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- Pros and cons of labelling mental illness?
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Pros and cons of labelling mental illness?
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I was thinking today how different my life might be if I hadn't ever had my anxiety and depression labelled. It's almost a burden that I can't shake, I'm not just someone who is a "bit stressed or overwhelmed", I'm the "girl with anxiety". It's almost unfair.
At age 15 I read an article on social anxiety and cried. It was a relief to know that how I was feeling was a real "thing", that people out there understood and could help. To my dismay, when I shared this with my mum, she laughed at me and told me not to be ridiculous. So it took 5 more years and a suicide attempt before I actually sought help for my anxiety and depression.
So here are some pros and cons.
Easier to communicate with professionals
Easier to find information on specific illness
Can be used as an umbrella term rather than detailing to friends and family the exact little things you are feeling
Labelling the way you feel can help to make you recogise you are not going crazy, it is the illness making you feel this way
The stigma:
Some people think it's just an excuse
Once you tell people your label you can't take it back and you'll always carry a "stain"
Some people will avoid you once you share your label
The label might not fit, or any feelings automatically get labelled by others so you feel they aren't valid, they're lumped as a problem rather than something to consider fairly
For myself, I use the label as an excuse to avoid things
I'm sure I could think of more but I'd love to hear others opinions. Especially cons that aren't just related to the stigma of mental illness.
Please share if you have any thoughts!
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Hi Gem,
thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and feelings about my post. Also, welcome to BB. I'm also fairly new here.
I'm glad you found a way to stop your label from suffocating and burdening you. It's very admirable to turn it around and start writing down positive things. I have a saying: "Look for duckies". This came from a picture of a boy standing with an umbrella in the rain, and next to him a cute little duck splashing in a puddle and the words "not every day is good, but there is something good in every day". So I look for duckies in my day, little positive things amid the not so positive things. Sometimes the day might not be good, but that can actually just be a bad day and isn't necessarily because you are depressed and everything is hopeless - it's too easy to blame everything on the label and almost give up, as you said, become suffocated.
Do you find it hard to connect to the positive feelings in your journal? I've tried keeping a gratitude journal, and maybe because it isn't habit, I find it hard to look back and believe the stuff in it, I feel almost like I was faking or lying to myself.
Thanks for your kind words, you're right that people who avoid me because of my opening up are not worth my time. I'm still awesome, we're all still amazing people, just we're struggling and trying to connect with others. There is no good reason to avoid us!
Take care
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Hi MP,
You are amazing. You took the time to reply to each of those of us that responded and you took all of that information in for your consideration. That is special. You will conquer your anxiety one day and believe me, it will be a good feeling.
You mentioned that sometimes you feel like you'd rather have a physical disability rather than a mental one. Although that's debatable I know what you are saying...in times of despair. Such a period I felt once and wrote this poem.
How can I let them know?
When the dark exceeds the glow
When the sun hides behind the clouds
Silence they hear...but I scream so loud.
Some stand beside a 6 foot hole
Shake their heads and see its toll
They ask how he could have dropped
Out of the circle -a forget me knot
Yet they seem to see clear and there is hope
When they sight a person with legs of spoke
A crippled girl pushing her chair
A man be manic- there's no one there.
"Storm in a tea cup" hurts so bad
Like the cyber crow who remains so glad
Keeps flying and in full flight
Achieves his art...in the middle of the night
For some in power see it their way
Even at the side of a 6 foot grave
Shake their head and call out "why"
"Why on earth- he didnt have to die".
So kind some be they reach out so true
Smile away "we want to meet you"
Bring along your vintage car and your smile"
But leave - what's behind your dial.
So we laugh and dine and all's ok
Leave at home come what may
If I be saddled with legs of spoke
They'd lift me around- bloody good bloke.
But as my mind hurts so bad
Cannot hide my feelings- mad?
Can no longer be bloody good bloke
Sometimes I wish.....
I had legs of spoke......
Tony WK
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Dear MP~
You certainly give an awful lot in your replies to people, you must find in them interest and hopefully some help or comfort, and an engaging thought process when writing.
With the Walrus -ah. I did think for a while before selecting it.
It is actually a detail from an illustration called Briney Beach by John Tenniel, used in Lewis Caroll's Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871).
I chose it for a lot of reasons, it's old - or old fashioned, as am I, we both have mustaches, ( I fortunately do not have the same exaggerated dentition ), We're both quite solid and we both can only exist within a restricted part of the world, one by food-stock & mating sites, the other by mental limitations.
Apart from that the Beatles' I am The Walrus is a pretty good theme tune mentioning walruses and policemen as it does. I'm rather glad you like walruses.
Now I bet all that was a lot more than you expected 🙂
Fair turn about, I always think avatars are a hint about their owners. Comment?
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A good thing in amongst it all was during the time I have spent in hospital I have gotten to meet people I otherwise would never have met. There is time there to get to know beyond any label what comes together and makes someone who they are. If you stop and walk away at the diagnosis for any one who has one you are missing out. There are the artists, the story tellers, the leaders, the listeners, the musical, and the quiet achievers.
One thing that we all talked about is if you could live again without the diagnosis, would you? Most said life might be easier, but no. I say no too. It is part of my story now and I wouldn't want to have not met them, not if my mental illness wasn't named.
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Hi again Tony WK.
Thanks for sharing your poem. It was quite sad I think. I hope you have improved since feeling that way when you wrote the poem.
I used to write poetry. But I stopped because I realised I usually only wrote depressing stuff and I was embarrased and hid it. I am not sure if I did or not, but a few weeks ago I was spring cleaning and may have thrown out my book of poems. I am sad that i did, because it is like I threw away a piece of me. Hopefully I changed my mind and kept it. I should go check 🙂
I hope you have a lovely weekend WK.
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Hi again Croix.
I immediately imagined the walrus from Alice in Wonderland, the cartoon movie, when you first mentioned it. Made me smile 🙂 Walruses definitely have moustaches.
I think your comment about the avatars is interesting. They are a hint to the people behind them, if not more than a hint. I'm sure a lot could be inferred by an avatar. Even the absence of an avatar could mean something.
Enjoy the weekend,
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Hi MP 🙂
What an inspirational and wonderful person you are to have responded to everyone!
I really hope you can be part of the Beyond Blue family. You are an asset to the forums 🙂
I still have therapy to manage depression but if I saw a new psychiatrist 'now' I am convinced that I would come out with new 'labels' that would only hinder my recovery (just my take on it of course)
Re Avatars....Not really relevant. A persons words and thoughts speak volumes.
Great to have you here MP
Have a great weekend,
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Hi MP,
You are amazing! Like the others have said,well done for replying to everyone!
I love the "looking for duckies" idea too!
When I read back through my positive journal, I really try to remember how I felt when those good things were happening. I really try hard to put myself back in that point in time and I find that really helps me because I remember that those feelings weren't faked, they were real once and they can be real again even during darker times.
I have another journal which I no longer use and it is full of my thoughts during the darker points in my life, I do not reread that one but I don't throw it away either. It's kind of like a physical reminder of what I've overcome.
You will find your own way of pushing your anxiety into the background, whether that's through professional help or just trying something totally random. Just find whatever works for you : )
You can do this.
Have a great day.

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