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--->>> Psychopaths&Pathological Liars <<<---
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I'm taking a break from my studies for the moment, by sharing what I am studying and researching at the moment.
Keen for opinions, and reflections.
At the moment we are looking at Pathological Liars.
What do you know of this condition?
Can you understand how we would see this as a condition?
In the past, we have punished "the liar"!
And perhaps...rightfully so?!?
Who gets to be judge, and jury?
And why?
Do you understand the anatomy of a lie?
Lets discuss.
In my home, we learned that telling lies, sometimes kept us safe.
Sometimes, telling the truth, still got me a hiding!
So telling lies, became a negative-positive phenomena.
In other words, lies - the negative, kept us safe - the positive.
Have you ever experienced something like this in your life?
If the act of telling lies is normalised it can become a condition - a pathological condition!
The Cure...well for me anyway!
Just start telling the truth...start with oneself, and people that one trusts - Could be many, could be just one trusted friend.
My friend, Tricia, once told me that...You Only Need At Least One Friend In This World.
And, I believe that too!.
More is nice.
But trust is the key.
The door is ones soul.
We are the guardians of the Soul - The Mind, and the home of the Spirit - The Body.
Now, Im getting a bit metaphysical...are you into that?
I am.
But, that can be rather intense for many...
...because it involves looking at the whole picture - The Holistic Self.
We consider this to be the TRUE WAY to complete health.
Just stop me if this is of no interest to you though...
...I could write about this stuff...
...and ever...
What do you know about psychopaths?
Did you know that......they only make up 5% of the population...
...but actually contribute to 50% of the crime in this world?
Thats why I am doing what I am doing - in terms of my studies and research.
Not completely but a big part of it.
My research has 4 main branches.
I'll discuss that at another time.
But - Psychopaths, cost us all a lot of money!
Did you know that?
But...they are sick.
Some say incurable.
I am autistic.
They say that is incurable.
Some autistics are high functional, some are not.
Some psychopaths are 'functional', and 'some' are not...at all!!!.
We, as a society must address this in a serious way...lets discuss!
Or, not...'cause I'm gonna study the stuff anyway.
But I enjoy healthy intellectual-debate and conversation.
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I was not being defensive at all.
Im sorry that its been taken that way.
But, I really was not.
I accepted your challenge.
Thats a good thing!
We will have to agree to disagree on that one.
If thats really how you feel.
This has nothing to do with your culture.
And, its kinda weird that you think it is...since I dont actually know what race actually you are.
I didnt mention Pakeha, at all.
I am not a racist person.
I do take umbrage at that, if thats what you are implying?
Please read the post again - I was being honest.
Thats how I initially felt...because that has been my go to response, but then I accepted the challenge.
But, if this is triggering something in you, then it might be best to leave it at that because I was not and am not being defensive.
And, I am sorry but I will not be accused of something that just isnt true.
If you wanna talk about that...I am here.
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What I have observed however is that the written word does not replace the feelings behind them.
Which is why I use words like, thank you, and I am grateful...I dont write those words if I dont mean them.
When I wrote that I am grateful for your challenge, I meant it.
I did react when I first read your post this morning, and I am entitled to that...but I am also allowed to agree to disagree with you.
Just because we dont agree, that doesnt mean that I am attacking you...I would have used choicer words if I wanted to attack or belittle you.
And, I didnt.
I agreed with some of what you wrote.
I disagreed with some of it as well.
We are allowed that, right?
And when I wrote about how I felt, I just wanted you to know that, that was my process and that I worked through it.
And that I am grateful for your words.
A wero, a challenge, is a positive thing!
Thats why I accepted it.
I really am sorry that you have misread my words as an attack on you, wasnt the case at all, silly-billy <-jokes.
Be well, Sara.
No hard feelings on my side.
Be happy.
I am free now.
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Hey Esse'
It's sad the only words you picked up on were 'attacked' and 'Pakeha'.
In the first instance, I said I 'felt' attacked. I didn't point my finger 'at' you. In the 2nd, I've never said what race I am; that's true.
You are absolutely correct, entitled and free to be you.
I'm sorry for what ever I've been or done to you...
Acknowledgement and validation are key indicators of intent and empathy.
Sara xo
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Hey Sara,
It's also sad that you feel that you have done anything to me.
Its also sad that you are unable to accept my apology...for whatever I may have done to you.
You did mention that you were up really early.
High on adrenaline.
I slept well.
I've been exercising.
I am saddened by your response and assumption that I was out to hurt you in some way.
As I mentioned, no hard feelings.
Take good care of you now.
I am.
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Hay peeps,
My diplomatic self needs to interrupt again.
So I'm a Rock, big and heavy..you can't move me.
You can try with all your might.
But its impossible.
I am also a hard place.
Stuck between the two.
Fire and ice.
And I love you both right now.
You are both so a like.
Can't you see that.
So smart, have so much self confidence.
I'm envious
There is no right and wrong
Just Peace
Just caring for my friends
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Thank you, Matt.
I love you too.
I acknowledge that Sara's feelings are valid.
As, are mine.
I also acknowledge that not for the life of me was I intending to be defensive, at all, in what I wrote.
In fact this was me doing my best to not be defensive, and to be as open and as honest as I can, with Sara.
I swear that, to both of you, on my Grandmothers, and Grandfathers spirits.
I dont write that lightly.
I was constantly blamed as a child, for something that I did not do.
I am an adult now, and I am allowed to say - "NO, I was not being defensive at all".
Perhaps I did jump on the 'pakeha' comment, because racism, or playing the 'race' card, would never ever be my intent.
And yet, Sara, claims that this has something to do with the apparent defensiveness, of my post.
In the same respect I also feel that Sara jumped on one line, of what I have written, where I described how I initially felt - the operative word there is initially, but I also went on to write that I am grateful for the challenge.
Only to be accused of being defensive.
Surely a question wouldve been a better way to respond?
As in, were you meaning to come across as being so defensive?
In that way giving me the opportunity to respond.
Instead I am told, "Your reply is so defensive and I wish it wasn't" - that's a judgment call.
Sara has assumed to know how I was feeling at the time of writing my reply.
I was not feeling defensive at all.
But, as this convo has progressed, yes - I have felt myself becoming defensive.
But, I also know that I am so much better than I have ever been.
Im not crying over this.
Im okay.
Im not even angry about this.
In fact I just had a great chat with a Brazilian friend, about us moving to Melbourne together.
But the thing with being accused of being defensive, is that one can also spot where the other is also being defensive - its easy for me to spot Sara's defensiveness.
Its a negative feedback-loop.
Sara also mentioned something about how Im just into 'theory' etc - Im perplexed as to why Sara feels that she knows what my 'action plan', as she has put it, actually is, in its entirety?
We dont actually know each other - we really dont know each other like that.
And a few BB chats, doesnt really reveal the whole palate.
Which is why, as I have mentioned, its okay to agree to disagree.
We dont have to be best friends with everyone, just friendly.
I wish Sara all the best.
I must keep moving forward.
All is as it must be.
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Hi everyone, we're going to close this thread off as it seems to have drifted significantly off-track and with some of you trying to post in multiple parts it's becoming impossible to follow.
Please remember there is a reason why we have a character limit on the forums - this is a space for conversation, it's not a blog space. If you can't say all you want to in the space allowed, then say less! Make one point at a time. Just like in a real conversation, there'll be plenty of time to say all you want if you stay patient.
The longer your post, the more likely people are to skim-read, and the more likely misunderstandings and arguments are to occur.

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