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--->>> OTT --- Old Thought Thoughts! <<<---
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This post is about LIMITING-BELIEFS, or as me and my brother Matt now call them, Old Thought Thoughts - OTT.
This post will most likely not appeal to many people, because I am writing about our beliefs that we have about life and ourselves, that we all have had for much of our life.
Our beliefs are personal, and yet oddly the 'same' as well.
There is a school of thought that teaches us that when we identify the OTT i.e. I am unlovable.
Relate to the OTT, rather than from it.
We can then release the attachment to the OTT, as well as the aversion to the OTT.
For example -
A child is told that they are no good, useless and worthless, every other day.
-sadly, this is a story often told, by many.
As this child grows a set of OTT have been programmed into the mind-body of the now grown adult-child.
I am no good.
I am useless.
I am worthless.
etc etc etc
The adult-child now has an attachment to the OTT.
But also you would see an aversion to those OTT as well.
I am no good <- the attachment.
And, I hate that I am no good <- the aversion. The judgement for having the OTT in the first place, keeps us attached to the OTT.
Not all beliefs are limiting.
All beliefs are fluid.
They are mutable - liable to change, as all things in existence are!
How do we release the OTT?
Thats what we're most interested in!.
I am going to share a few things of how I am learning to release all of the OTT that once ruled my life, and would love to read yours as well!.
1) Refer to the OTT being in the past. If we keep on affirming the OTT in the present moment, it stays in the present moment. By writing and talking about the OTT being in the past, youre correcting the memory. REWIRE!
2) I AUGMENT positive memories. Whatever they are, whenever they happened. This is why I actively look for things to be thankful and grateful for. Appreciation, heals! And thats now science...if youre interested in the research about this, let me know!
3) I have learned to ask for help, and to RECEIVE it graciously, whenever it comes to me. And, it always does.
4) I SMILE and LAUGH more. Theres research for this too!
5) I have changed my eating habits. I EAT WELL now. I am now on the Guts and Psychology Syndrome foodplan GAPS. I used to be obese. No more.
6) I EXPRESS in healthy ways - dance, music, write..
7) I take time out to LOVE - my family, friends, my dog bundy, nature..
REMEMBERING to LOVE is a biggie!.
And, whatta 'bout you?...
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Hi GoodPeeps.
Well met!.
Shred - Give yourself a break man. I know you would've done your best when you helped out the guy in the accident!.
What you're feeling re: the anniversary of your Mum's passing is grief and loss, and that's fair enough because that still hurts, but ease up on all the other OTT thinking, will ya mate?
This whole OTT that you have about not loving your Mum enough, is just doing your head-in...and you're letting it!.
Stop punishing yourself now.
Above all your Mum would want you to be as happy and as healthy as you can possibly be, please live in honour of your Mum and the love that you feel NOW...thats what matters.
All the rest is OTT!.
And the OTT are just lies.
Stop believing the lies.
Love is The Truth...believe more in Love everyday.
Remembering to include ALL the 'stuff' that you've got going on...just be willing to learn how to accept you, just as you are first...all your flaws, faults and failings, all of the disorders, diseases, dysfunctions and depression...include it all.
You exist to Love all that you are, and can be, in this one lifetime.
Just a little bit at a time...that's all.
I believe that for myself, and I believe that for you too, Shred.
But, the thing with life is we have freedom of choice.
You can either keep on believing the OTT lies, or not.
You choose.
I know what I've chosen for my life.
Be well, Shred!.
Matt - If 'forgiving others' is important to you, than I know that you will find the space in your life for forgiveness.
You are a good man.
Forgiveness is not something that everyone feels is necessary.
Forgiveness for some, has a religious overtone and for the non-religious forgiveness may not relevance.
For some COMPASSION and ACCEPTANCE is more important.
Having compassion is love in action, for oneself, and for others.
Being accepting of oneself, and all others as well.
I believe that FORGIVENESS is a great place to start when clearing out 'stuff' from my past.
I know for sure that I have greater peace of mind now.
Forgiveness is when we say that we will no longer live in the past.
We set ourselves free from whatever has happened.
It doesn't mean that we condone what happened, and it's doesn't mean that we have to be best mates to the people that have hurt us, but we will no longer give them or what happened any more thought or power, and in that we are 'empowered' and 'enlightened'.
Be blessed brother!.
Fey...I will post to you right after this...
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First things first...much love to you!.
Thank you for being completely understanding last night.
I was exhausted.
I'm much better tonight though!.
How you doin?
Back to your post from the other night.
You asked about the courses etc?
There is a course that you can do called "Sexological BodyWork", for example.
I completed the course, and others, like Kahuna massage courses etc, to bolster my "hands on experience", that I learnt on the job, as a worker.
So, I now have a qualification as a sexologist. I have a screed of quals - for all sorts of weird and wonderful things!.
For some people, paperwork is important, for many different reasons!.
I like to think that it's about balance between life experience, and education history!.
So, why not consider putting your experience as a worker, to other good uses, and help others to have a better sex life, as well!.
It's important to many if not most of us!.
I quite like it.
You set your own rate and hours.
And, you have the paperwork to charge a really decent rate.
I know that may mean investing some money at the start to get the qual, but if you see it as an investment, it'll bear more emotional-value for you.
I'm glad that you're considering working from home, and please do make contact with all the local and national...global even...all the support-networks available to workers.
They'll help you to educate yourself about "best practise".
I feel that re-educating oneself constantly throughout one's life, is vital.
Learning never stops, until we stop learning!.
That'll be when I take my very last breath, for me!!!.
What I'm really getting at is, people say that "knowledge is power".
I say that knowledge is potential power.
Some people hoard their knowledge and they just keep it to themselves.
To stagnate.
It is in the using of one's knowledge, that we truly become empowered.
The Point Of Power Is Always In The Present Moment.
It's how we use all the we have learnt up to this very point in time NOW, to bring about a greater sense of health and happiness, that matters most.
Forget the attachment to the OTT and remember to remember more of the 'feel good' thoughts.
That's all.
I will have to address the other questions in your post tomoz...getting sleepy now!.
Thanks again for being lovely and lovable and loving.
You are loved!.
Bundy sends you much love and awesomely awesome vibes of awesomeness!.
Take good care of you.
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Hi there Mr Wolf Kaitoa and Golden Boy Matt. Good to see you all again. I'm very busy. Being a busy Mummy at xmas time.
Matt, you are still doing so well but at times you feel a little lost in thought, are you okay Matt? It takes a brave person to choose forgiveness. So good for you son. Take your time with it all eh?
Shred, I just want to reiterate what Kaitoa has said, but from a Mums point of view. I've had plenty of trials and tribulations with my kids. I got 4 boys and 1 girl. All of them can be little buggers at times and sometimes we have really pushed each other to the brink but underneath it all we still got love for each other. I know your mother would just want you to be as healthy as you can now Shred. I really hope that you have the right support there with you because sometimes you seem a little stressed and I really feel your pain. Give yourself a break as Kaitoa said. You are doing your best son. Remember that.
Fey, oh you sweet dear darling girl. I'm with Kaz, I accept and support you completely, as long as you keep yourself safe. Mr Wolf has given some great advice. Come to think of it, I may even do the course that he's told us about!!!. hehehe
Take care Fey.
And to everyone else that visits this thread, your words help us all more than you know.
Mr Wolf I would like to also talk to you about something you mentioned in another post. I'm having some issues with boundaries, healthy boundaries as you say, with a certain member of my social group. I'm having some difficulty and I was just wondering what you all think about boundaries? I know that they are important but how do I keep them healthy without coming across as neither weak nor like a crazy woman? I'm just really interested in finding out what others think thats all. This thread seems to be great for open conversation. I'm sorry for hijacking your thread Mr Wolfie.
We never had boundaries when I was growing up, so now I'm having to reeducate myself. Somedays it just seems like I'm pushing the you know what up a hill!!!!!!! hehehe
You seem really, genuinely happy at the moment, Kaitoa. I'm really happy for you. I can see by how you write and share that it comes from such a loving and kind place. I just hope that you have some of that love tucked away for yourself too.That's what you would say to the rest of us, so I'm just saying it back to you.
By the way I love the games that you have suggested, you are a very clever man indeed.
Thanks for this thread folks!!.
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Good morning everyone.
And a special welcome back to Dust&Dirt. So lovely to have you back again. You are always so full of wise and kind hearted words. It is a pleasure to read your posts.
Matt - I am so sorry that many people have hurt you in the past. Please enjoy your Christmas as it is indeed a time for joy, family, love, happiness, giving and receiving, as well as forgiving I think. All the best to you.
Kaitoa - I hope you are enjoying the cricket? Bit of a batting collapse last night from the Pakistani's wasnt it? Please give that big Bundy dog of yours a bit of a joyful wrestle from me.
Shred - You are a hero! Well done to you for doing what you did to assist the young man trapped in his vehicle the other day. You do deserve the praise you've received. Every bit of it! Dont underestimate the importance of what you did, even though you personally feel that it wasnt enough. Perhaps if you'd jumped in and tried to do more, you could have been doing more harm to the person, than to do nothing at all. Some things are best left to a professional. Remember that when you beat yourself up about not doing enough. Well done to you. (-:
My OTT for today - That I am really stuck in a rut with my current mental health. A couple of new general health concerns are not helping either.
My NPT - I must strive harder to do all that I need to do to enable healing and recovery.
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Morning all
My OTT - I am not worthwhile
My NPT - Be kinder to yourself and the new dose of meds will help
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Thank you so much Mr Source.
The course sounds amazeballs. I've never thought about it in that way. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. You're incredibly thoughtful. I agree that learning never stops! YAY.
Thank you DD. You're so very kind as well.
OTT - I could never accept myself
NPT - I'm doing my best to accept myself a little at a time each day.
Thanks everyone, you all rock and roll.
Lashings of love and light.
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FeyChild - its great that you are receiving all this advice and information to help you.
I feel sure that you are now entering into what can be a very dangerous and often misunderstood profession, with the necessary knowledge and care to ensure your personal safety and wellbeing. If you are able to obtain some life skills and genuine qualifications for use afterwards, then all the better. I hope that will prove to be the case.
Knowing that you are performing a very necessary service, and being able to enjoy the process as well, should go a long way to enabling you to continue in the business for however long you choose to be.
May that fairy dust and magic always be swirling around your beautiful soul to help keep you safe and well. Much love and well wishes to you.
Taurus xx
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Well Met Peeps! 💐
Fey - Thanks for posting the OTT this morning. Stay in touch and trust yourself. Trust your intuitive intelligence and trust your creativity...you are a truly beautiful soul!. MuchLove 💖
Shred - Good man. Let the attachment to that OTT. One day at a time...step by step...you can do it. Keep visualising your HAPPY. MuchLove💖
Taurus - It's gruelling work, at the cricket. By the end of the day, I'm really feeling it. But we have a cool crew to work with, for that I am grateful. Keep moving forward with us, Taurus. You have our support, and don't forget that all the 'striving' must be balanced out at times with a little fun too!. MuchLove💖
DD - So glad to see you, I will be back to tonight, to discuss boundaries. If you're around please join us!. MuchLove💖
Hi everyone else here!
Thanks for being awesome.
🐊...see you later alligator...🐊
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I think you are bringing us luck at the cricket Kaitoa, even though you're a Kiwi. Well, we tend to appropriate all the good Kiwis and make them our own anyways.
Just a thought ... I hope you get paid for the full five days. If not, I'll will the Pakistanis to make a comeback, to string it out for you.
Love to everyone here
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Hi there Kaz, how's your gardening coming along? I made sure to get out into the garden today. Tired now but it's that good kind of tired!. I hope you're still having fun there in your garden too.
Hi there Taurus, how you been sister girl? I have also just read your post on your other thread there. Good to see you here. Sounds like you're doing very well, in spite of it all, that's what counts. I hope you manage to have some fun too, everyday, no matter the size, make sure you have some fun everyday. Trust me, a little enjoyment everyday, keeps my ticker ticking.
Hi there Fey, how you sweet girl? You okay today? Big hugs.
Hi there everyone else! How are you all going?
I have some down time, while all the kids and rellos are playing videos games and chatting out the back, thought I might as well drop in here to see you fellas.
How are you Mr Wolf? I read something interesting on Taurus's thread, she mentioned the basics, and I read in a post of yours that you've mentioned the basics too. I'd be interested in knowing what everyone considers to be their basics?.
Thanks again Mr Wolf.