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I'm struggling with alcohol abuse

Community Member

I want to stop drinking but I feel like I can't.

Due to my drinking I have lost friends because I have done or said things while I blacked out.

Drinking has affected my work and relationships.

I'm at a loss. I feel like I'm punishing myself. I have children and a partner who is trying to be supportive but I'm sure he's not going to want to put up with an alcoholic partner for too much longer.

I feel like a failure.

12 Replies 12

Community Member

Hi Julz, thank you for sharing your journey.

I do notice the difference when I'm not drinking and exercising (yoga). Then I slip back into old habits and it's downhill again.


hi Phoenix, it's great for you to join this site, and as I can see it's been pretty tough for you lately or perhaps for quite awhile, and for that I,m truly sorry.
I have been in your situation for a long period of time when I was deeply depressed, I used it to self medicate hoping it would relieve all the pain I was going through, but I was too numb to even know whether it was or it wasn't, but in hindsight I was intoxicated and I didn't really care.
Both my wife (ex) and my 2 sons hated to see me like this and would throw out any alcohol if they had found it, that's why I always had to hide it, a cupboard drinker, and was called an alcoholic, now I only drink socially for a couple of reasons, medical and I don't want to have another grand mal seizure.
There definitely is a reason why you need to drink, but it could be a side-kick from something else that has gone wrong and now your drinking has taken precedence over anything else.
The one good thing about this is that you have now recognised it's a major concern, in fear of losing your family, unfortunately that's what happened to me, but have now reconciled with them all, so this is possible for you, and we certainly know it's not easy, because you maybe able to abstain for awhile but as soon as something goes wrong, back you go, so this is what we need to do to help you.
Your doctor can prescribe a medication which will stopp the desire, urge to drink, but it will only work if you want to actually stop drinking the grog.
I have seen your comment on 'Battling the Booze' which would be good for you to read through.
We are here for you at any time. Geoff.

Community Member

Hi Geoff, thank you for sharing your story.

Thank you for acknowledging my pain. I'm definitely hurting. I just want to scream out. I don't know how to voice the pain I'm feeling.

I want to stop drinking but maybe I don't because I continue to so I can drown out my sorrows.
