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Mindfulness: What Is It? (Even if you dont know please post so we can help grow the forums accordingly)

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

This is only the basic dictionary definition...

"Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment without judgement"

  • Please be as blunt you wish....If you dont have an idea about mindfulness it would be great if you could let us know
  • If mindfulness hasnt worked/or is too broad a concept for you it would great if you can let us know your thoughts too
  • If mindfulness has helped you, please help others to help themselves by posting how you have embraced this mindset

It goes without saying that the forums are a judgement free zone and I really hope that everyone can jump in and have their say

Your input is highly valued no matter how you respond to this topic. There are no experts here...New Posters are Most Welcome!!

My Kindest Thoughts


1,384 Replies 1,384

Hi Everyone! New members are welcome to post too 🙂

Hey Quirky....If mindfulness seems 'difficult' it only means that we are trying too hard as Tim mentioned above. I know that I prefer feeling peacefully grounded instead of using mindfulness as I must be simple..or stressed!

I mentioned above "I had the bulk of my therapy before 'mindfulness' was labelled as a coping mechanism"

Hey Moon....you mentioned... "if it's 'difficult' it's not happening" I am one of those people that find the concept somewhat difficult.....You are spot on....My agoraphobia could have a lot to do with my confusion though

Hey Tim.....Thankyou for helping out..again!.....You mentioned "just because it does not seem like it is working does not mean that it is not. It might take some days before it feels like it is working. But suppose that you tried it for sometime and it does not work. That is OK" Great mindset Tim....I am learning...albeit slowly

Hey Grandy....you have a good understanding about mindfulness and thankyou for sharing too! You mentioned having a 'chatty' mind. I understand you there....When I overthink mindfulness can be confusing to grasp...like yourself I try to 'ground' myself first

Thankyou amazing people 🙂


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Paul,

Thank you for your kind words..I appreciate them so much...

I knew nothing about mindfulness before I came across to this thread, in fact I never even heard of the word before..I still don’t understand it much, I do like to try mindfulness daily, because it’s like a special treat for me... it’s like I’m craving that peaceful feeling at least once a day..and I continually look for it daily and I’m so lucky because most days 9/10....I get that peace I’m searching for...through mindfulness.....

This thread is a very valuable thread and it’s helped me to understand mindfulness a little...The kind people who post here, whether asking questions, answering them or adding their thoughts is what makes this thread a great one for learning mindfulness, everyone’s contributions are so very important for each of us to learn...

Thank you Paul for a very important and informative thread ..thank you everyone...Your all very amazing people...💜🌹🤗..

Kind thoughts and special hugs 🤗🤗..


Hi Grandy

No worries at all and thank-you so much for the super complimentary post too 🙂

You have a super kind heart Grandy

my kindest always....and hugs back too!



love this quote, I just wish Charles had been around to tell that to my teachers, parents, friends , and loved ones!!

“There are no foolish questions and no man becomes a fool until he has stopped asking questions.”
- Charles Proteus Steinmetz

Thanks for your kind words. Sometimes the harder one tries to do something the more difficult it can be.

I also like to share my thoughts here as I realise there will be others who are experiencing the same things.

As I have said before one thing I gained from the course was to try to slow down but even that is hard as I am a natural fast talker, thinker and eater!!

thanks again Paul for this thread it is helping me not to feel alone.


My keyboard does not like the first letters of words!

Just a question to show I am not a fool, what did we do before mindfulness, I know there was meditation, but in the past was mindfulness not needed as we were not so distracted?

Any thoughts?


Quirky asked what we did "before mindfulness"....

My thoughts are..that it just didn't have a "name". Being calm, in the moment, focussing on something and really seeing it to the exclusion of all other thoughts or worries.....has probably been practised for ages...more people had more time then, with fewer intrusions such as emails, phones, Facebook, tv news, demanding jobs etc.

Now many folk, including myself, when we do have a few moments of quiet, we busy ourselves by worrying about tomorrow, or over-thinking what happened or was said yesterday........the "now" gets lost and we never get it back!

But I think mindfulness has always been available...think of an old man in dressing gown and slippers, in front of the fire, puffing on his pipe and gazing peacefully into the flickering flames - there must have been a few of them around "in the old days"....he was probably practising mindfulness - it just didn't have a trendy name. ....love xo


An interesting question but it also helps to have a little knowledge of the history of counselling/psychology and who looked after the mentally ill at different times in history.

In my naive view, mindfulness is a western slant on eastern practices of meditation, and done so the help people with stress, depression. Also, if you were spiritual or religious, you could pray to you God/god. Contemplative prayer is very similar to meditation that uses a mantra and focus on the breath. But if are not "religious" and pray, what can you do.... meditate.

You cold also do a google search on "mindfulness history" and see what pops up. 🙂 And there are youtube videos as well.


Hi Everyone and thankyou for contributing on the Mindfulness topic

Hey Quirky.....Great question!.....If memory serves Mindfulness didnt exist as a form of healing when I was having therapy/counseling.

It was 'Grounding'

my kind thoughts


Hi All,

There is an insane amount of information here so please excuse me if I have missed the answer to my question.

I note some people here say it's BS, some say it doesn't work for them but something else does, some say this is a catch phrase that is just thrown at them.

For me, I actually don't know if I am practicising "mindfullness" correctly. I've been using apps like HeadSpace to meditate. I use meditation to relax and not have to think of anything and I generally like to lay down and deep breath (5 sec in/2 sec hold / 5 or more sec out, 1 -2 sec hold and repeat).

Where I get confused is - what next? HeadSpace app is like, scan your body so I'm using my brain to focus on different parts of my body but generally I find that I'm thinking nothing is wrong. I'm also asked to focus on the mood, but I'm usually not even sure how I am feeling!

And then after the mental scan, I'm meant to be focusing on my breathe. Is that all I need to do? Is there something I am not doing?


Hello everyone, my understanding and in practising both...is that mindfulness and meditation are two entirely different things. Practically exact opposites in fact...both work for me.....best wishes for your weekend.....Moon S