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Covid-19's Impact on YOUR well being....Help us help others!
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Hi Everyone
This is a difficult and unprecedented time we are all going through. Out of 10 how has Covid-19 impacted your well being?
Just for myself...I come in at about 8....A brief post will help us help others more effectively!
- 0 to 5 .......... Low impact...................Coping well and not really worried about Covid-19
- 5 to 7 ...........Medium Impact.............Concerned about Covid-19 yet is doesnt effect me
- 8 ................. Frequent Impact........... Very concerned and checking media/news reports
- 9 ................. High Impact..................Frequently concerned and experience some difficulty functioning daily
- 10................Very High Impact...........Difficulty sleeping...increased anxiety...loss of concentration and/or feelings of helplessness
The forums are a rock solid safe and non judgemental place for anyone to post 🙂
my kind thoughts always
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Dear ElizabethCP
You are doing REALLY well!
I can see that you are doing everything humanly possible in this challenging situation.
At the end of the day all we can think it "I've done my best" and you do and you ARE.
Your honesty and frankness about the struggles you face and the types of support you can get are helping others HERE.
Your perseverance is remarkable. I admire you very very much.
Love EM
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Dear blondguy Paul
Always MORE than happy to give credit where it's due. Thankyou for opening up the "portal" for others to connect, share and become stronger or at least validated.
Validation can never be underestimated for Mental Health.
Tha books! Man have I been in full on exploration mode to get better and I'm so much better...
In no particular order:
* Kristen Neff's guides to Self Compassion - I have her workbook (pretty basic but interesting). I found her online talks INVALUABLE in beginning to care and like then love myself more. ThankYOU Sleepy21!!!
* The Call to Courage - Brene Brown's Netflix special. She has TED talks too. I'm reading
* "Braving Greatly" and
* "Braving the Wilderness".. both by Brene. I'm a research worker too so I'm familiar with research. AWESOME reads.
The paradigm shift for me occurred whilst listening to Dr M.Scott Peck's "The People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human evil" available for free on YouTube... I deal with the recovery of myself and my children from serious assaults etc. Threats are often. Reporting has become commonplace I'm sad to say.
BUT THIS book caused a paradigm shift in me and changed my life.
It's HEAVY but for me perfect.
Just a note on the "Christian" slants... please don't throw the baby out with the bath water lol!
If there are references to God or any other deity in brilliant people's work, please replace or ignore if it's not for you.... but PLEASE use anything and everything you can out of these works.
Brene Brown helps us understand how our staunchly held beliefs are now segregating us in this online world. Leaving people feeling so much more disconnected and alone and lonely.
"People are hard to hate close up" is one of Brene's phrases. (The 4 letter word "hate" is banned in our home lol - it segregates and isolates and renders us powerless & exhausted in the end).
Love is what will heal ourselves and our world through our connections.
1.5 today. Feeling pretty freaking awesome - LOTS happening in our family.
Love EM
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Hi EM and Moon and New Posters are always welcome to post too 🙂
Im getting better and now a '7'
Thankyou EM for the references...the more the better! I will catch up with you soon on this...either here or on your thread..You made my day when you mentioned ' Thankyou for opening up the "portal" for others to connect, share and become stronger or at least validated'
Hey Moon...Its always great to see you and thankyou for being a wonderful friend for such a long time ...no opinions about Covid will ever change that Moon
thankyou so much amazing people x
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Hi Paul and everyone else, there could be many people who are struggling with a MI but don't seek help or even want to make the decision and feel 'it will just go away' and not do anything, this is when an illness like this never gets old, it only escalates, especially in this current period.
If you are tired and make excuses because of this, please get a diagnosis
Take care.
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Paul....I am just so scared, so afraid, so full of fear...no, as you are aware, not of the Covid virus, any more than I ever was of the flu each year in which so many died (but curiously never mentioned now by our politicians who are caught up in the exciting drama that they sure are making the most of...politically I mean......
I am scared of the power and control our leaders have over us....they now "own" us, mind, body, soul.....terrifying us into submission, ultimate obedience...... which part of that did I get wrong?
They fill me with more fear than I have ever known, nor can handle....do they realise what they are doing to us, we are innocent, we have done nothing wrong....please stop filling us with fear!!!
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Dear Moon
I'm so glad to see you posting. I miss Croix on his thread already lol! I wanted to share there and will do so soon.
I'm really not sure if you'll get anything out of it but I most certainly DID and it's available for free on YouTube as an audio book. "The People of the Lie..." by M. Scott Peck. It was written a LONG time ago but as we were both alive then (lol), it can be relatable for us most especially. There is a chapter on Govt cover ups... he speaks of evil.
But he also speaks of healing.
As with anything... be it alcoholism, substance abuse, mental illness, any troubles... the first thing we have to do is acknowledge it / them. You are acknowledging the fear you feel.
This book may help you. I really hope so.
Just like with anything else from medication to seeking professional help to reading a book.... nothing can change everything that's going on around us. But we can change ourselves and how we look at things... meaning our perspective.
I'm not saying to rugsweep or ignore if you don't want to.
I'm just hoping for you as with everyone else we realise we only have today.
If we can make the most of today then our lives are improved.
I'm a 1 today. Still with lots of sh** going on but hey... that's life so I'm living it to the fullest.
Love EMxxxx
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Hi Moon, I tend to agree with you, power creates power, self domination can influence us either in a positive or negative way and always has.
Our emotions are always delicate, so what we're told can only extrapolate into worse or perhaps better situations, but if these are broken allow us to make a guess about the future or about some hypothetical situation based on the data that you already know.
Take care.
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i am sorry sorry that things are so difficult for you.