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Should i quit?
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I'm in a job i absolutely hate and its ruining my mental health as well as relationships around me.
I've been in my job for a few years and cannot stand the people i work with along with the line of work i am doing. it has caused me a lot of stress and sadness over the past year as i think to myself i shouldn't be this unhappy in a job at such a young age. but i feel stuck.
I am 100% leaving the job at the end of this year as i plan to travel anyway but I'm not sure how much longer i can stay in it.
I keep going to and fro in my mind and all that is keeping me here is the money, and the fact it will fund my future travels. But with the amount of unhappiness i feel, is it worth it?
I have thought about leaving but at my age and the full time hours i currently do get, i feel looking for another job to get me by till the end of the year will be quite tough especially finding a job with the right amount of hours or money on offer.
This job has caused a lot strain on my relationships around me, more importantly with my partner as the 'stress of work' takes its toll. I am constantly tired and grumpy and have a very short temper towards my partner who tries to do the right thing, but we both know its because I'm so unhappy where i am at the moment.
I just ask anyones opinion on whether i should stick it out for the next 12ish months or if i should quit (which also could be a bad thing as i could end up being unhappy if i struggle to find a job that will give me the same money as my current one, which gives me funds to save for my trip at the end of the year)
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So my boss was really rude and horrible to me today.
Nothing out of the ordinary, he gets very stressed easily and takes it out on me as its 'my fault' anyway.
But i just cant control my anger and sadness and keep breaking down. i have done it in front of him many times before where ive just balled my eyes out and today i had a teary but didn't let him see that.
I am so sick of being at fault when it is his responsibility anyway and putting in so much hard work and not being recognised.
I am so scared of change let alone facing him and handing in a resignation though i know its the best thing to do (i even know he will turn a bright face on and fight to keep me because i basically hold a lot of this company together but that's his duty to find a replacement and i shouldnt feel obliged to stay because of that) but i keep letting myself string along until the next bad thing happens where i go back to feeling this shit again.
How does one face a boss and resign, i need some tips cause its absolutely daunting as i have never done so before.
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Dear +_+
I guess if you are really thinking of leaving -and I can well understand what you are going through - then having an ally would be of help.
May I suggest you do see your GP and explain the situation in detail, including your reactions at home, with your partner and in front of your boss.
If your doctor thought it appropriate a medical certificate that coincides with a resignation period could be forwarded with a resignation, thus you do not have to go back. This of course would depend upon your doctor's take on the matter.
I've no idea if your condition makes that appropriate, however at least there would be an opportunity for a proper diagnosis.
However having said that I was in two minds as to posting this message, but decided it's your decision.
Either way you have my best wishes
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Thanks Croix for your reply.
Unfortunately that wouldn't be a plausible option for me however it is good to know that option is there.
Thank you for your wishes.
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