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Meditation, Manifesting, Gratitude & The Law of Attraction

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi everyone,

Not sure where to start so hope I can express myself clearly and maybe with others' input we can expand on this. I'm interested in people's thoughts/ experience with meditation, manifesting, gratitude & the law of attraction. I've recently started using the Smiling Mind app to meditate when going to sleep and sometimes when feeling a little anxious, like tonight. It is something i thought i could never do as my mind rarely stops, however, with persistence, I find I enjoy it. I guess i tend to have a negative mindset which I am determined to change.I always felt uneasy about thinking positive things as i thought i would jinx myself, and that whenever I made a positive comment or felt happy it would go wrong or something negative would happen. So i refrained from allowing myself to be too happy, I guess to 'protect' myself. Recently i have been feeling happier, stronger, expressing gratitude and taking note of when things have come to me when i needed them. Coincidence, or answers to what i put out to the Universe? I like to think the latter. A work colleague one day told me to manifest something i wanted, put it out to the universe , so I'm trying. Example, recently we needed to measure the floor space at reception so we could calculate how many people we could have in at one time. I needed a tape measure, which i did not have. At that moment our handyman walked into the office. Guess what he had? I am getting into the habit of practising positive thinking instead of thinking/expecting negatives. If something 'negative' does crop up, it can be dealt with, it's not the end of the world. I look for the positive in every negative situation. I am becoming more aware of being grateful for little things, things like getting a good car park at work, a warn cosy bed, a tidy house. I feel when i am expressing gratitude I am putting positive thoughts out into the universe and I notice more positives instead of focusing on negatives. Late last week we had internet issues at work and a colleague i found a little annoying. I've been feeling very drained, agitated, negative for a few days. This morning things were not running smoothly for me. A result of my negative mind perhaps? Little things became a big deal, my morning was crap. If i look back, it wasn't really an issue, i just did things in a different order which gave me more relax time this evening. The Law of Attraction, positive thoughts, positive experiences.

What are your thoughts?

cmf x

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Community Member
Hi CMF.. you said you can't recall how to raise your vibration when it's low...just reach for a thought...the tiniest will do...that gives even the slightest feeling of "relief"..Relief..is enough to reach for when it's low..then you might think of another that gives a little bit more relief...until you find yourself climbing up further along the emotional scale.....keep up the good work....xx

Hi Moonstruck and CMF

You are both such inspirational people. So deeply grateful to the both of you. You've both triggered a new part of me to come to life today. You have led me to realise how focusing on a lack can put an enormous spanner in the works when it comes to manifesting, bringing things to a grinding halt. No wonder there is that 'stuck' feeling. While I know how focusing on a lack can have a negative impact, you've managed to bring greater clarity in regard to how that looks exactly, by expressing how it looks when that spanner is not there.

Moonstruck, you are right, it is so very much about single thoughts. Single thoughts can be like single words; alone they cannot do much harm but when strung together they create a dialogue. So much of my dialogue has been about a lack lately. My focus shows to me exactly what I see. I am looking at/focusing on many of the wrong things. The ladder of single positive thoughts is a truly beautiful vision which conjures up such optimism. It also conjures a sense of peace on the way to excitement.

You know who your guides are in life when you can feel them making a difference. Thank you both again for making a difference. Blessings to you both 🙂

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Dear Moon & therising,

Moon, yes! It is that simple. Reach for a thought. Don't know why I complicate things when I know I've made it work for me before.

Therising, I'm so happy we've inspired you but you must know you're wisdom has also inspired me. I don't think I could have started on this journey without you & Moon.

The ladder of positive thoughts...I like this. Start with 1 single positive thought upon waking and go from there. If I had time ie wasn't so busy at work, I would write 1 thought every hour until I go to bed. Imagine what that could produce 😊

Thank you my friends for being on this journey with me.

Cmf 🙏

Community Member

Hi everyone, this is a great thread, I like it. I want to join in getting good vibes 🙂.
I have had a penchant for true crime books and documentaries but I’ve been changing that as I’m pretty sure they were creating negativity in me. Was it even taking off like some nasty tulpa?! I noticed I would have horrible scenario storylines coming up in me.. I’ve been focusing on positive stuff instead and negative scenarios have made themselves scarce so that’s good.

It is so nice to hear about people’s success here, I’m glad things are going well.
I do think feeling down is also something to pay attention to. Maybe you’re getting a message you need to listen to that will take you on your next step/ steer you out of danger etc.

Sending good energy to everyone 💞🙂.

Btw is law of vibration a book? Or is it within a book?

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Amelia02 & welcome,

We'd love to share our good vibes with you. I hear you re the True Crime stories. My colleague listens to it & she is often negative, complaining & not nice to be around. She also does wildlife rescue & deals with many deaths of animals. It's sad but I believe her being around all this affects me at times.

Today I had the perfect example of drawing in negativity. I arrived at school to drop of my daughter at before care to find teachers had parked in our drop off area. This meant having to park further away & having to walk for a 1min drop off. I mentioned it to the educators who agreed those 3 spots should be for us to park & sign in our kids. As I drove to work I encountered a few obstacles. A road closure, stuck behind a bus, red lights. I didn't get to work as early as I wanted. One negative instance carried though all the way to work. Luckily I managed to turn things around & had a good day


Community Member

Thanks, CMF.

There is something to that phrase getting out of bed in the wrong side. Good job on redirecting the course of the day. I find things can get on a roll whether positive or negative so making it positive is probably funner.

Expressing your concerns about the parking spots is admirable. Assertive.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The Law of Attraction.

You attract what you think of, positive or negative. I'm always hoping my partner's sister won't be home when I go there so we can have some time together. I'm always hoping it won't me me, him & her. I'm always feeling annoyed that she is always around... and she is. Went there for dinner tonight & didn't think about whether she'd be home or not. I didn't give attention to what I don't want. I just focussed on lovely evening with my partner.

It worked. She wasn't home. It was a lovely evening


Community Member

Woot! Go CMF!
Imagine a dreamy whole weekend with you and your fella and it could be that! Maybe imagine a wonderful weekend going for brunch, visiting a market, going for a drive, snuggling and watching your type of movies/ whatever you both would love doing. Your energy could be really attractive to him that he could get drawn into your vision and go along with it.
I did read the past pages - is he possibly a “least resistance” type of person someone who likes to follow (one way of putting it, no shade)? Perhaps he will follow in a strong confident person’s wake? Only a possibility, I’m unfamiliar with him.

Anyway I’m glad you got a good start to the weekend, A

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Amelia,.

Oh yes, def a 'least resistant ' type. I'm hoping he realises how I'm different when she's not around.

Manifesting. I'm focusing on being more positive about money and what I have rather than what I don't. I want to increase my savings but it's wasn't happening. I guess cos I'm focussing on lack of rather than abundance. Anyway, I had bought a gift for his sis' bday but found something else I thought was more suitable. I couldn't find the receipt to return the original gift & was annoyed as it was not cheap. Yesterday was pay day & I'm feeling better about my finances. Guess what I just found...the receipt to return the gift. Guess where...inside the book 'You can heal your life' which I purchased at the same time.

Thank you Universe 🙏😊

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor


Very amusing, finding the receipt in side the book. I swear sometimes the Universe gives a bit of a wink and a smile. I also swear, if it could speak it would say on occasion 'Okay, you think you've got this all worked out (for example, how manifesting works, how feelings work, how energy works etc), then let me put you to the test'. Sends some test our way. Sometimes we pass with flying colours whereas other times we can be left to think 'What the...?'. I think the message could be something along the lines of 'You're doing well yet you're not quite ready to graduate to the next level. There's still more to learn when it comes to what you're trying to master'.

The theory and practical or practice side is relatively easy when life is straight forward. The real test comes when life is not so straight forward. Some tests can feel impossible to pass. Perhaps the question comes down to 'How disciplined am I, how committed am I to practicing in the face of the seemingly impossible and sometimes downright depressing?'. I've found this to be the greatest test of faith. It is not just a test of faith in the powers that be, it's also about faith in our self and our ability to get through anything.