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Just wanted to share one way I have dealt with my anxiety - running. I had a rotten day at work yesterday with my nemesis being her normal self. Anyhow, rather than letting her ruin my evening, I went and did what I often to - I went for a run. Put on the headphones and got out onto our local cycling paths along the river and ran. 14km later I felt much better.
Running has become a huge part of my life. I decided at 41 to take up running to help manage my anxiety -decided that I would do a marathon (42km). I am now 48 years old and I am signed up to do marathon number 23 in 2 weeks time. Running is one thing that I use to manage myself and it has the added benefit of helping tire me out and helps me to get a good nights sleep. Often I look at what my anxiety has cost me, but it got me running and I have gained a lot from that - physical fitness, friendships, sense of achievement. It has also enabled me to see some pretty beautiful parts of Victoria that I would not have taken the time to see.
Just wanted to share this because it is something that has helped me so much and I would like to inspire people to get out there and give it a go.
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Hi Neil
Wow, a 6 hour event. I am impressed. It amazes me what the body (and mind) can do. I know what you mean about the endorphins and adrenalin. I have done a 50km running event, with the first 30 being on an undulating course and the next 20km up a mountain. The first year I did it, I stood on the road at about the 40 km mark and cried (and felt much better for the emotional outburst). Is it injury that has stopped you from the cross country runs?
I have loved the gym since I started. I do classes not actual gym workouts. I guess that it is my kind of thing. When the kids were little, it got me out of the house and could have social contact on my terms. As you said, I could stay back and have a coffee, or just do a class and get out of there. I still find it that way. A lot of the activities I like to do solitary kinds of activities (running, riding, gym, jigsaw puzzles) and have used the gym to have 'me' time. For the most part, I can be around people and get the social contact I need, without it imposing on me too much. As I have said, I can imagine how it must be for you at the moment. Does your gym have a pool? After I get the feet done, I will be able to swim. I must admit, it is not my favourite thins to do, but it will at least allow me to do some form of exercise.
I laughed about the bike. You should do something about the back wheel. Believe me, it is much easier to ride when both wheels go around. This could be a first step towards your ironman goal.
I have 3 children who are now aged 17, 18 and 19. When the first one got their driver's licence, I realised that I was going to be without a car, so I bought myself a bike cos we live 10km out of town. The bike was just meant to be a means of getting into and out of town. I now do quite a bit of bike riding for 'leisure'. I have now done 2 organised rides that were 100km and 80km in length. I don't get the same sense of satisfaction as running but it is much kinder on my body. I guess I am to the point of having to modify what I do so that I minimise injury.
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Hi Kezza
Sorry I've been away for a while.
I read your part where you became emotional and cried at the 40km mark - wow, that took me back to my first 6 hour event. It was almost a year after I lost my Dad. And I got to the marathon mark in the event and did exactly what you did. Here I was on a 400m running track (oh, did I tell you that the 6 hour event was held on a 400m running track) - so there were competitors kind of scattered all over the place; and for going that long, you get to know people (kind of) and I had all these people coming to me and helping me out. I was a mess and wowee, when you're competing and you cry - it really takes it out of you. Just thought I'd share that with you.
Nope, no pool at my gym, but there is one next door.
With each day going by, I feel I'm getting closer to making that step to get back to the gym. Not quite there yet. I even got down and did some pushups on the weekend; just 3 lots of 10; and wow, I felt it the next day; something so minimal, but after having done nothing for 4 months and counting, even the little things will hurt the following days. But you've gotta start somewhere, hey??
10km out of town - ahh, so you're on a piece of land (property of some sort?) I grew up on a small property that was about the same distance out of town
And I get exactly what you're meaning with bike riding being that bit more gentler and kinder on the body than running. No longer can we just get out there and do what we used too. It's now a time for exercising smarter and not harder.
ps: I've changed the photo - to be one of mumma bear and baby bear - one of the truly magnificent sites we saw on our recent Canadian holiday.
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Hi Neil
I was really pleased to hear from you. I love your bear photo. Where in Canada did you visit? I lived in Canada for a year (many many years ago) in Edmonton, ALberta and we often popped over to the Rockies. While I was in Canada, all I wanted to see was a bear. Three quarters into the year and still no bear. Was lucky enough to see a black bear in the last part of the year on a roadside - I very stupidly jumped out of the car and got within about 10 metres of it to take a photo. To see a mum and her cub would have been amazing.
Yes, we are on an acre with the cat, dogs, pet mice, fish, chooks and free range guinea pigs.
Good on you for starting with the push ups. I have hit a bit of a rough patch and have not gone running in the morning for a week now. I know that I should but am a bit over people at the moment.
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Hi Kezza
Back to front answer here. ie: I'll work from the bottom of your post to the top (and yes, I know that could be misconstrued, but hey, we're all adults here ... hey?) 🙂
Over people at the moment - um, shouldn't that be even more of a reason to get out for a run?? Rough patches are awful and yes, when you're in one it does make it tough to do anything - but hey, Kezza, the weekend is just about on us. What do you reckon about lacing up the runners and going out at least ONCE this weekend - doesn't have to be a biggie - just to get out again and blow the cob-webs out of the system.
Ummmmmmm, did I tell you why I hadn't been to the gym since April. Due to injury of a bad right shoulder. Had ultra sound on it in May and showed up nothing. So thought I'd just give it some time to heal. Well, it's been good for a while now, so yes, I did some pushups last weekend. Then earlier this week, I did some dumb bell curls and some tricep work as well. All at home.
Then as yesterday went further and further into the day; my damn mongrel shoulder is aching again. Today it's bad and it's got me super down. I mean, I barely did anything and it's triggered something within. I think I need some deeper and more intense kind of technology to find out what's exactly wrong with it - perhaps a MRI. Anyway, that hasn't got me in the best of moods. That bike is looking better and better - if only the wheel would go around.
Quick precis for Canada. We visited: Calgary, Edmonton, Jasper, Banff, Kelowna and Vancouver - from Vancouver, we hopped a cruise ship for 7 days up to Alaska and back. Wow, yes, that was the short version.
For the long version - and I mean, long - if you go to the Community Board site and scroll down just a little; I've got 4 threads there - marked in order - for our entire Canada/Alaska trip.
For those bears, we actually got extremely close to them not long after that photo was taken - you see they were right down near a lake walking along in the photo. But not long afterwards, mumma decided to climb up the hill up to the road. With cubby following - they crossed the road near us and continued on up into forest. Boy oh boy, that cub was cute. 🙂
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Haha - put you and I together and you'd have a complete athlete. The shoulder sounds like a real nuisance. I would be trying to get it checked out further. You know your body best and know when things are not right. Rest doesn't seem to be working for you. I know with my foot, it took 2 GPs and 3 podiatrists and 12 months to actually find out what was going on.
I know I should practice what I preach. Sometimes I just need to hide for the world for a little while. I didn't lace up those sneakers yesterday, but did got out on the bike and did a 35 km ride with a couple of the guys. I enjoy the bike riding. You can go out by yourself or with a group. You would be proud, I have just joined an all female riding group. Won't be able to ride with them for some time with the operation happening Tuesday but I am in contact with them.
In life, I just get to the point when I get fed up with people treating other people like dirt. The control, manipulation and the way people will walk all over other people to get what they want. Boss is being nice to me now but it looks as though my best mate at work is not having his contract renewed even though he has done a fantastic job. I just don't get it.
My reason for not running is a bit complicated. It was the local running club's running festival last weekend and I cracked them (a bit).
Your trip would have been fantastic. Alaska, the Grand Canyon and running the Great Wall are all on my bucket list. Where else would you like to go?
I have got my act together in the last few days - how about you see about getting this back wheel seen to. You might find that you really enjoy riding (and there are so many events you can do out there).
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Hi Kezza
And you know what – when we struggle with just surviving and living from day to day – the “effort” that is needed to go and get something checked out can be an enormous climb. For instance, what I’m needing to do is:
go to my GP so I can get a referral to my sport doc;
make appointment for sports doc (and usually a wait list to get in) – then have that appointment;
again a referral would be needed to seek out appropriate technological testing (eg: MRI or whatever else might be needed); go along & have that done;
then back to Sports Doc to obtain the findings of that procedure.
Ok, so it’s four things – and each one is also fairly costly – especially parts 2, 3 and 4.
Wow, I shouldn’t have listed that out – even though it’s four things, it still is quite daunting.
Way to go Kezza on the 35km bike ride – that’s awesome. And also fantastic news on the signing up for the cycling club.
Wow, that operation has come up real fast – just one sleep to go. I’m guessing it’ll be either a day procedure or an overnight stay, yeah?? Have they given you any indication for how long recovery will be ??
Work instances can suck big time – how long will you be having off work with your upcoming op??
Hey, with regard to your best mate – I hope that at the very least he’ll get a quality reference for what he’s done.
I’d like to visit to different parts of America. I’ve a mate who’s massively in love with Brazil – and reckons I should go there. Now THAT would be daunting with the number of people, etc.
But with regard to other places – am pretty cruisey. I’ve been and done a Kontiki tour of Europe back in the day – something like 13 countries in 16 days. But when you consider Vatican City and Liechtenstein countries, those were just ‘blink and you miss it’ kinds of things. Said massively with tongue in cheek. 🙂
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Hi Neil
Operation is tomorrow and I am looking forward to getting it over and done with. It is only a day procedure but I have to travel to Melbourne, so it will be a long day. I am off work for 2 weeks and then for the 2 weeks of school holidays. I am then due to return to work but am required to be on light duties but boss is not supportive of that. So am going to go back for one day and then will see how I am going - if it is too much for me then I will take the next 2 weeks off as recommended by my doctor. I really need to go back on the first day of term so that my holidays are not converted to sick leave. Apparently if you take the last day of one term off and the first day of the following term off as sick leave, the department counts the holidays as sick leave not holidays. Seems silly to me but I will play the game and at least turn up for the first day of term. I am looking forward to some time off (and am looking forward to Dexter - have the whole boxed set)
I understand what you mean about the day to day struggle and how things can quickly become complicated (and yes, specialists know how to charge). You know yourself best and what is best for you and while it is important to push yourself, it is also important not to push too far. That's often what gets me into trouble, I keep taking on more and more and more until I can't cope any more - too much saying yes to people and not enough setting limits.
Brazil would be interesting. My brother, who lives in Lethbridge in Canada, has spent quite a bit of time in South America and had some pretty amazing experiences from visiting Machu Picchu in Peru, to having his photo taken with a live grenade and having a job guarding turtle eggs on the beaches from poachers. While I would like to travel to my bucket list places, I find the whole idea of overseas travel very daunting. I found my recent trip to Sydney stressful enough, with organising flights, accommodation, travel etc etc. and a friend organised most of it. You did so well to do such an amazing trip.
Have you thought about working on the bike yourself? Are you interested in that kind of thing? A friend of mine has his own little workshop at home and does all the work on his bike. He buys his bike parts online. Google might help with bike repair info. I used you tube when I had to pump up my tyres for the first time and couldn't remember how to use the French valves. Husband thought it was hilarious.
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Oh blimey – french valves! See this is another thing that is daunting for me with a bike – what happens if I get a puncture? As for fixing the wheel myself, as I’ve said to my partner so many times: “The most handy thing about me, is that I live in the same house”. That’s where my handy-ness begins and ends – I feel so ashamed as I did grow up on a farm (and loved it). I used to love to watch my dad and brothers work – I could watch them all day. 🙂
The box set of Dexter – way to go. I can’t wait to begin to hear your thoughts on it all. I promised my daughter when we were overseas that we would watch it all when we got back – and she LOVED it. And wow, it was so awesome to sit and watch it – watch it with someone – I reckon it was even more enjoyable. The deal with that was Dexter for her; and her favourite show is Supernatural. So one of my Father’s Day prezzies on Sunday was Season 1 of Supernatural – clever girl. Anyway, have begun watching that, and it’s started out pretty cool.
What a bugga with the work conditions – but so good to know beforehand, so you don’t get caught out with that kind of thing.
And yes, I’m hearing you about stresses with travel – fortunately my partner is the key with organising of everything, so that side of things there was little for me to worry about, which was fantastic.
Anyway, I hope that when you read this, your op was a huge success and that you’re not in too much ‘after surgery pain’. Look forward to hearing from you.
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Hi Kezza
I've just got to say that your story is really inspiring to me, as I too have a love for running and have found it's been a huge help to me in managing with depression and anxiety. Hearing the way you built up to your marathon goal from starting with a 10k sounds very similar to my own plans at the moment.
Unfortunately, in spite of my love for running, I've never made it past the 14km mark. For the past five years I've tried to build up my running from nothing to that marathon dream (actually, I'd really love to run an ultra instead!). But alas, life and these illness have often cut me down and I've found myself having to start from scratch all over again, trying not to judge when I find myself incapable of running for 10 minutes straight.
Starting from scratch is hard, but your story is great inspiration that its achievable!
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Hi Neil
i wrote quite a long reply last night but it wouldn't post from iPad. Either that or my bedroom is too far away from wireless router. Have been able to send short posts.
Op went well and am in bed with feet up. Basically not allowed to stand up. Can't start my Dexter marathon until I can move to lounge room. Think my daughter has the Supernatural set too. She spends a lot of time and money at JB HiFi. Sounds like you and your daughter have similar tastes in TV shows. She is at a great age. Mine are all growing up and moving out.