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My Best Friends are Awful Roommates

Community Member

I moved out of home with my 3 closest friends in 2023; It was great but over time I have started to feel increasingly miserable over their behaviours and bad habits pertaining to cleanliness of our shared spaces;


we all work late night hospitality jobs so I understand that it’s exhausting coming home and you just want to eat and sleep and ‘deal with it later’. But I’ve been finding it increasingly hard to use spaces without having to clean up their mess in order to use the space. From the vacuum cleaner not being emptied after use and getting blocked with mould, to stacks of empty toilet rolls stacked in our bathrooms, greasy/sticky bench tops and tables, food scraps on the floor and in the couch and carpet, overflowing bins; there is an expectation of ‘I’ll do it later’ that’s become ‘do it when I finally notice’. I was raised to clean up spaces and keep them tidy when finished using them, but I’m sick of having to clean up after myself AND others, whenever I need to use the kitchen, lounge or bathrooms. It’s become increasingly taxing on me and I find it unfair that I’m cleaning up after myself I’m cleaning up their mess too.


We had a big argument/meeting over this because I tried talking to other people about what I should do, and it’s created a miserable tension in the house and a 3 vs Me situation; I was told I’ve forced myself into a matronly service role because I have a ‘psychotic’ standard of cleanliness, that the house isn’t as dirty as I think it is and it’s all in my head, and I’ve been basically been told there will be no compromise.


they’ve basically told me to ‘suck it up or leave’, and I’m genuinely considering it; 


these people are supposed to be my best friends but when I told them how I felt, it was immediately thrown back at me… I don’t want to move back in with my parents or move in with strangers and I feel stuck, overwhelmed and unequal in this dynamic.

3 Replies 3

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion



Run Yim, run. Lol.


I can honestly claim that this situation will not improve. Such laziness was realised in my first marriage to a wife that was atrocious with her lack of effort. When kids came along it got worse and after 11 years I broke down. 


I think it might be a better option trying another shared house. When inspecting note dishes in the sink pillows on the floor etc. If tidy then comment on that and they might mention how they like such an environment.  Then you'll fit in better.


The risk in staying is losing those friends. 


"Cleanliness and hygiene are so entrenched as to be woven into one's nature..."



Earth Girl
Community Member

Hi Yim7,


I agree with white knight, in this case, it's best to move out and find a new place you can share with people (even though I can understand why you wouldn't want to do that) because this situation is just going to get worst if you stay and you shouldn't have to put up with this.


You could make an advertisement type of thing online on one of those sites that can help you find roommates to live with and one of the things you can put in it is that you would like to live with people who are very tidy and clean up after themselves straight away, empty the trash regularly, etc. This should help you find people who will hopefully be a lot easier to live with. You'll be able to meet lots of people this way, talk to them all and figure out which ones you'd think will be the best fit.


If it doesn't work out with the new people you move in with, that would be annoying too because you'd have to move out again, but it's still the best thing you can do in this case because if you do this, you have a chance of finding some people who are great to live with and you might even become friends with them where as, if you stay living with your friends, they are just going to make you more and more miserable and the friendship between you and them will come to an end.

Hey there! 
It becomes difficult when your so-called best friends don't value your feelings and don't show respect for your opinion. If I had been in your place, I would have left the space and have a new start. It's painful, but it is necessary to have a new start for your peace. Share the space with those people who will respect you. You deserve better.💙