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Community Member

I heard this song on the radio today driving home from an appointment and it really spoke to me and brought me hope. I had just had an appointment with someone that was going to help me work through the issues that have brought me down. I really felt God speak to me through it. Weather you believe in God or not I am sure and hope this brings you hope too. A few words of the song need to be tweaked but you get the message !! Please cut and paste the link below. May we all break free of the chains . . with love . .


2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Sheiknah, it is beautiful, and a bet it made you shed a tear, and rightfully so.

It doesn't matter what faith you or anybody believes in, or whether you are an atheist, like myself, everybody is entitled to their own belief, and if this is what they have been brought up in believing, nobody has any right to take that away.

There will still be many discussions on mythology, which will go on and on and no consensus will ever be decided. Geoff.

Community Member

HI Sheiknah

Your absolutely right Sheirknah those moments are priceless because it is you connecting on a personal level and it is your personal message.

All the artists in the world are doing their jobs correctly when it is having an effect on someone in a way to reach them.

All the best and enjoy your life.