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Facebook...The Good or the Bad...Your Say!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

Without a doubt Facebook is one of the best social media sites. I have been on FB for a long time and found it invaluable yet very stressful at times whilst having anxiety and/or depression or even just checking it every day.

Your views on FB, its impact on your mental health, well being, whether good or not so good are more than welcome.

Thankyou for reading my thread topic!

my kind thoughts


332 Replies 332

Hi all. Good topic Paul.

The internet forum (not this one) has been a very steep learning curve for some including me. Saying something misinterpreted, spilling emotions and bullying. All this occured with motoring clubs.

Then facebook arrived. Another learning curve. To defend against the nasty types one can block others or turn off notifications. But the best defence is to think carefully before you accept their friendship and limit your number of friends to an amount you are comfortable with, with the less acquaintances the better IMO.

Now, with those conditions implemented I enjoy fb many times a day. The amount of knowledge in general and in particular with things like repairing my vintage car and gardening is simply not possible even with books.

But you must be in control and that isnt easy at times. As for keeping in touch with family and sharing photos its irreplaceable.

Tony WK

Community Member

I pretty much gave up on Facebook almost 2 years ago, I was finding it all a bit overwhelming, and fake.

I've started to realise that leaving it was probably also a symptom of depression- wanting to isolate myself socially.

That said, I don't miss it, I just check it maybe once a month just to see who got married, who had a baby. Unfortunately some in my family only ever communicate via Facebook.


Community Member

You're right about the birthday wishes, that's awesome!

i get frustrated when I was getting tagged for places I didn't go-apparently I had a great holiday at Queensland a few years back...except I wasn't there!

Community Member


I'll do my best to be polite about this social media stuff. I am not a supporter of facebook and never have been. I don't have an account and I don't see myself ever having one. many of my friends have pleaded with me over the years, but for me the thing that sticks in my head is the destruction of people's private lives and the misery it has brung these unfortunate people. I know my statement is very one sided. I know I can't stop others. I just hope my children really think hard before having any involvement with them. I have talked to both of them about my feelings around social media and the pros , cons ,cyber safety and Imonitor their internet use ,I feel this is the best I can do for them. to tell you the truth I even found it hard to join here initially but I'm glad I did.

just my two cents worth

Star 76

Community Member

Facebook to me is the biggest worst distraction of man kind! And all that other self crap as well!

Never had it and never will.

I really don't give a bleep about who is doing what,where or when.

I may of distanced myself with people but for my health it is better for me to stay of it.

These days if I do talk to anyone, they already know everything through my three children's Facebook.

It is an offical site for people that have big heads and bull their way through life.

I think it is the worst cause of relationship breakdown and our poor kids don't know how to have a normal conversation.

worst kind of addiction.

Thats my opinion,you sure did get my heart pumping today.


Hey everybody

Thanks all for the great posts!

Questo..Welcome to you! You said "Facebook used to make me more anxious and insecure. I like to at least
feel some of the moment and space I am in and I felt Facebook disconnected me from that

Ditto here Questo. I also found FB the same and because free speech is encouraged we are leaving ourselves open to blatant judgment and criticism which a person with anxiety or depression can be super sensitive to

mw18 Hi and Welcome to the forums too!

mw18 said: "I had to get away from Facebook after certain people used it as a way to make me feel left out and crappy" I agree with you mw18 as when we are feeling low or fragile this can be one of the drawbacks of FB. It can be counter productive to our mental health due to the nature of the site as well.

Banjoman..Thanks...I love what you wrote.." I would end up getting upset about my own circumstances and this in
turn would exasperate my negative intrusive thoughts cycles
" Thanks for speaking from the heart. It can definitely be overwhelming and re engage negative thought patterns for sure.

MickeyM...Hi..I Love this "I think I'd rather connect with the guys here at the moment!" Good1 to be proactive with your health and the super compliment too!


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hi All, one thing that's good is that if you have FB you can quite easily block someone or 'not have them follow you'. Geoff.

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi all

Geoff is correct. Control is the key factor. If you visualise facebook as a negative tool it will always be one. Yet in many ways its a modern tool that, like it ir not, without it you'll be left behind. That is an individuals choice but you will be left out in face to face conversations when everyone present knows news of someone and you dont. As I said its your choice.

Some if these people that choose not to have facebook see us users as "bigheads" as if its an evil ego driven place. It is only evil if you have the wrong "friends". Those that have hundreds of friends have more chance of conflict. Contain your friends to family and close friends and you rarely have a problem, you'll have daily updates on family changes etc. A friend of mine sees his kids every fortnight. The mother wont allow him to ring them between visits. So he communicates every second night on fb for 20 minutes. How "gold" is that?

To be a "friend" to you, you have to approve their application. If your friendship turns sour you can block them.

Yes it can be an ego trip for some. When has anything in life not included negatives?. When has any group not had its anti social, nasty or abrasive person?.

For me the benefits outweigh the negatives. One example-

When I was a toddler my parents disowned 4 of my dads siblings. 59 years later I got a message on fb from a person I didnt know, a cousin, a daughter of one of those aunties. Since then we've become close. Our last surviving auntie died 5 weeks ago at 92 years old. My sister and I attended her funeral some 9 hours drive away where we met around 12 cousins and countless children of theirs. Another "gold" example.

Highly unlikely that would have happened without evil facebook.

I respect anyone that chooses not to have facebook but it seems to me that those that judge users in a negative light usually have the problem with it.

Tony WK

Hi Paul; great thread!

FB for me is like being in a crowded room of people talking over the top of each other. Family photo's etc are nice to view, but basically, it disturbs my concentration. I'd rather be on here doing/being something substantive.

I check my account/messages about once every couple of months to see if there's anything of importance, otherwise I rarely give it a thought. The regulars on my list of friends enjoy the connection and are loving people.

One thing I do love are the many humourous pic's etc being passed around. It's probably the only enjoyment I get from FB.

Cheers to all and welcome to our newbies!


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Paul,

My answer...I don't do social media, FB or other (I think of it as Fake Book). But like any other tool, it is how and why people use it that is significant.

I'd rather communication happen face to face. I want to see for myself who people really are. There are way too many people out there wearing mask over mask... including those we are "familiar" with. Face to face communication allows me to read people through and beyond their words which so often run opposite to their thoughts. Online communication makes lying easier. I want to catch that first, split second, uncontrolled reaction to what I'm saying, observe body language, tone of voice, silences between words, eye movements, general countenance and interaction with surroundings etc...Observing those tells me more about people than words.

All the above has helped me survive an abusive, violent childhood, watching for hidden signs of falsehood and imminent danger. Mindfulness is part of my everyday life, a necessity in my work with animals often deemed dangerous. I have lived at the edge of jungles and interacted at a deep level with people whose language I didn't speak.That's when inner truth prevails.

You could say I still live on the wild side and treat the human world as a jungle ! But this is what I know and how I function best.

I'm not saying FB doesn't have its advantages. There are times when keeping in touch long distance is a necessity, when it is the only place we can quickly access needed info.

It's just that remote communication is not my thing. It is the greatest challenge I face interacting around these forums, though members are generally more open because of inner suffering. Here at BB, people are exploring and sharing more than hiding their inner world. It is people's inner world I'm interested in and FB is an ideal means of keeping it under wrap.