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Community Member

hi everyone

so ive only been on these forums for about 2 months now and have come to realise alot of people are after coping strategies.

i have quite alot of coping strategies- not all of them work on me but i thought id share what i have and what i think of as it goes along and maybe itll help others.

please feel free to add your own coping strategies too 🙂 the more the better 🙂

95 Replies 95

it sureley is Falling Angel 🙂

your welcome to add anything here as well 🙂

Hi Starting new

i will endevour to start some of your coping strategies they make sense

Atm im just overwhelmed with emotion and dont know where to start , im having my operation on wednesday so ill be laid up for a few weeks ill have plenty of time to think then ...ill be visiting your thread often ,just THANKYOU 🙂

Good luck with your op falling angel. Maybr start by journalling your feelings deep breathing and mindfullness 🙂 to help maintain a calmer state

This is a wonderful thread. Thank you for all the suggestions startingnew.


1. Pick the thought

2. Reality Test it

so ask questions such as 'my evidence FOR and AGAINST this thought' 'am i jumping to negative conclusions?' 'are my thoughts true in all cases all the time?'

3. Looks for alternative explanations

'are ther any other ways i could look at this situation?" 'what are the positives of this thought?'

4. Putting it into Perspective

'whats the best thing that can happen?'whats good about this situation?' will this mattter in a few years?'

5. Use Goal Directed Thinking

'is this thought helping me achieve my goals?' what can i do that will help solve this problem?' 'is there somethign i can learn from this situation to help me?'

Startingnew - I love your suggestions. When I find my head hamster amp up I will head here for extra ideas on top of my own. 🙂

I like to read lots. Maybe too much 🙂

no worries, feel free to add your own coping strategies here as well

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Starting new,great idea about writing things down I am juist starting to do this more now and am finding it helps, it always helps to lighten the load of carrying these worries around gets very tiring also doing something arty is good distraction plus good diet and exersise I find yoga really helps especially the meditation ,thanks for the help and motivation ,Best wishes ,Ross.

Hi, thanks for all the suggestions! a lot of these suggestions are temporary/short do you have any ideas to help stop feeling depressed for a longer period of time?


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