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Do you find that drinking certain hot beverages reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety?

Community Member

I had taken to drinking hot coffee at least once every day. I suffer from depression and anxiety, all caused by a psychotic illness.

There are times during the day or night when I get really anxious over the future - such as how I'll manage living independently away from the parents, the risk of homelessness (I'm on a low income with no support from extended family or friends), and also the fact that one day I may wake up and discover I have no family.

For about an hour or so, I suffer from these thoughts. Then I slowly get up and prepare myself hot coffee mixed with Coffee Mate - and I find that drinking a warm, creamy beverage helps!

This may be a no-brainer topic - millions over the world drink coffee because it's a stimulant and a anti-depressant. I find it's especially good for those suffering from poor mental health. It's not only the beverage itself that is nice, but also the whole preparation - from selecting a cup to choosing the amount of sugar and turning on the kettle. I feel like I'm working in a fast-paced cafe and it gives me a sense of meaning and belonging.

Thoughts? :]

4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello ScarlettR

You have written a great thread topic here. Its not a 'no brainer topic' at all. The caffeine will provide an immediate 'lift' to our mindset for sure...it feels good.

My mum is 87 and drinks approx 7-10 cups of coffee a day. Its good for the heart..and longevity.

I used to have chronic anxiety for over a decade and caffeine can also exacerbate any anxiety disorder big time. I still sneak in a couple of cups a day but like yourself I love it

There are many people on the forums...myself included that also have these dreaded intrusive thoughts like you do ScarlettR. A 'tired' mind will wonder in the wrong direction for sure. I know mine does

Can I ask if you have a doc (GP) that supports what you are/have been going through? I still see mine every 4 weeks for a 'fine tune'.

I dont think there is any issue with the comforting taste of a creamy coffee at all. It can sometimes open the door for increased anxiety issues when we are already pumping way too much adrenaline to start with

Great to have you on the forums ScarlettR

My Kind thoughts


Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply and for welcoming me on the forums.

I haven't see a mental health counsellor for a couple of years, but I don't think I need to see one. I'm aiming to manage my mental health at home. If anything. I've made a vast improvement since mid-2015.

I used to drink iced coffee all the time since I was a teenager, but only recently taken to drinking hot coffee regularly as it gives me a comforting feeling.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Hello ScarlettR, I once had a counsellor recommend chamomile tea to me for anxiety, and it is still my go to if I am having a frazzled day. I love coffee, but too much of it combined with already feeling anxious is not a great mix for me. It also can keep you up at night if you drink it too late in the day, and poor sleep isn't good for anxiety either!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello ScarlettR

Thankyou for taking the time to post back!

You are doing very well by achieving what you have at home and managing your own health at home 🙂

I recently bought the retro 'kitchen aid' nespresso coffee machine and I love it

Thankyou again for being a part of the forums ScarlettR

My Kind thoughts....(and have the best Christmas you can too!)
