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Coming Out Gay

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi all, I have just come out gay to all of my friends and family and all of the people at school officially and I am looking for some advice on how to deal with the bullying because I have been bullied my whole life for different reasons but now it has become to much.
5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Winga,

Welcome to the Beyond Blue community.

The site has changed recently and I am not sure where to find things any more. There have been a lot of posts in the past about bullying. There used to be a section where you could key in a word like say "Bullying" and up would come references to that topic.

I suggest you use the Chat Online service, as the people responding to that will be able to give you a lot of advice on how to cope with bullying.

Hopefully someone else reading this will also be able to instruct you on where you can locate the other posts relating to bullying.

I was bullied as a child at school and later on in life by various people. The thing I needed to learn was to not allow the person being the bully to know they had upset me.

Once a person feels they have some kind of hold on you or control over you, then they will feel like they can keep going with their tactics.

One of my nieces just walked right up to a group of girls bullying her, she told them she was not at all interested in what they had to say and she would not be wasting her time listening to them. For her that worked well.

Another time she actually confronted a couple of young men who were making fun of her size, she told them she didn't appreciate their comments and they were uncalled for. Those guys left the restaurant.

I know that it is not always easy to stand up to the bullies in our lives, but it can provide us with a great sense of pride, self esteem and empowerment when we do!

Hope some of this helps.

Cheers for now from Mrs Dools.



Community Member

I understand how you are feeling about getting bullied. I would just push them to the side and be proud of who you have became, Im sure your friends and family are respecting you for who you are so should the bullies but if they haven't it's time to report them or tell someone. 

There are many sites on the Internet that will be able to help you deal with this kind of thing and give you some tips. I'm sorry I don't know any but when I got bullied the best thing I ever done was reporting it and taking to someone to help you make the right choice. 

i hope I could hope 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


Here is the link for bullying here at BeyondBlue https://www.youthbeyondblue.com/understand-what's-going-on/bullying-and-cyberbullying

Honestly you took a brave step and that alone makes you stand taller than any insult!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Thank you guys for your help, I will definitely take a look at that website link and I would love to keep this group going and offer any assistance to any one who needs it. But Thank you again guys for your help.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Winga,

I have just come across your post. Sometimes there are so many messages sent in that posts tend to be moved down the list.

So how are you getting on? Have you managed to find some solutions and strategies to help with the bullying? I hope so!

You may also like to check out the section here at Beyond Blue relating to people who are gay or lesbian. You may be able to encourage some of the people who post there.

I'm wondering if you have found it easier to say that you are gay than if you were to tell everyone that you are depressed and have a mental illness? I'm just wondering how people would react!

Cheers for now from Mrs. Dools