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I'm depressed and the cracks are showing.

Community Member

i don't exactly know where to start so I'll see what unfolds on this post.

 i have suffered from depression since I was basically 13 years of age, falling in and out of it really - I've been through traumatic events in my life that sent me to extreme lows... I got over them on my own... But not completely.

What upsets me so much is that I used to be such a positive and happy, bubbly kid... In and out... But now... It's just to hide the pain in feeling all the time... 

From the horrible things I've experienced... I've now grown to fear life - Im nervous almost all the time, I generally don't show it but I do when I'm alone at night... Or alone at home... Or with strangers... The list goes on... Recently I've hit a massive low in my life... My now ex fiancé was cheating on me when I ended the relationship due to feeling so down so I didn't want to bring him down... Turned out it was just a bridge for him to escape the relationship... And yes I am a gay male...

aside from that I feel as if I'm in a tinted glass box where I see out, but no one sees in and sees me... I'm always crying at night and I'm always trying to make others happy, but when I reach out to people when they badger me about getting help... All I get is the cliche words of "you need to see a professional" or "I'm so sorry for you" 

it only makes it worse and now I've basically been feeling like I'm just non existent right now... My new boyfriend is amazing and he knows I used to suffer from depression but he doesn't know I'm suffering now... And I don't want him to know... I don't want to make him worried or anything.

 i currently can't afford to see a GP or see any professional... And I've done everything I can to get help... But now I'm sitting around my room or when i horse ride I think... "Why bother? Why bother living, when nothing in my life goes right... Not just even once?" 


There's more to all this but I don't want to drag this on... 

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9 Replies 9

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Believe000,

Thank you for your post and I understand depression a little. I have P.T.S.D. after 30 years of being a Sydney policeman.

You seem to have limited options if you cannot afford treatment, although this site is supportive and anonymous and one of us will always respond to you. There are options for mental health plans if you would consider that, where your G.P. will give you a short test to see if you might benefit from counselling. You can get ten free sessions (in Australia) per calendar year if you qualify. If you are considering it, see your G.P. before the 31/12. Then you can get another ten next year.

I do know the pain of being cheated on but it is the risk of relationships. True? In any case, you say your new partner is amazing, which is the best any of us can hope for after being treated poorly by an ex.

You say you do not want to let him know you are struggling. I wonder if you are underestimating him? Strong relationships are built on mutual support and knowing that someone else has your back. What do you think will happen if you tell him?

Please keep posting because you sound like a good person that is trying to sort a few things, and if we can help, we will.

Kind regards, John.


Hi believe 000,  welcome

I agree with Johns post whole heartedly.

These highs and lows, most of us here know all about having experienced them many times over. You are not alone.

The best thing I can say is to use search for the following related threads. Please read them. Hoping they help.

DEPRESSION -is there any positive?

Depression - a ship on the high seas

MELTDOWN - back to basics

Boredom - the closed door to fun

Being positive - what's the secret?

When all is lost - what can you do - be radical

Who cries over spilt milk?

Take care.

Tony WK

Community Member

Hey mate, have you tried getting in touch with your local gay / lesbian welfare group? Some of them have counselling services available that are free or low cost, and there are doctors that bulk bill also.  If you're feeling this bad, then getting some professional help is essential.  You can ring the support line at bb as well for advice.

Also, i think you should tell your boyfriend. He's going to know something's up anyway, and if he knows your history of depression then it's not going to be a surprise.

A question I have, you say that your friends aren't giving you the support you need. If you could wave a magic wand and get exactly the support you need, what would it look like? What would you like your friends to do?

In answer to that question - my only wish is that Im not treated as an outsider, that Im treated seriously and not just someone "doesn't know anything"

And Im sure my boyfriend knows something up, I just can't bring myself to tell him right now - Im afraid I'll just bring him down and it'll make things go south in the relationship...  

I don't want to sound selfish or anything so sorry if I am! It's not how I want to come across! 

In reply to the other two - thanks for the advice - it's much appreciated!

No no mate you don't sound selfish at all! So when you try to talk to your friends about your depression, do they not take it seriously? Like, do they say things like "oh we all get depressed sometimes" and brush it off?

Hi Believe000,

I get what Justinok is saying and I think you misread his post (this is very common in forums as we cant see their faces).

I've been in some groups. Often I'd get serious about life, my issues or others issues. Basically because I'm a serious person that tries to find answers to the problems of life. But I'd get comments like "all we want is fun fun fun".  "Chill out" etc.

For me that is annoying. To them I'm annoying. So I've learned to find my own kind of serious friendships. And leave the party people to their parties.

I'm very interested in your responses too Believe000


Tony WK

dear Believe000, thanks for posting your comment, as I believe that people in either a gay or lesbian relationship have just as much trouble trying to overcome or seek help as those people in a hetersexual relationship do with depression, so it all balances out.

We have to look at any group of people, friends or even family, where there is always a pecking order.

The smartest or supposedly smartest just loves to dominant, take control of any discussion, because they have to be number one, and if somebody wants to challenge them by taking over, then number one starts throwing not so much abuse, or this could happen, but disparity remarks to this person who is challenging number him/her.

From what you have said is typical when someone tries to overcome their depression by themselves and I quote ' I got over them on my own... But not completely', because all the remaining symptoms are actually the problems that really need the most attention, and you won't be able to address these by yourself.

They are either hidden or you just don't know what they are, or perhaps too difficult to address, so there are doctors who bulk bill, so maybe if you ring the web chat or BB phone number they will help you.

Unless you do seek help, then you life will always have a yo-yo effect.

With regards to your partner you can only hide it for a limited time, but please you have to remember that if and when he finds out by himself, he will become annoyed that you couldn't trust him, plus it's also hiding your intimate details.

Let us know what you think. Geoff.


Community Member

Justinok - 

Pretty much - or they just don't know how or what to say to me, which... In fairness I understand at times, I don't ever expect people to just "know" what to say or do about all this... It frustrates me and also upsets me to get people badgering me about "talking to them about my problems" and then all I get is that kind of "not so much responsive" response.

 White Knight -

I'm in the same boat there, I'm a good ball and have the strangest personality but I treat like for seriously than most of my friends or others in my age group... I sit back and look at everyone partying till its 5am... While I'm at home reading a book or watching animal documentiaries... Which to most is the most boring thing ever...

Geoff -

Your reply is what grabbed me the most, i agree to basically all of what you've said, I know that hiding my pain to my partner will cause trouble in the long run... So I have to act sooner rather than later... And as for what you said in the beginning of your post, I also agree to that... Hence why I'm desperate to see a professional to really know what going on with myself... 


My my downfall to everything is that I hate relying on others for help... And at my age it's seen as arrogant or just stuck up to some... I rather make others smile than to worry about myself... 

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Hello Believe, I know this can sometimes be easier said than done, but perhaps you might need some different friends that share your interests more? Spending time with friends and watching documentaries or movies together is a great thing to do, and if you can't find people who understand your problems (and this is a hard thing to find), then at least you can enjoy good company and distraction.