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Emotional affair?
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Hi All,
Last year,my husband and I went through a rough patch because his female colleague was quite sexually explicit and he didn't like my response to hearing things - potentially out of context. At the time,it caused me huge trust issues especially because he was criticising me and society for being so stringent about only having one partner once you marry etc. He later confirmed that he didn't mean what he said and that he just blurted things out while being emotional. But the damage to me self-confidence was done,especially because he is still in touch with that woman. She left the company but now,instead of moving interstate, separated from her husband with whom she has had issues for some time. We have had many conversations about my trouble to deal with my insecurities since then and I believe fully that there is nothing physical between them. I also believe that he truly loves me. But despite how often he tells me,I cannot shake my concern that he may build an emotional bond with her. Back when it was heated,I asked him to remove her from facebook which he did. I was never a jealous woman but since then I am worried about everything and feel I cannot get back to trusting him. Especially because he lied to me back then and said he was not talking to her, but then I saw the comments. Now I found out that he has her added on Google Hangouts. I did not know Hangouts existed but casually asked him whether he knew it. He said yes but when I asked whether he was using it,he said no. Then I saw that he had been checking it at 11 pm the night before. Afterwards he googled what to do when your wife doesn't want kids but you do which is something that has come up recently. So I'm scared that he has created that secret bond with this other woman who has a little son he likes.
Today,I told him that I am concerned that he is building an emotional connection with her and he said that that's definitely not the case and that he just likes the professional exchange with her. But why would he create an account in google hangouts just for one contact,her?doesn't that mean there is a bit more of a special desire to stay in touch even if it's non-physical. I told him I don't like all the secrecy because if she is like any other friend,why can't we talk openly? He says he is now so afraid of my negative reaction when we talk about her that he doesn't feel comfortable mentioning her. I tried to explain that honesty and transparency would remove the problem
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I won't speculate on what might be going on between your husband and this woman, because like you, I don't know. But I do think that the heart of what's going on is revealed in the first few lines of your post, and towards the end. Your husband's thoughts on monogamy sound like they touched a nerve, and that conversation was never fully resolved. Conflicting thoughts on having children are also very profound.
While I understand that your husband's friendship with this woman is really playing on your mind, I honestly think there are some bigger issues underneath the surface that you really need to have a heart to heart on. She is the symptom, not the problem.
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Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your story. This is a friendly, caring, and supportive place.
Trust in a relationship can be so easily broken but takes a very long time to rebuild.
It is hard for you to rebuild that trust when you feel your husband is not being open and honest.
He seems to feel he can't be open and honest as he feels you don't trust him.
My experience is different but when I first started my relationship with my partner I had good male friend- just platonic and I was open and honest as the friendship had been going for nearly 2 years.
My new partner was very jealous even though I reassured him and was very open- gave him my email password etc.
So I decided that it was not worth my partner being upset and I cut off all contact with my friend. I did the right thing
As I said that was my experience and is different to yours.
I can see how upset this is making you and sometimes we have to make a choice.
Thanks for sharing your story.
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Hi again,
thank you so much for your fast and valuable advice. I agree with you both, there are other issues at hand and have been over the past. My husband often suffered from depressive periods and that has caused a lot of trauma for both of us over the years. But we are usually very loving with each other outside of these big explosions once a year. However, the one last year was different because it caused me so much grief and I felt so undesirable. I know it may have been a chain of activities causing a problem that never existed but the problem is that moving on from it now is difficult. I agree that looking behind every corner is the wrong thing to do and I hate that I do that at the moment. I never ever in my life did that and never felt jealous or distrusting, but last year was too much for me. I also agree that my constant insecurity and probing causes a lot of difficulty for us. I believe that my husband really loves me and wants us to have a happy relationship but I just cannot understand why he lies to me. He holds against me that I asked him to remove the woman from his facebook but now that I know he actually has her added on Hangouts, how can he hold it against me? He obviously found another way to stay in touch with her and I don't understand why he would go to such lengths for a friend he had not known for very long. What makes her so much more important than other acquaintances. I know you cannot speculate but rather than wondering only whether he is on the verge of an emotional affair, I wonder what it means that he is lying to my face. I asked him again this afternoon whether he was using Hangouts because I was testing it to use with my parents, and he repeatedly said no. Given I know that is not true, what do I make of my husband lying to me? Is it just because he is so afraid of my reaction or is there more? And if he lies to me about that, what else would he lie about if the requirement ever came up? I do not want to spy on him but I have lost so much trust in him because of his little lies.
He came up to me and said he just wants us to be good and he was really sad when he said it. I really want that, too but how can I just let go of all this and move on? I'm scared of being hurt further down the track but my biggest wish at the moment is just to let go and move on. There are more important things to deal with, I just want to trust the man I married. Is it possible to just make a cut and force oneself to forget somehow?
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Dear AussieGal81,
I am so sorry you are going through this. I feel that you are a very perceptive woman, doing your best to deal with a complicated and painful situation. Like you, I believe trust is the foundation of long term relationships, and yours had been shaken. I believe your feelings are very natural, given the situation.
To paraphrase some of what I've learned from personal experience and reading studies written on this topic , most of the pain and worry comes from knowing that affairs (and relationship abandonment) don't start with two people hopping into bed. They start out with a spark of attraction, that progresses in increments. A single person might naturally follow up on this attraction, because they are single. But a person already in a committed relationship would protect their marriage by having a lot of boundaries instead. Its seems simple doesn't it? Single=follow up on an attraction. Married/committed relationship= protect you relationship.I believe following this simple rule is how couples successfully build trust and mutually satisfying relationships together, that last.
When a partner follows up on an attraction with flirtation, time spent alone with that person, secrecy, then increasing emotional involvement , there is good cause for the spouse to be concerned. The `unfaithful' partner is acting like a single person, progressing a relationship with someone they are attracted to, to see where it leads. Frustratingly for the other partner, the unfaithful partner is often in denial about this.
Pursuing an attraction may lead nowhere, but the process damages the relationship significantly. The unfaithful partner progressively `detaches' from their partner, which means they no longer care as much about their partner's feelings. And if the partner discovers any of this, it results in significant feelings of worthlessness , betrayal and pain.
Couples can avoid this pain by making a conscious agreement about boundaries with the opposite sex, and honoring those agreements. They may include being more selective about friends in general, having a lot of transparency in communication with the opposite sex, choosing to keep some opposite sex acquaintances at arms length, and discouraging invitations to flirt. Most importantly. each of us needs to be honest with ourselves about who presses our buttons. There's lot of emotionally beautiful and special people in the world. But our job in our relationships is to protect our partner.
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dear Dear AussieGal81,
Sorry I ran out of room there. I hope some of what I wrote helps validate your feelings and intuition. I really believe your feelings are spot on and normal, not irrational.
I believe your partner probably is in a little bit of denial right now, and that is hard to deal with. But you could still approach him to talk about what you need to feel safe in your relationship. If building trust is something you still both care about and value, then you need to make each other feel safe, through actions, not just hope.
I suggest that you try to start a discussion about both of you having boundaries with the opposite sex. He might come back to you with `I don't care what you do', if his detachment has progressed. See it as a sign of detachment, try not to get mad. Just tell him you think he's become detached, and why. And then try again to ask him what is fair, what will build trust between you.
The reason I value trust so much myself, is its very hard to properly commit to someone, and risk losing half of everything you accomplish, if there isn't trust. I mean why try at all if your partner is just going to leave and ruin your life? I want my partner and I to create a life together that we both value so highly, that we want to protect it. I want my relationship to be somewhere I can give my best and be my best. But I can't do any of that if there isn't trust.
How do you feel about trust yourself? Do you think your partner feels the same way?
Anyway hugs to you, I am hoping the best for you.
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Hi All,
thank you so much for you help and thoughts, I really appreciate it. I have spoken to my husband again about the matter. It was not particularly pretty and I think he did not take it so well but at the same time, I was able to clarify a few things that would have otherwise become monsters in my mind. We will see how it continues, I want to try and ease off a bit given the new information I have and the impact I see my insecurities can have. I am still not happy about how he manages this friendship but I understand better why this all came about.
I also realised that this issue last year (which has dragged on until now) was probably the last straw in a long saga of self-confidence diminishing events. Over years, my husband told me painful things every time he entered one of his depressive phases. Every time he questioned our relationship etc. and for a while threw divorce in my face every time we had a difficult conversation. Then, when he was better, he took it all back and told me I was the best and he wanted to be with me forever. But these days, I don't know anymore whether he feels like that and whether depression just got him to say negative things, or whether he feels negative things about the marriage which then causes depression. At the end of the day I have to trust him when he tells me that he wants this marriage to work. And the weird thing is that we are very loving with each other, but we always create so many problems for each other. I don't understand why we do this. Shouldn't we just be happy and a team? Maybe we both feel that this is lacking something substantial but we don't have the guts to give up because the heart wants it so much, no matter what the circumstances. What do I do in that case? Since last year when everything was extremely painful, I am not sure anymore that I would not look back at life in 20 years and regret having stayed. But at the same time, for some reason, I cannot go. I want to move overseas, closer to my friends and family. I have been away for ten years and if everything here went better, I would not rush it. But my parents are getting older and I realised that when things are bad, I don't have anyone here to support me. And given things bad usually includes my husband, I cannot lean on him for support either. So, after all the issues last year, I decided to go ahead with our original plan of moving overseas at the end of this year or early next year. Originally, he wanted to come. To be continued...
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thank you so much for you help and thoughts, I really appreciate it. I have spoken to my husband again about the matter. It was not particularly pretty and I think he did not take it so well but at the same time, I was able to clarify a few things that would have otherwise become monsters in my mind. We will see how it continues, I want to try and ease off a bit given the new information I have and the impact I see my insecurities can have. I am still not happy about how he manages this friendship but I understand better why this all came about.
I also realised that this issue last year (which has dragged on until now) was probably the last straw in a long saga of self-confidence diminishing events. Over years, my husband told me painful things every time he entered one of his depressive phases. Every time he questioned our relationship etc. and for a while threw divorce in my face every time we had a difficult conversation. Then, when he was better, he took it all back and told me I was the best and he wanted to be with me forever. But these days, I don't know anymore whether he feels like that and whether depression just got him to say negative things, or whether he feels negative things about the marriage which then causes depression. At the end of the day I have to trust him when he tells me that he wants this marriage to work. And the weird thing is that we are very loving with each other, but we always create so many problems for each other. I don't understand why we do this. Shouldn't we just be happy and a team? Maybe we both feel that this is lacking something substantial but we don't have the guts to give up because the heart wants it so much, no matter what the circumstances. What do I do in that case? Since last year when everything was extremely painful, I am not sure anymore that I would not look back at life in 20 years and regret having stayed. But at the same time, for some reason, I cannot go. I want to move overseas, closer to my friends and family. I have been away for ten years and if everything here went better, I would not rush it. But my parents are getting older and I realised that when things are bad, I don't have anyone here to support me. And given things bad usually includes my husband, I cannot lean on him for support either. So, after all the issues last year, I decided to go ahead with our original plan of moving overseas at the end of this year or early next year. To be continued-
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Thanks for replying and updating. Your situation is quite complex.
Depression does affect each individual in different ways and some people do push others away as they themselves feel so worthless so they don't want to be a burden. I used to behave like that and I know it is confusing to loved ones.
How does your husband feel about moving overseas within a year?
You may have mentioned this so I apologise if I am repeating myself, but have you been to counselling together.?
Sometimes having a neutral person who listens to you both can make matters clearer.
You have insight and some understanding of your husband's behaviour but I feel sometimes his unpredictable
behaviour unsettles you.
I can understand how you want to move back to your parents and feel support and give support to your family.
Thanks for keeping in touch .