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--->>> OTT --- Old Thought Thoughts! <<<---

Community Member


This post is about LIMITING-BELIEFS, or as me and my brother Matt now call them, Old Thought Thoughts - OTT.


This post will most likely not appeal to many people, because I am writing about our beliefs that we have about life and ourselves, that we all have had for much of our life.

Our beliefs are personal, and yet oddly the 'same' as well.


There is a school of thought that teaches us that when we identify the OTT i.e. I am unlovable.

Relate to the OTT, rather than from it.

We can then release the attachment to the OTT, as well as the aversion to the OTT.

For example -

A child is told that they are no good, useless and worthless, every other day.

-sadly, this is a story often told, by many.

As this child grows a set of OTT have been programmed into the mind-body of the now grown adult-child.

I am no good.

I am useless.

I am worthless.

etc etc etc

The adult-child now has an attachment to the OTT.

But also you would see an aversion to those OTT as well.

I am no good <- the attachment.

And, I hate that I am no good <- the aversion. The judgement for having the OTT in the first place, keeps us attached to the OTT.


Not all beliefs are limiting.

All beliefs are fluid.

They are mutable - liable to change, as all things in existence are!


How do we release the OTT?

Thats what we're most interested in!.

I am going to share a few things of how I am learning to release all of the OTT that once ruled my life, and would love to read yours as well!.

1) Refer to the OTT being in the past. If we keep on affirming the OTT in the present moment, it stays in the present moment. By writing and talking about the OTT being in the past, youre correcting the memory. REWIRE!

2) I AUGMENT positive memories. Whatever they are, whenever they happened. This is why I actively look for things to be thankful and grateful for. Appreciation, heals! And thats now science...if youre interested in the research about this, let me know!

3) I have learned to ask for help, and to RECEIVE it graciously, whenever it comes to me. And, it always does.

4) I SMILE and LAUGH more. Theres research for this too!

5) I have changed my eating habits. I EAT WELL now. I am now on the Guts and Psychology Syndrome foodplan GAPS. I used to be obese. No more.

6) I EXPRESS in healthy ways - dance, music, write..

7) I take time out to LOVE - my family, friends, my dog bundy, nature..

REMEMBERING to LOVE is a biggie!.

And, whatta 'bout you?...

303 Replies 303

Hi Shred. Hoping to get this post through to you before you leave on holiday.

You're right, you are doing all you can. So good on you. And yes .... people really do dare. (-:

You have also been a great help to many other people here on the Forums, and I thank you sincerely for that.

Enjoy your trip, have an enjoyable christmas a safe new year, and come back to us happy and rested.

Kiatoa, FeyChild, Kaz, D&D and any other frequent or occasional visitor to this wonderful thread - I know I havent been around much the past week. But I have been keeping up with you all, and I care about how you are all going. I am just trying to keep away from triggers and things right now, so havent been around as much.

I will be back to wish everyone seasonal greetings later in the week. Meanwhile, have a good week all.

Taurus xx

Hey Taurus,

You are all good.

No worries, at all, drop in when you can...you are loved and respected here.


Morning Folks!

At this time of year, I get a little introspective, I guess.

Not being with family over Christmas, bums me out, a bit.

Before I was diagnosed, a lot my 'stuff', I felt, made me feel like a total maniac!.

Emotional-cycling. All over the shop.

Pushing people away.

Isolating myself blah blah blah...

I didn't get all the info about much of my stuff, until only a few years ago.

But by this time, I had already isolated myself, from my family.

I can be such a twerp at times, when I really want to be...but now...I know that some of that "twerpness", is actually just my brain 'glitching out' sometimes due to many self-limiting beliefs that were set in place from childhood.

I can do something about that!

I can learn new behaviours, and upload new positive-behaviour patterns into my life.

I can let go of all attachment to old-beliefs and over-the-top thinking that no longer work for me.

I can accept accept myself, even when I am a twerp!

And, that's the challenge.

Accepting myself even when I muck up, and learning to make better decisions and choices in the future, so that I do not keep on repeating the same mistakes.

That in itself creates a negative feedback-loop. <- Aversion&Attachment.

This year has been about me revising this lesson, big time.

To balance all this introspection out, which is really important, one must allow as much "Joyfulness" into your life, as you can.

Harmonious-balance is important.

I balance all the 'cerebral' stuff that I have going on by dancing everyday, for example.

I listen to my favourite music and songs.

I eat foods that I love to eat...and now I am making healthier choices, everyday.

Do whatever it takes, to bring in more joy...be a JoyBringer!.

It may be in the garden...as you connect with The Earth, and Life.

It may be at a bbq party with mates, laughing and enjoying the day.

It may be with your pet, walking on the beach.

It may be praying at church.

It may be meditating under a tree.

There are so many moments, some brief, some linger...joyful moments, here for us all...go out and find yours, today and everyday, whatever they are!.

You'll know because in that moment you will feel TRUE JOY!.

That is what I pray for us all, today and everyday.

May we all know the joy of true Joyfulness, in this moment, and in all moments after.

And so it is.



Hey Kaitoa

I Love this if I may quote you;

"Accepting myself even when I muck up, and learning to make better
decisions and choices in the future, so that I do not keep on repeating
the same mistakes"

Your whole post is wonderful. I just picked out a piece 🙂

my kindest


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Morning all - happy day before the day before Christmas. Three days and it will all be over and the cricket will be on the tele. Wooo hooo!

Kaitoa, bless you, you have brought a new word into my vocabulary - twerpness. Love it. I will borrow that one.

Hey Matt - Did I see elsewhere that you're thinking of a change in direction from cheffing to mental health? Do you mean training and working in mental health? That's what I'm doing next year. Can't wait to get started. I'll be volunteering in the meantime as a 'social support' buddy, starting after Christmas. Happy to talk about it with you if I understood properly and that's what you're wanting to do.

Cheers to everyone here, hope all is well.

Take care, especially at The Shops. It's a jungle out there.




Morning Peeps!

Hey Paul - MuchLove to you. I appreciate you, Paul. It's always nice to see you here, and about the forums.

Kaz - What can I say? You brought, "CBA -Can't Be Arsed", into my life, I am grateful that I can gift you with, "twerpness". Use it well. Thanks for being such a beauty filled soul. MuchLove to you too Kaz!.


I'm off to Woodford soon.

Bundy was picked up last night, and I got a text saying that he is happy and relaxed, on his holiday.

I will be at Woodford festival for the next 13 days.

I'm excited, and at ease, all at the same time.


What would be so bad about us learning to love and accept ourselves exactly as we are?

With all our stuff - the disorders, dysfunctions, diseases and depressive states, could we accept ourselves exactly as we are...and then go from there?

When you say, "I love Myself".

Does that 'feel' weird?






If it does, than just know that is not love.

That IS fear, or grief, or apathy, or repressed anger etc etc etc...

Loving thyself, is the greatest gift that we can give to others.

Keep it real.

If you're anything like me than, some of our 'stuff' has been 'predisposed' into the body-mind, before we were even born!.

We were born this way.

What we do with all our "personal info" is up to us.

I feel like I have tried and sampled all the rest.

I did all the raging out in furious anger for years, and still ended up on rock bottom.

I did many years of crying my eyeballs out.

I did many years of overeating.

I did many years of over exercising.

I did many years of hook-up after hook-up with guy after guy, and still ended up on rock-bottom.

...etc etc etc...

I've done it all...except just giving loving-kindness a truthful, honest, genuine and sincere go!.

Loving-Kindness includes all our 'stuff', and all the joy too...there is joy here available to us in all moments.

Loving-kindness is patient, and generous, and wise, and humble, and courageous, and peaceful, and empowered by Freedom.

When we include it all - the addictions, the hard times, the dark times, the pain, and the suffering...we bring healing to those memories and moments.

Then we nurture and cultivate all the goodness here too...Love is always here.

We are loved.

We are lovable.

Remember Love a little more each day...make that our daily practise.

Just that...We remember to remember Love more!.

Have a wonder filled Christmas and New Years.



Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Kaitoa my friend, I truly believe Santa brought you here. You are a gift to us, and I thank you for the joy, compassion and wisdom you have shared on the forum.

I hope you have the Best Time Ever at Woodford - dance and sing lots, enjoy your work, play safely but play, and come back to us full of happy stories.

Merry Christmas beautiful fella.




Community Member

Hi all,

Merry christmas.

Kazz- i am thinking about working in mental health. Truly. I will have to study. Will talk about it later.

I am here to wish everyone the best.

I will be back in the new year.

Peace be with you


Community Member

Thanks for dropping by Matt. Great to see you, as always.

Merry Christmas to you also.

And a very merry christmas to everyone else here on this ever evolving thread.

May peace, happiness and good health be your companions, together with good friends, family and companion animals.

Taurus xx

Community Member

Thanks T,

I feel T is easier to type the the whole thing.

Hahaha im so lazy.

My ott

I am so lazy. Im not going to get anything done in my life if laziness is to get the better of me.


Get off your lazy ass you fool. Time is here, but not forever. LAY but all true.


Community Member


I typed LAY. When I meant LAM.

DOHOh well.