon.