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Gerd and heartburn -any sufferers

Community Member

After what seems like years of persistent chest pain I have been finally been told I have gerd. The worst part is the severe heartburn which always seems to strike at night and worse when lying down.

any other sufferers on here with any ideas on how to sleep that's the worst as it's more painful when lying down and it's very hard to sleep standing up.

GP says it's trial and error to find out what food makes the pain worse the way things are going it will be chicken and salad for each meal

any fellow heartburn sufferers out there with ideas.

4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Contrarymary, years ago absolutely, now I don't, my doctor prescribed me medication.

You can experiment with different foods, maybe some with too much acid like tomatoes could be the culprit, and if one of these help you, then take it every day, not that I'm a doctor to say, but I certainly won't be stopping them.

Let us know how you get on.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello contrarymary..

I have gerd, and I’m medicated for it...I have found a few different foods and drinks cause mine to flare up...Mostly for me it’s Milo, and biscuits, Especially before bed so I avoid them now..all the time..

A few years ago, my son visited me and put a brick under the top two legs of my bed..( pillow end)..it raises my upper half of the body slightly so when I lay down, my body isn’t flat...This has helped a lot with the chest pain....

I don’t get the symptoms of gerd of a night anymore..maybe you could try raising the top end of you bed...and see how you go....

Kind thoughts with care..


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Contrarymary, if are able to talk with your pharmacist as there is medication you can buy off the shelf that helps you for 24 hours, and if you need another type you will need a doctor's prescription, that's what I have been using for a number of years.

I can't tell you the name but they will know.

Good luck.


mocha delight
Community Member
I don’t know if it’s the same but I have GORD (the autoimmune side of acid reflux) and one of my main symptoms was heartburn plus I was diagnosed with coeliac disease as well.