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Community Member

I have been having homosexual OCD ever since taking LSD. I know I am not gay and I am in love with my beautiful wife. But my brain will find anything to latch onto to convince myself that I am. I have tried looking at gay porn and am not interested. Is anyone out there in the same boat as me?

2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Lenny,

Welcome! Can you describe HOCD for us and some of the feelings that keep repeating for us? It sounds like it could cause you a bit of fear and doubt.


Community Member

Hi Lenny,

Like Paul, I'd like to welcome you to the forum 🙂

I'm sorry to hear of this struggle you've been facing. Seeing your doctor is important, especially as the LSD use is implicated. It sounds like taking these drugs is causing psychological problems for you. That's the trouble with drugs- they negatively effect some people far more than others. It depends on an individual's biochemistry.

There is a previous thread on HOCD you might like to check out:


I hope you can get some help soon.

Best wishes,