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How has BPD impacted on your life and what have you found helpful?

Community Member
I was diagnosed in 2010 after a short stay in a Psychiatrist Unit at a major hospital. After being diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, my life up until that point all started to make sense. I have always been impulsive, irrational, iratic, had black or white thinking, ended friendships on a whim and basically run my life with my emotions. Sound familiar, well let me tell you it hasn't been a picnic conducting a life emotionally-fuelled but I find it impossible to change because I don't know any other way to behave. I am currently in counselling and have had 6 sessions and not even scratched the surface. I haven't even had the opportunity to discuss my MI because there was a whole heap of other issues I need to discuss first. I just feel that because I have been behaving for most of my life with a BPD mind and behaviour that I will never be able to learn any other way. I would appreciate any other assertive feedback that you might have that might help me learn another way to think and behave so I don't feel like a walking time bomb.
2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi there,

I can relate to your post.  I too, was diagnosed with BPD three years after seeing a psych for stress.  I am also suffering depression, anxiety as a result of childhood sexual abuse over 30 yrs ago.

I am still seeing my psych weekly and have been for three years.  It takes time to "peel" the layers of issues and deal with them. I can tell you that the emotions are a real struggle, from being so irrational one minute and then being ok the next.  The black and white thinking is so hard.  It is so hard to change a persons pattern of behaviour and thinking but I think that with help from your psych you will slowly get there.  I have just DBT (dialetical behaviour therapy) which is a therapy used for BPD sufferers.

Stick with the therapy and good luck


Community Member

Well it has taken me to the lowest depths my disorder has.

 But now, years later, i Have a good grip on it, and I am happy in life!

 You need to minimize unnecessary stress in your life, you may need to change your life environment in various ways.

 Get rid of any negative/abusive people around you, you need support, understand and love.

 People with BPD, tend to need a lot of social validation and positive energy from others, if you can find such others, they will help heal you, but you must be careful not to built your whole existence around them (well if there are a few of them that might be okay, but never entirely just a single person!)

Keep away from drugs and alcohol- they will cause you great problems.

Seek those that will love, tolerate and understand you. Follow the passions of your heart.

Work with your therapist, try and build the best social network of people in your life-  it takes time. Work on your self esteem, judge yourself by how you treat others, be good to others and you have the right to like yourself.


Best wishes.