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Sophie_M Money stress? You are not alone!
  • replies: 4

So, I’ve been chatting with my friends over here at Beyond Blue and it seems we all have something in common right now: money worries. Whether it’s stressors about finding enough cash for the basics or wishing we had enough money for a holiday, we al... View more

So, I’ve been chatting with my friends over here at Beyond Blue and it seems we all have something in common right now: money worries. Whether it’s stressors about finding enough cash for the basics or wishing we had enough money for a holiday, we all seem to be experiencing a greater amount of stress surrounding money than we have in the past. And it’s impacting our ability to show up fully for the things we love. It’s not uncommon for us to experience shame and fear around expressing our financial challenges; it can be hard and somewhat taboo to openly discuss money matters. However, we believe this conversation is incredibly important and beneficial to have. Like all challenges, ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’, so let’s help each other out. Of course, discussions about the economy and how to manage our money during inflation are a much larger (and frustrating!) conversation… but what we would really love to know is what your personal experience around money is. Are you feeling the pinch too? How is added financial pressure impacting your wellbeing? When was the last time things felt even slightly easier? And if you have struggled with money in the past but come out the other side, what suggestions do you have for others who might still be finding their feet? This is an opportunity to share openly and honestly about your experience in a judgement-free space. There are no wrong answers, and we encourage you to share all the things that you might be finding hard to express in your every day life. If you're interested - Beyond Blue also have a 'money and mental health' quiz to gauge a sense of how finances may be impacting your mental health and what to do next. Looking forward to your answers! Abundant hugs from yours truly, Sophie M.

Just Sara A Bouquet for Pearls - share your appreciation for other members
  • replies: 715

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful word... View more

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful words. I hope this thread stays active through members giving out praise regularly to people they feel deserving, and therefore keep generosity of spirit alive within the pages of BeyondBlue Forum. My bunch of Red Roses (my choice) goes to Wishful for the following sentence; 'Personally, I see no reason to be praised in me, but I'm learning that seeing through the eyes of others can be more accurate!!' I so hear you Wishful. Just beautiful... Try to keep your leading comments short to focus on 'their' words. Choose specific flowers (or a gift if you like) to present to them. Sign off respectfully and sincerely. I hope this takes off... Spreading the love...Sara

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creativesoul A bit of inspiration when you are feeling down😀
  • replies: 6

So I am a bit of a wordsmith, lol. Sometimes it can really help to be reminded gently of simple truths. Feel free to print this as a reminder if it helps you. Have you ever felt lost, so completely alone? Has your life become tangled, with 'weeds', o... View more

So I am a bit of a wordsmith, lol. Sometimes it can really help to be reminded gently of simple truths. Feel free to print this as a reminder if it helps you. Have you ever felt lost, so completely alone? Has your life become tangled, with 'weeds', overgrown? Do the things you found fun once not inspire anymore? Do you sit there for hours, wondering 'What is the score?'... Consider this for a moment wasn't always this way, and what seems hard right now, will in time, fade away... Life's a series of problems that will always need solving it just goes on and on like a door that's revolving When you're down you can't see the way out, so you stew and your thoughts turn so inward, keep you fixed there, becomes glue and the more that struggle the more the bonds tighten and before long you find you're in trouble and you feel very frightened Yet it's just an illusion, made up in your mind oh I know it feels real and it's scary, unkind... but don't you be fooled in your moments of weakness this is NOT you my friend you can rise from this sadness Take one very small step in what you KNOW to be true then another, and another for that is the REAL YOU You were string once, know this and you will be again you have to change your perspective and see yourself as a friend it's not easy, I know but do this you must you do this you will slowly gain trust All it takes is a small shift to again feel your power then keep on moving forward and never let your thoughts sour keep on moving on upward a tiny bit every day you can do this, you know it you've just got to be brave Cast aside any doubts for they are what hold you back just refocus again and you'll be back on track! Best, Grant

white knight Best attitude for recovery
  • replies: 2

There is a quote from the bible (I'm not religious.) "Forgive them for they not know what they do" And that quote is so important for your recovery because it frames others, those that can harm you, into a mental pigeon hole where you can more easily... View more

There is a quote from the bible (I'm not religious.) "Forgive them for they not know what they do" And that quote is so important for your recovery because it frames others, those that can harm you, into a mental pigeon hole where you can more easily deal with them. We are talking about your recovery here. A large percentage of the public don't know much about mental illness or think they know but don't. Not to mention you have a unique personal issue that these "experts" generalise. If all depressed people were the same psychiatrists would join the dole queue after a master recovery manual was printed. Its well documented in these forum pages one of my suggestions for recovery is to keep toxic people at bay. But...there is a big difference in how you view these people from your own perspective. "What is the best perspective we can have that aids our recovery? Blame is not the best. Blame means its their fault. How can the majority of the population be at fault over them not being able to have sufficient vision to understand an illness of the mind, an invisible injury? You do not want to spend your thoughts of your life on blaming so many people. Acceptance is best. This way we can indeed judge the naive, the uneducated, the conteptable, the judgemental, the inflictor of harm (maybe) as being an inferior being. This manner is akin to justifiably being arrogant!! On this topic only. Arrogance in this case is for your mental well being so is used as a priority but not aired. To forgive them but still not have them in your life is to create peace for yourself but to take action as well. This means there is two major actions to help you progress. Add time to that mix and peace arrives faster with far greater contentment whereas blame will linger. Forgiveness is a major release and progressor of your mind. It is also a way of being kind- a mentality of a "feel good" feeling. You can be like this AND eliminate others from your life if you decide. You'll more likely happily greet that toxic person in the street and quickly say goodbye rather than cross earlier to avoid. See the difference? Best of both worlds. Tony WK

Jack184 Music
  • replies: 2

Just something I thought might make for some interesting conversation, I'm dealing with what I think is depression at the moment. For me, music has been a big part of how I cope. It's like therapy. It might not be that way for everyone, but for those... View more

Just something I thought might make for some interesting conversation, I'm dealing with what I think is depression at the moment. For me, music has been a big part of how I cope. It's like therapy. It might not be that way for everyone, but for those who do, I was wondering what bands and/or songs you listen to. For me, I tend to listen to a lot of Imagine Dragons and a bit of Simple Plan. I can relate to a lot of it really well. Interested to hear your thoughts, Jack

  • replies: 2

Hi all, I'm having a particularly hard time at the moment and not much of a talker but I love writing and find it helps especially when shared with others. Any others with similar thoughts?

Hi all, I'm having a particularly hard time at the moment and not much of a talker but I love writing and find it helps especially when shared with others. Any others with similar thoughts?

StaticRose51 Compliments received for 2016
  • replies: 12

Hi, It's true we all have our good and bad days. I was wondering what everyone else does with the compliments they receive, do you just brush it off as feedback or do you get creative. Projects like a Happiness Jars are a great boost in our busy live... View more

Hi, It's true we all have our good and bad days. I was wondering what everyone else does with the compliments they receive, do you just brush it off as feedback or do you get creative. Projects like a Happiness Jars are a great boost in our busy lives! Any extra ideas would be appreciated Thank you ~Stacy

Guest_2350 Thank you - one year into my journey
  • replies: 3

Hi All, thank you all for your support during the last year and all the times you kept me motivated, explained things, shared your experiences, understood me or were just there for me. I keep thinking that I am still at the beginning of my journey - ... View more

Hi All, thank you all for your support during the last year and all the times you kept me motivated, explained things, shared your experiences, understood me or were just there for me. I keep thinking that I am still at the beginning of my journey - as I thought I would be cured of this in a matter of months like an injury - but I am starting to accept, that this is actually me, this is part of me and I am already a long way into my journey. I am starting to accept that - recovery will always have dips, and that some of the dips are really scary - I have a mental illness - I take medication, but they actually help me and I know how and when to take them - it is okay to ask for help when I get lost and confused - it is okay to call a helpline, my GP, my psych and share how I really feel - it is okay to feel lost and confused - it is okay to feel angry, to feel sad, to feel numb, to feel whatever I am feeling at the moment - I have to carry medication and a safety plan with me at all times - I might go to hospital one day - I measure my recovery based on my lowest and not from my previous highs My goals for the next few months, apart from following my treatment & advise from my care team are: - to meditate or do something mindful (like eating chocolate ice cream without any distraction, one of my favourites) - to move my body, with something that is light and fun - to sit in the sun or take a lunch time walk - to eat a little bit more balanced again - to listen to my body and take care of my rest There are no time goals, no targets, I just ride the waves as they come and appreciate that I have a work environment that allows me to recover, a loving husband who is always by my side and a medical team that actually cares about me and new friends online that share my journey. Thank you all. Take care, Yggy

Just Sara I'm Still Here!
  • replies: 10

Last night I wrote what was in my heart; here it is to share with you all. I grieve for the little girl I once was and my broken heart; my pain and disappointment from rejection and abandonment. Still waiting for the memories to heal and fade; acknow... View more

Last night I wrote what was in my heart; here it is to share with you all. I grieve for the little girl I once was and my broken heart; my pain and disappointment from rejection and abandonment. Still waiting for the memories to heal and fade; acknowledging her at long last, she is me. No longer lost in frozen time, pictures of days gone by. I weep the tears of a torrent; washing away the shit and filth. No more cries for help - be still now child, for I am finally here. I have challenged the system! The old ways and their familial patterns passed down from womb to womb. I grieve my broken body, broken dreams and wishes whispered in prayer. I never asked for a pony, I never asked for fame, I never asked for a path of gold; all I wanted was to be heard and believed, then held in warmth of mother's arms. Behind my blue eyes and wrinkled skin, my heart still beats with passion and spirit. Filling my veins with life; I'm still here! I am deserving of love, respect and protection - all in abundance. I give these things to myself first and foremost. I forgive my sins and recompense myself for the sins of others. I'm still here! Mind and body together at last. Life and love to all...Dizzy xx

white knight Sensitive beyond reasonable
  • replies: 15

It’s been 7 years now since I was correctly diagnosed with bipolar 2, depression, dysthymia and dwindling anxiety. For 7 years prior to that I’d taken medication for an incorrect diagnosis of bipolar 1 and ADHD. The two ongoing symptoms that remain t... View more

It’s been 7 years now since I was correctly diagnosed with bipolar 2, depression, dysthymia and dwindling anxiety. For 7 years prior to that I’d taken medication for an incorrect diagnosis of bipolar 1 and ADHD. The two ongoing symptoms that remain the most and affect me daily are- ultra sensitivity and temperamental mood. Look at me sideways at the wrong moment and the day is ruined. The thing that keeps me so positive is that all the other symptoms are being managed well, the cycle of upset emotions, paranoia, anger, manic mind of doing everything fast and unacceptable behaviour usually seen with over reaction to others. I can recall years ago if driving on a highway at the speed limit, someone passing me comfortably like 20-30 kph more would result in my flashing my lights, waving out the window etc and pity them if they stopped at a traffic light up the road!!! It took me many years to move on from my first wife’s behaviour, the pre judgemental behaviour of my friends and family. Yeh, I’ve changed and settled well but I still live on a tightrope. My anxiety was the worst in 1987 but it was present since my young age. I got treatment and have to say that there is no clear sign of anxiety now apart from adrenalin and excitement- normal levels. Being temperamental cant be easy to live with. My wife puts up with a lot but our marriage is strong. I hate myself when I upset her and want to be someone else. I'm not entirely happy within my own skin. I don't like how I react and talk without thinking. I feel that sensitivity is inground, an automatic response mechanism that is not possible to eradicate. The feeling of immediate upset when someone says the wrong thing (in my eyes) is like a chemical reaction, a tingle in my brain that almost results in immediately crying. I refrain from crying though but did all the time when young. I’m wondering if any of you feel the same or you feel your partner is similar and what you do to limit your sensitivity and moods? Tony WK

Guest_1055 Eating Well - Those Fruit and Vegetables
  • replies: 19

​​Hello I have chosen to start up this thread in hope it will help those who need or want to eat better. Personally I have issues with comfort eating, that is you turn to a certain food, because you think it will help you feel better. This food may b... View more

​​Hello I have chosen to start up this thread in hope it will help those who need or want to eat better. Personally I have issues with comfort eating, that is you turn to a certain food, because you think it will help you feel better. This food may be ice cream, biscuits, fatty take aways, sugary drinks, potato chips etc and my big one.........chocolate. If you take a real deep look, these foods actually don't help us feel better at all. I have tried removing some of these food items from my diet. But have found I can do it for a few days, then fall back into the old habits. When you are feeling depressed and unmotivated, it is a challenge to eat the foods that you know will benefit your body and mind. Because sometimes you just don't care enough about yourself. Well that is my personal experience. And if you are the one that prepares food in your household that is more of a challenge. Again that is my experience. And for those who go through episodes of anxiety, you may have no or little appetite at all. So anyway what I have been thinking about is taking baby steps to better health. One of those steps is to : Eat more vegetables and fruit So I guess this thread is for anyone really. A place to share hints, advice and encouragement regarding the consumption of vegetables and fruits. One could use this thread like a food diary to report the vegetables that they have eaten that day. Thus helping each other be accountable. Helpful books, websites, vegetable gardening tips. And even recipe ideas. But I am thinking only one step at a time. So only focus on the vegetables and fruits for now. And see how that goes. I have looked at the whole "eating healthy" big picture, and to be honest , I felt overwhelmed by it. So I figured as long as we are moving in the right direction towards better health for our body, emotions and mental health..........well that has to be good. Here we go then! Much love to all Shelley

Nicoc Routine
  • replies: 2

I guess I honed the skill of developing and maintaining a good routine whilst raising nine children, but these days I still draw upon the benefits that organisation of time and activity has to offer. The great thing about it too, is that it can be br... View more

I guess I honed the skill of developing and maintaining a good routine whilst raising nine children, but these days I still draw upon the benefits that organisation of time and activity has to offer. The great thing about it too, is that it can be broken down into time increments that make fitting everything in, look less daunting. It also helps to manage my mental illness and helps me to be as productive as possible. First thing in the morning I like to lay a mental foundation that divides everything in two by looking at what has to be done, and what I want to do. On any given day the odds can change. When I'm severely depressed, getting out of bed, getting showered and dressed, taking my medication and trying to go for a walk are top priority. When I'm manic things like meditation and slowing down enough to eat a healthy meal are my main goals. I've found over the years though that it's often hard for people to keep up with how my individual routine 'looks' and I've had to deal with comments that are derogatory and condescending. Sometimes people don't like to hear the words "no sorry I can't" because they can misunderstand why I am declining an offer or invitation, but in the end I have to take responsibility for my mental health and wellbeing. These days I try to gently explain, that like with any illness, maintaining my boundaries is paramount. How I end the day is also important and I have learnt through trial and error the great benefits of a set bedtime. For me the simple steps that break down the day means that I can limit stress, and in turn limit the consequences that can be a bi-product of my disorder. Not having little ones that demand my time and energy certainly make life a little easier, but now I've found that the onset of menopause and all it's accompanying challenges, make me draw upon a routine as much as ever.