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Alcohol Free Days
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Hi all,
I've been thinking for some time now that it's time for me to come off the alcohol. Beer is my weapon (drink) of choice ... well it's not actually a weapon, it's more of a very close and comforting friend. Yeah, that's it.
Oh and before I go on and drive some of you insane ... AFD is my abbreviation of Alcohol Free Days ... and each year I count how many I have. Well, not each year, I've only been doing it for the last five years. Is that kind of Obsessive Compulsive; oh and the fact that I keep a daily diary for what happened in my day EVERY day; and that's been going on for, wow, I'm coming up to my 20th year of keeping my daily diary.
And it's in my daily diary that I record down my AFD's.
So for the month of February (laughter I hear from my fellow readers - with exclamations of "Nice work Neil, choose the shortest month! - and you wouldn't be far wrong either!) I am going to chalk up 28 AFD's. Of late I've been hammering it pretty hard of a night and I think my body is screaming for a dry out period.
So it's cold turkey straight away ... with no easing into it. I usually chip away at this kind of thing each year for the first 4 or so months ... and then come early May for the last 5 years, I stop totally - for a period of gee, well from early May to late September/early October. This is because I compete in natural bodybuilding competitions and so I've gotta have that amount of time to work off the adorable beer gut that is associated with the elixer of the gods. And it's amazing, cause each year I get rid of it, and I actually then see (for only a brief period of time) the most shy, timid and hard to spot creatures in the whole world - and they would be my abs!! They come out for a short while, but then after a brief appearance they scurry off again, not to be seen again for another year! Timid little creatures they are.
However it does cause me much sadness to know that my local bottle shop will suffer incredibly during February financially speaking.
So there you have it folks ... February the 1st and it coincides with AFD 1 for Neil - I'm actually glad that I've posted this cause it'll also keep me focussed and on track. Because now that all you know, I can't be letting you down.
And I will sign off with a simple, bye for the time being (and I'll leave the cheersing till next month) 🙂
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Oh Neil my friend
I'm so sorry that we have sent you to tears, I didn't mean it. Neil, I am here for you anytime, I know you struggle you just don't say. Yet you are on here all the time offering your shoulder for us to cry on, a helping hand and an ear to hear us but Neil I and others on here are here for you, right now.
Neil, you are an amazing guy. Truly encouraging us to keep going, keep fighting.
Pls take care, I am thinking of you right now and hope you are doing okay.
Your friend Jo
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Hi Neil
just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you.
Sending you strength today. Hang in there, we are all with you.
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Sending you all sorts of hugs, love and positive vibes today.
Like Lilyn said, we're all with you. Please be encouraged by the knowledge that people care for you.
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Dear Everyone ( I won't separate names for fear of missing someone )
Holy smoke, I only had a minor meltdown (or was it bigger than that?) I don't know. Let's not analyse it Neil.
I can't express my thanx to this site and the wonderful members who visit and post here. "No, don't cry again ... get yourself together". But you all just make it such a beautiful site to be on.
I've now chalked up Day 4 of AFD ... and I don't know, maybe it was the fact that I wasn't going to have my buddy "VB" with me last night that might have got to me? Although there are other factors happening too and I guess it was just a general combination of things and bang ...
But yeah, Day 1 was difficult, Day 2 and 3 weren't too bad, Day 4 was difficult.
I did get to the gym though yesterday arve and whoa, I must have sweated out quite possibly a carton and a half of beer ... I was just a lather of sweat (yes, sorry folks for describing that - but it was a massive workout). Monday's are quads and calves and I topped personal best lifts for supported hack squat as well as for leg extension. My legs today ... are yes, sore, but a good sore.
Thanx again to all,
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Hi Neil, I feel compelled to post to you. It seems to be a bit of a coincidence that I am also on day 4 of AFD. Maybe we could join up as a team and see how we go. I was at rehab this morning and made a goal/commitment not to consume alcohol for 1 week at least. I wanted to say forever but 1week seems like a good goal for now. I have a dream of losing weight and getting to the gym to workout like you do but small steps for me for now. I had a taste of it about a year ago, I had a personal trainer and went to the gym five days a week for a year and lost 27kg,s and didn't touch a drop. Oh how I want to get back to that lifestyle. I,ve got good support, psychs, gp, rehab worker. I would like to touch base with you now and again Neil if that is ok to see how long we can stay away from the amber nectar. I am not really having any withdrawals at the moment and I feel dedicated to giving up completely but I know I need some support.
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Hi Stephen,
Maybe it's the mental effects from yesterday, but I'm feeling a little, um, how you say, lethargic at the moment for B.B. Awful I know, but I'm going to have a wee break, but will be definitely back later on.
Mate, I'm stoked with your post and we are AFD buddies at the present. I'm doing all of Feb ... and I'll be with you to support you through to 28 days as well. I do have a plan for this year and will spiel that out a bit later.
I'm also thinking of starting up a kind of a "Workout/fitness regime" thread on this site ... reason being, is for the first 4 years of my journey into Natural Bodybuilding, roughly once a month or once every two months, I'd send a post to some friends and work colleagues and friends from the gym about what I was doing: you know, my workouts, any cardio I was doing, what food I was eating, other fitness factors or even some fitness facts, and I tried to keep it amusing, but entertaining/knowledgable as well; I started with about 14 people, but by the time I got to my 4th year, I had about 120 people on the address list. I might even dig out some of the old posts that I made and use those to commence things along.
It was amazing that the amount of people who emailed me back to say that in some way I had inspired them to do something, that was I think the main reason that I kept it going. I had to stop though when my Black Dog told me that I couldn't do that anymore. Which was a pity ... but when he snarls, I generally listen.
Again Stephen, I loved your post and I think you've got some awesome potential to not only reduce the amber nectar, but to also get back to the gym and, though your goals will be different to mine, I'm sure we'll be able to sort something out for you.
Catch you later on today,
ps: to Jo, Lilyn and Scorch ... thank you so much for your wonderful and kind posts to me. Words mean so much when times are tough and those posts were so appreciated. Thank you.
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Always here for you Neil, anytime.
Your friend
Jo xx
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Dear all
I would just like to extend to you all a warning about the effects that sobriety can have on the human body.
Example is my post from above (please note it is Tuesday the THIRD of February today):
"I've now chalked up Day 4 of AFD ... ... But yeah, Day 1 was difficult, Day 2 and 3 weren't too bad, Day 4 was difficult".
So let me please say this: Day 1 was difficult, Day 2 wasn't too bad, however Day 3 was really difficult. I am yet to complete Day 4, but I will and it won't be too bad.
Confusing? Well, you oughta view the world through my eyes!!
Cheers with water
ps: thanx Jo
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Hi everyone,
Way back when, I think it was Jess who asked me about Febfast … I could be wrong but is it something to do with abstaining from the evil grog for that month? And to raise money for something? So you see, I don’t know anything about it at all.
Scorch, I understood exactly what you were referring to, and I guess it is a battle of the mind – the battle is much much harder in the early days. I always figure, “It’s something that I enjoy, so why not do something that you enjoy – AND it has the bonus effect of numbing my mind to quell the demons (even if for a little while)”. But once the days go by, I find it not as much of a chore and doing THIS does become easier. Not all things become easier as time goes by.
Unfortunately for others with my gym going, I have my own inbuilt motivation. I used to work out in our garage at home, with a bare basic amount of equipment; I’d do up my program and head out – be it boiling hot summer temps with mozzies around or in the winter with extra layers on … I’d still go, like clockwork. I wish I could channel some of that dedication and somehow use it to battle my depression.
I’ve mentioned in other posts, somewhere, that I could write for days on exercise and gyms, etc … and I do hope to commence a thread on the community board about such things. That’s my plan.
Yes yes, I have a schedule; at the moment I have two days off: Tuesday’s and Thursday’s, so all the other days in the arve I go to the gym after work and on weekend’s it’s usually late morning. I only miss a day if I’m badly injured … and then I get so antsy and stressed and tensed out, it’s not a pretty sight. I really HATE missing my gym workouts.
Jo, you posted this: “I think with exercise you have to find something that (a) you enjoy doing and (b) you feel good when doing it and after and (c) it can fit in with whatever lifestyle we have. Pointless joining a gym when you can't get there enough times to reap the benefits.” That is all so true … and so with exercise, it doesn’t have to be the gym … it can be running, walking, cycling, swimming, touch footy, any sports, etc etc.
That’s all folks for the current time.
Stephen, are you now sitting on Day 4 ??
Cheers with water
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Hi Neil
Hope day 5 has been kinder to you than some of the others!
Mate, I've got to say you are quite the wordsmith - even when you're having a tough time, you still manage to make me LOL at your postings! Ever tried standup? ha ha
Note sure if you're aware, but seems like all of BB is pulling for you. Might be difficult at present, but I hope you know it WILL get easier, it WILL get better.
Are you getting the professional support you need at present?
Kind regards
PS If it helps, I can drink your share of beer for you?!