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- Nature is both beautiful and healing...🌲🌸🦋
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Nature is both beautiful and healing...🌲🌸🦋
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Hello Everyone....
I love nature and I find it very helpful in helping me in healing way..when I’m not in a good head space...I was wondering if others feel the same and am hoping that you might share your piece of nature, whether it’s a small patch of grass in your back yard..somewhere that you drive to, to just relax, somewhere close to you that you walk amongst...and if you have really taken the time to listen, watch, feel, smell, the wonders all around us..
I love nature..the trees, flowers, creatures both big and small, it’s my solitude place, a place I go to when things are getting to hard for me..
I am lucky, I have this huge gumtree which I found out about recently...
It was planted around 70 years ago by a local here when she was a little girl, and living in the house I’m now living in...About 5 years after she planted it, a strong wind with rain blew it down....A few of the locals saw her trying to stand it up to replant it...and they came to help her...and successfully managed to replant it....Today it’s easily over 60feet tall and just as wide, the trunk of the tree would need 4 people to hug it by joining hands..
The tree stands in front of my place and in front of the paddocks across from me..which the owner has some Angus cows, which love to lay under the tree....Birds are everywhere here, and a few use the tree as their home..
I sit outside for hours sometimes, watching the birds come and go for food and water I have supplied for them in bird feeders and bird baths....It’s a beautiful and peaceful way to relax watching and feeling what Mother Nature has provided for us...
For me it’s both calming and healing...
Do you have a piece of nature around you...and how does it make you feel when you take the time to just look and take in the wonder of it all....
We would love to hear about how nature helps you...and do you find that it can be healing for your soul...
Kind and caring thoughts everyone..
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Hello Everyone...
I love all your stories about nature..
Elizabeth, I am pleased that you tried some mindfulness while you were in the park...
Today..while I was sitting outside. Looking at the gum tree..I must have connected somehow with it because for a minute or so I felt such a deep peace inside my soul...that it felt really weird but beautiful as well....I have felt that way before a couple of times, while sitting outside, but this time it was different..I had no thoughts, absolutely nothing going through my mind..it was like someone took my brain out of my head for a minute or so...That’s they only way I know how to describe the feeling I had....
The birds were out playing, enjoying themselves, jumping from tree branch to tree branch..interacting with each other as if they were thinking about what the were doing...That made me think about the koalas, kangaroos, wombats and other wild animals that reached out for help with humans during the bush fires..These are animals that are afraid of us..yet in their time of need lost that fear to reach out for help...To me I believe that any creature in this universe..be it an ant or eagle, bear or human...every living thing...all have intelligence and souls....Do you think the same..about the creatures of this universe...
Autumn..is a very beautiful time of year with the leaves turning different colour, and falling of the trees...When I was small I used to collect the different shapes and coloured leaves in Autumn..then stick them between clear contact..making book marks and place mats., also done it with flowers...Something nice that children can make for presents...
I hope everyone has a beautiful peaceful and calming day today...and manages to find even 5 minutes to enjoy being outside..
My kind thoughts..
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Hi Grandy
I loved your post.
As I was reading it, I was overwhelmed by a memory ....
Grew up on a large block of land with many trees—maple, birch, willow, catalpa and pine. It fell as a “chore” to my sister and I to rake the leaves every autumn when we were young children.
My goodness, did we have fun. We’d rake huge piles of leaves and pretend they were igloos or forts. The leaves would eventually sprawl across the yard.
Then we’d rake them again only to jump through them. And then rake them again to play some more. Even our dogs joined in the fun.
And the whole time Mum would be calling from the kitchen window telling us to bag them up. The more she scolded, the more we played!
Mum’s been gone a little over a year now. I miss her so. It was so nice the way your post jogged this long forgotten happy memory. Thank you.
Kind thoughts to you
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Hello Everyone....🤗..
Thank you everyone for your beautiful posts about nature..
Feeling down for the past week or so, I decided I needed to get out and away from my home...so I decided a little ride today might help lift me a bit..,
I started driving to a beautiful spot on the main road to town, only 5 minutes from my home...where their is enough room to park safely on the side of the road....it’s actually a school bus stop.....This spot is on a hill that overlooks a beautiful valley, with mountain that are close enough to see the valleys, trees, animal life and some canola fields that sit at the bottom of a mountain..that are in flower....so pretty with the bright yellow flowers, the dark greenness of the paddock grasses..The different colours of browns, white, cream and black of the tree stumps..and hundreds of sheep grazing around the man made dam...
I felt peaceful just sitting their looking out at all the nature around me....a few kangaroos came into view..
After around half an hour, I decided to head back home....on my way home, turning off the main road to town..I turned to look at the cows that live in a property their....Stopping the car.I watched the cows and little calves...
A lot of cows were laying under the huge gum trees..calves were jumping around having fun....Then I spotted this big cow, just standing in the water of the dam that is not far from the roadway....just standing their not moving...and staring at me....Then one cow “mooed” and they all started...The small calf that was running and jumping lost its balance and ended up tumbling into the dam water...and ended up soaking wet and scrambled out of the water, slipping a few times....and then started jumping and kicking it back legs up, mooing constantly.....Some other cows came to its rescue while the cow in the water...well it stayed glued to the middle of the dam...oblivious to what was happening around him....
I got home from my little ride, feeling much better then when I left for it...
Nature and its creatures sure are beautiful...and definitely healing..
Kind thoughts, beautiful people..
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Dear Grandy, thankyou for reminding us about the soothing effects of nature xxxx.
Sorry to hear you've been feeling a little low lately. Hugs.
Have you noticed the moon and the skies lately?
The moon has been so crisp, bright and clear, so beautiful.
Some times I'm awake before dawn, some days no lol. But the pretty colours in the sky just as the sun begins peeping over the mountain at dawn is a precious sight.
Also at dusk, tonight there's a calm blue sky at dusk.
The other day my son and I moved a couple of steel beams and the second one exposed a big fat Blue Tongued Lizard. He just sat there lol. Staring at my son. He didn't move, not even when my son walked past him.
I'm sure the lizard was shocked as those beams have been there for many years. There are lots of hidey holes in my garden, hope he finds a nice new home 🙂
Now my chickens are locked up in their Chook Palace, there are tons more spiders around.
Because there are more spiders, there are more lizards appearing.
Because there are more lizards (lol) there are more Kookaburras visiting.
Lots of creatures having lots of fun in our garden!
Hope everyone can find moments of peace today,
Love EMxxxx
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Hello Ecomamma, Hanna and everyone..
I do look at the moon and stars of a night when I can...I have on old lounge on my veranda, that I like to lay on to watch them....Many times I’ve fallen asleep on it while doing so...The stars out my way are so brilliant and shiny, millions of them...not having any lights around at night, the stars and moon really are beautiful...When I go out late at night now..I make sure I’m covered in mosquito repellent...😂😂...
Hanna....That little calf was so cute when it was trying to get up the slippery bank of the dam...It’s legs failing it and sliding all over the place....I was amazed that the other cow just stood in the water not moving...I guess the cow was enjoying the water too much to move...😂..
I am lucky that the road into my shopping area, has hills, mountains, trees, kangaroos, rabbits, and other wild life instead of houses, factories, traffic lights, shops and people everywhere....
What gets me upset, is when I hear that people do deliberately run over snakes....They have a right a live as all creatures do...leave them alone and they will leave you alone...
My love, care and hugs..💜🌹🤗
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Hello Everyone.....🤗
I was driving home from work a few weeks back and noticed lots of tiny white butterflies flickering around a popular weed out here...(Pattison’s curse)..I live rural NSW and the road I travel to and from work on, is a beautiful road...well not the road itself...but the scenery is..
Mountains in the distance, lots of trees, cows and sheep grazing in the paddocks, some llamas also grazing...these are all beautiful things to see each time I go to work...and I do appreciate looking at them....but these butterflies were out of the normal...
I had to pull over to stop and watch them...honestly there must have been thousands of them, all playing around that particular weed....It was like watching snow falling in the middle of summer...some seemed to pair off into 2.....to me it looked like they were dancing together, and with the slight breeze moving them around as they were flying...or dancing as I saw it....it was a very special and beautiful sight to see...
Nature has so much beauty to offer us...if we just take the time to look, listen, feel, smell the aroma of flowers as the breeze gently distributes it into the air....
Mother Nature is their for us....we just need to take some time...even 5 minutes a day, out of our busy schedule, so nature can refresh our souls a little...
Please try hard to find that 5 minutes a day to admire our beautiful world that does really and truely exist for us all.....and share your beautiful and peaceful thing you experienced here...so others can be motivated to give the 5 minute nature challenge a try...
Kind thoughts..
Grandy 🕊🌱🌹✨🌈🌳🍀🍂🍁🌾
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I watched a program about a research project where they had school children spending time in nature rather than just structured play equipment normally in school yards. The results clearly showed the kids were happier but also did far better academically. Just spending time in nature enabled them to concentrate in school better and think clearer. The more greenery and time in nature the better. Another program found people with MH issues improved and required less medication if they engaged in activities in nature.
I find taking the time to look for different things. The more I focu on the details the better eg ripples on a lake or trees blowing in the breeze. I then try feeling things like the different textures of the leaves or the feel of a cool breeze or texture of a rock. Then listen carefully and smell leaves etc. It is amazing what you can notice when taking the time
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I am fascinated by lizards and trees with odd shapes. I love imagining trees as people or animals by their shapes.
There are many 5 year olds Elizabeth who have never made a mud pie or spent yime outside in nature just observing.
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That was a very poetic post, and lovely to read. It's so true, we need to stop every now and again to admire our natural world and appreciate everything around us. It reminds us that we're not the only beings on this Earth, and that every creature and plant is important and has intrinsic value.
Elizabeth CP,
That's really interesting, your point about children excelling in school and being generally happier when spending more time outside immersed in nature. To be honest, as fantastic and helpful as it is to have technology in the classroom, it's also important to incorporate nature play and exploration into school curriculums, and I think this is something that a lot of institutions need so much more of. Even in an office or work setting, it would be so rewarding to have some time designated to going outside and enjoying nature.
Your post reminded me of when I was younger, I would try and liken the clouds to something like a person or an animal. I also used to make "potions" from things like moss, dirt, and water in my backyard.
Imagination can be so immersive, creativity is such a beautiful gift.