Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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Chris_B PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 3 important tips to get the most out of this section
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Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following... View more

Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following 3 tips: 1. Do you really want to share this with the world? This is a public forum. Are you thinking of posting something that could identify you to a friend or family member? Once you've posted, you can't delete what you've written and we don't take posts down from here unless they've broken one of our community rules. This is because our members spend a lot of time composing replies, and there is a much wider audience that gets a lot out of reading what has been written. It's not fair to ask the community for support, then ask to have it removed once you've read it so others can't also benefit. Use discretion when posting here - think about the level of detail you are sharing, and think also about who might know you are posting here. Also, please keep it clean: this is an all ages forum and explicit discussions about sexual problems are not permitted. Threads and posts of this nature will be removed and your account placed on a moderation hold. 2. What do you want to get out of posting here? Relationship and family issues are stressful. Members sometimes post here seeking advice about a relationship that has broken down, but find themselves getting upset when they don't agree with the response they get. This is a peer support forum, meaning we are not mental health professionals. We are people of all ages and backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences. While we aim for our discussions to be conducted respectfully, people here will respond with the truth as they see it, from their own experiences and perspectives. We are not here to take sides. Offence is almost never intentional, but it can be sometimes taken. The advice you will see here is not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling. 3. What other support do you have? Most people posting on our forums (about any issue) use this space as a supplement to other supports. This forum is not and cannot be a substitute for offline supports, but it is often a good place to start the ball rolling and find the courage for seeking help. If you are relying solely on an internet forum to resolve your relationship or family issues, you are likely to be disappointed. Check out the Healthy Homes section of our Healthy Families website for further information and resources.

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Tex31 Feeling a sense of loss for someone I love...
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Hi I'm feeling heartache and a sense of loss. I met someone a year and a half ago and we started seeing each other and it got pretty serious pretty quickly. Then he said he wasn't ready for a relationship he'd just come out of a bad one and he wasn't... View more

Hi I'm feeling heartache and a sense of loss. I met someone a year and a half ago and we started seeing each other and it got pretty serious pretty quickly. Then he said he wasn't ready for a relationship he'd just come out of a bad one and he wasn't in the right frame of mind. By that stage I had already fallen for him and he wanted to continue seeing me but left it up to me in whether i wanted to continue to see him or not as 'he didn't want me to get hurt'. Things cooled off for a while but then started heating back up again and we'd get just close again and it would go in cycles but we'd always end up back together and there was talks about 'us' and he's a bit of a thinker and would tell me he thinks about it etc. I always have a guard up and never tell or show people how i'm feeling and even though I had completely fallen for him I didn't tell him. When talks turned serious i'd joke or brush them off. I think I was just scared of how he'd react if I told him how I really felt. We were in a bit of an off cycle and didn't talk for a few weeks and I text to say hi and I was thinking of him and he wrote back and was talking about work etc and then in his next reply said he'd been seeing someone for about a month and how she was over but we could catch up another time. Without thinking I poured my heart out to him and told him how I felt about him and how I could see us being together and that I didn't push it earlier because he wasn't ready and had things going on in his life (losing job etc). I told him everything. He just said that he was speechless. I didn't want to tell him via text but it just happened that way. This was two weeks ago and I've tried to ask if to talk. I feel like it's open ended with the way he left it. Not knowing his reaction to it is making it harder to accept and move on. I also feel so much deep regret for not telling him how I felt when I had the chance. I can't help but wonder whether things would be different. Even though we weren't officially together we spent a lot of time together over the last year and a half and I really have never felt like this about anyone before. I can't tell if he wasn't interested in me or whether I could have changed things. I know he talks about settling down and i'm scared it will become serious with the new girl and that will be it. I feel like I've lost the opportunity of a lifetime and I just feel lost. I wish he'd talk to me. I just cry constantly and I can't snap out of it.

iamsotired Anxious son in London
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Last year my eldest son and his wife presented me with a beautiful Grandson. They unfortunately live in London. Early this year my daughter in law returned very distressed to Australia, to stay with her Mum. My son had had an affair. I feel such sham... View more

Last year my eldest son and his wife presented me with a beautiful Grandson. They unfortunately live in London. Early this year my daughter in law returned very distressed to Australia, to stay with her Mum. My son had had an affair. I feel such shame and disbelief that a son of mine could do such a thing. It is very out of character, or so I thought. He has come out here to talk with his wife and see his son, but has returned to London. He feels ashamed. Recently on my Grandson's first birthday, I had a long and difficult conversation with my daughter in law. What she has revealed has opened so many ????? The woman he had the affair with has been very obviously chasing my son for two years. My daughter in law has even has words with her saying keep your hands off my husband. This woman works with my son in a ver stressful job. i also was inform ed that my son was anxious about their marriage, move to London, purchase of their London home and birth of their son. My daughter in law said she was tired of helping him with their anxieties, especially since he is a very poor communicator related to personal matters. My son is a brilliant finical lawyer, who was head hunted for his job. I am told that his job is his security now, he is anxious about leaving it to follow his family to Australia. But his anxiety at times is such that he will ring is wife here, at all hours. She has organised a therapist for him to see weekly and friends to drop in and check on him. i suffer from major depression, general anxiety and I am finding this whole situation over whelming if anyone has any advice, words of ..... Help

Dee81 Feeling Lost, Helpless & Like I Am Going To Lose My Husband.
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I am 33 hubby is 37 and we have been together for 12 years, we have been married for 4 years and been trying so desperately for a baby with no luck. Earlier this year my husband was extremely sick, we were not sure what was wrong with him, if it was ... View more

I am 33 hubby is 37 and we have been together for 12 years, we have been married for 4 years and been trying so desperately for a baby with no luck. Earlier this year my husband was extremely sick, we were not sure what was wrong with him, if it was life threatening etc... it took 4 months to get a diagnosis and thank god his illness is something that can be controlled by medication. In July we started IVF to make our dream of being parents become a reality... I was 1 week into the medication for our IVF treatment when he decided to leave me, he says he doesn't know if being with me is what he wants, he says he has been unhappy for 12 months and looking at it now I see the signs of the start of depression back then. I am completely heart broken as he is my other half, he completes me... and I just realise how deeply in love with him I am. He says he loves me and he cares for me but can only be friends with me right now and he is not hopeful that our marriage will work, I am sure that this is from the depression but right now I am doing it tough... I cannot loose him to this... he's having a medication review and will be organising a psychologist who was recommended by our marriage counsellor... feeling lost and sad right now!! Shan81

missmumba too much too fast cant move forward
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I split from my childrens dad after 4 years. I moved away with our children. I finally met someone and long story short I fell pregnant. I kept it to myself even from the biological father. I cried everyday and tried to ignore I was pregnant til I co... View more

I split from my childrens dad after 4 years. I moved away with our children. I finally met someone and long story short I fell pregnant. I kept it to myself even from the biological father. I cried everyday and tried to ignore I was pregnant til I contacted my ex and just blurted everything out.No matter what, I felt some sort of comfort from him as we shared such precious memories previously. He knew me better than anyone. I was vulnerable. He supported me to an extent. We got talking about getting back together and started making plans on the promise itll be a fresh start and id end my pregnancy. He said how he never stopped loving me and hes not moved on. I felt like I belonged and this man was genuine. So I went through with what I have always been against. I aborted my baby. Im so heartless. I cry everyday. I cant eat or close my eyes. I see pregnant people everywhere and I start balling in public. Even looking at my remaining children I know iv messed up so bad to the point I dont think I will ever move forward and be at peace. Not long after my horrible decision was finalized I found out my ex (soon to be partner again) had cheated on me previously. not just sex. Full on love letters etc. He used the names he used to call me which I thought was sacred and that was apart of our bond. I am totally shattered. He says hes so sorry and was the biggest mistake ever. It was some time ago now that he did but iv just found out. 6 days since Im without my baby. Without love. Iv given everything up for a life that never existed. Was all lies. Who am I? There's no going back. I want my baby

Denise_B_ Daughter hasnt allowed access to Grandson for 7 1/2 months & have 2 month old Grand daughter I've never seen
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7 1/2 months ago I refused to lie for my daughter and so she used the 1 thing she could that would hurt she has refused to allow me time with my precious grandson who use to ring me daily and have regular Tuesdays with me and a lot of sleepovers. Whi... View more

7 1/2 months ago I refused to lie for my daughter and so she used the 1 thing she could that would hurt she has refused to allow me time with my precious grandson who use to ring me daily and have regular Tuesdays with me and a lot of sleepovers. While taking her to court is an option I dont want to. I know that the last time I saw Arthur was 9.24 on the 9th February. My heart feels like its being ripped out. I find it hard to function and I'm getting councilling but its hard to explain to people that you struggle to put one foot in front of the other. Then last night I was told by my son that My Daughter hates my guts. Like the knife in my heart just gets turned a little more. My daughter has not only stripped me of my grand son but of a chance to meet her new little daughter who is now nearly 2 months old. She has stripped her Great Nanna and Aunty of seeing the kids as well because they told her it was wrong to use the kids as weapons. They live 10 minutes from me and I cant see, touch or hold my precious angels. Arthur and use to have so much fun cooking, doing playground trips of all the playgrounds in the areas. I've had trouble with depression all my life and felt there was nothing good about me but when Arthur came into my life at 2010 I finally found my place. I was put on the earth to be a Nanna. He didnt see depression, or the chronic pain I'm in on a daily basis through medical conditions. He just saw the nanna who would take him for a drive looking for trucks, taking him to playgroup, Nanna Tuesdays, movie days with containers of popcorn, gardening, Nanna cuddles and kisses. I find myself lost, no purpose and wondering what is the point. Thanks for listening.

need_a_helping_hand Just dont understand.
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Hi everyone. I guess this is the first time ive ever told anyone or let this out from under my emotions but i need help to know if im just over thinking things or am i just being blind sided by it all. Ok here goes. In the past i have had 3 propper r... View more

Hi everyone. I guess this is the first time ive ever told anyone or let this out from under my emotions but i need help to know if im just over thinking things or am i just being blind sided by it all. Ok here goes. In the past i have had 3 propper relationships where i was gutted when it ended. The first one i was only young and my partner had to move cities so we had to end it. It was the best relationship i have had as she was so faithful trusting and loving. The second one was a little up and down where she had slept with my friend and we were on and off a few times. The biggest one was when i went out for drinks with her by my side and with my other mates. She ended up sneaking off to chat up one of those other guys at a bar across the road. Im sure everyone knows what other type of guy im talking about... the one that always has the best of everything and everyone is talking about him. Anyway the night didnt end well as i left quite upset and ended up putting my hand through a window and spent the night in hospital. Once i had left hospital i went home to clean up to find out that my partner that didnt come see me in hospital ended up going home with that guy and having sex with him. I was gutted as i was dedicated to her but she seemed to take it as a joke. A few months go buy and we start seeing each other again but this time we had moved towns. We had to amazing twin girls together and i thort we were perfect. I had proposed to her and we were planning our wedding. I was with her for about 5 years alltogether but towards the end she had started becoming distant and didnt want much love from me. then one day i had seen a txt on her phone when i was getting dressed. It stated " yeah babe i sent ya my sexy pics, i sent them to your email so your partner wouldnt see them. pow!! i was hit in the gut as this was one of her guy friends that she was close to!! so i confronted her about it and she came clean. she told me that they had been sending pics back and forth but it wasnt serious. i mean why would you do this is you have kids with someone!! to cut that short she ended up sleaping with him while i was at work. so that ended our relationship and devistated our little girls. i was so hurt i didnt know what to do. Stupidly of me i went back every now and then and we had sex but we never got back together. Months past and there was another girl who i had knowen for ages that wanted to catch up. She wanted me just like i wanted her and soon we were dating

white knight The Grief of separation
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It is probably the post under played topic of concern- for those that have never done it- separation from a partner or family. 1996, married, two young daughters. Endured 11 years of abuse from my then wife. I walked (indirectly forced) out the door ... View more

It is probably the post under played topic of concern- for those that have never done it- separation from a partner or family. 1996, married, two young daughters. Endured 11 years of abuse from my then wife. I walked (indirectly forced) out the door and purchased a small caravan to take up a location in a caravan park. In my mind I'd been forced from the family home. I just could not live with that evil woman any longer. So what price was to be paid for this decision? My children lost their full time dad, I lost- my full time parenthood, my home, my neighbours, my dog, my town (I could not afford to live so far from work anymore) etc. I began to endure the child support system and start life again. I returned to work and my colleague hardly responded. My mates tried to see reason and tried to get me to return home. I knew I couldnt. This period was mid 1990's and I hadnt (yet) been diagnosed with any mental issues. I look back upon that period and realise now that I suffered enormous grief for many months. I purchased a block of land and sought the opinion of colours for my future home -from my estranged wife as I grieved so much for my kids. After I separated I walked through a park and saw a man sitting at a folding table. The sign on the table read DIDS. I enquired. He told me it meant "Dads in distress". He then went on to tells me some extraordinary facts like - that suicides are more than the National road toll. WHAT??? In fact its around double with males taking about 77% of this (2010 stats) Thank God for DIDS, Beyond Blue, Lifeline and other organisations dedicated to saving the souls that lean that way. It doesnt matter if you are the person that left or the person being left the trauma can be equally devastating. Male or female....doesnt matter. It will take time to adjust and in those few early weeks your will to keep going will likely be tested. We dont have statistics on grief, the levels of grief many people in distress , alone and vulnerable. So some ideas. 1/ Time: take some time to readjust. Allow yourself to grieve. Dont be too hard on yourself 2/ Value you own parenthood. You cannot be replaced as one parent of your children. You are equally important to your children as the other parent. 3/ Take care of yourself. Go to your GP, discuss your issues, take medication for relevant issues like depression and anxiety,..its all in the process of getting over this period. 4/ Plan your future. 5/ Stay proud. It doesnt mean you are at fault.

Lonely_amp_low Quicksand
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For a brief outline - I met my now ex-wife in 1996 and in April this year she asked me to move out. I can be honest and say that the marriage was far from perfect, we tried counselling a couple of times with limited success. I have some long term med... View more

For a brief outline - I met my now ex-wife in 1996 and in April this year she asked me to move out. I can be honest and say that the marriage was far from perfect, we tried counselling a couple of times with limited success. I have some long term medical issues that definitely caused lots of strain and tension between the two of us, it affected family holidays, etc. I thought I had things under control, but now realise I didn't. She tried telling me numerous times she wasn't happy, felt lonely, wanted more from me. I thought I was trying harder and understood her, but I now know I wasn't/didn't. And in the midst of this is our beautiful 10yo daughter who's desperately trying to figure us out. Well I moved out in June (we co-habitated but separate rooms until I could sort stuff out) and have organised a small unit for myself with a space for my daughter to visit. But I'm stuck. I cannot move forward. All I know is that I feel the same about her today as I did when I realised she was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I know it is over between us (if I could change this I would) and she has started to move on (ie dating) - which says a lot about how unhappy with me she truly was. I know this is going to be a long and drawn out process for me as I find it hard to want to let go, even if I need to. I'm trying to start again in a new place, but how do I make it home when my home has always been wherever my (ex) wife and daughter live. tI just doesn't feel right. To me it's just an empty space where I reside waiting for those opportunities when my daughter can visit and bring some meaning to my life. We are both professionals in the mining industry which brings its own challenges, but I was lucky enough to have residential positions, which was great - for the first 8yrs of my daughters life I was home every day, then I went FIFO which meant I was only home two weeks a month, but I made the most of it (well I tried to anyway). Now I have only seen my daughter for a total of 5 days in past 3 months. Yes we talk everyday on the phone and Skype when we can. But it's not the same. It's completely doing my head in. I never knew true loneliness until found myself sitting alone in a small flat contemplating life without those I cherish the most around me. As I said - I'm stuck fast and I can feel myself slowly sinking deeper and deeper as I struggle to move forward. I know I want to/need to, but I have no clue as to how become unstuck.

Biz_Koot Lonely after separation
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Hi, I was with my husband for 19 yrs, and recently left him. I have tried for so many years to make it work. We have 2 wonderful boys, 13 and 15 yrs. I have tried to make it easy for him, he keeps the house and doesn't have to do anything, while I ha... View more

Hi, I was with my husband for 19 yrs, and recently left him. I have tried for so many years to make it work. We have 2 wonderful boys, 13 and 15 yrs. I have tried to make it easy for him, he keeps the house and doesn't have to do anything, while I have to work full time and juggle the kids half time and worry about money. He is fully retired on a lifetime pension and I am 15 yrs younger and working. He is a difficult individual, a man you can't easily get close to, easy to anger. He is extremely critical of me and our kids, nothing is ever right for him when it comes to me. He drinks alcohol every night and after a few wines can't stop talking about himself and never really wants us to reply, just listen to him go on and on. I was so sick of his critical nature, I tried to please him for so many years, but eventually I could see there was nothing left. 2 yrs ago he told me that our assets (which are in his name) would be willed to us 30% each, so he was treating me like one of our kids. There was no acknowledgement of my contribution to the relationship, he feels that everything is his. It made me realise that this was not a 'couple' relationship and that although he did many things for me, and professed that his family was everything to him, it was really about him. Now, although our relationship was bad, being alone is worse. I realise that I had not factored in the aloneness I would feel. I have lost all my connections, my home and my kids 50% of the time. I grieve for what the relationship should have been, and sometimes I grieve for those brief times when we had some happiness. Can anyone tell me when this gets better, it has been 2 months and I am crying every day at the moment. I have some good friends and family, and a good job, but I don't know what to do. Should I go back and put up with the misery, or stick it out in my flat and try and pick up the pieces somehow?

S18 Need to talk, but no one to talk to!
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Hi guys, I'm new to this website and I have joined seeking someone to listen and to confide in as at the moment I feel like their is just no one I can speak to about what I am currently going through!I have a lot of friends but not any that I can pro... View more

Hi guys, I'm new to this website and I have joined seeking someone to listen and to confide in as at the moment I feel like their is just no one I can speak to about what I am currently going through!I have a lot of friends but not any that I can properly talk to and confide in until I met my boss. We first started chatting and it was just about work etc and slowly the chat got more and more off topic and we became really close friends. He is honestly the only person I feel like I can just be myself with and talk to about anything besides my partner. As this relationship grew strong naturally some feelings started to pop up (more on his behalf , but a bit on mine too) and he made it pretty clear to me that he finds it too hard for us to chat all the time like we have done for so long because he wants more. We decided after a long chat that it would be in both of our best interests that we text and talk less and only see each other at work (once a week) or in small groups so their was no temptations ( I am engaged happily with a baby). And while I thought this was going to be hard and sad as we spoke so regularly I accepted because that's what needed to happen.last night I received a message from him saying that it was the last message he would be sending me ever and that he was deleting my number following the message and request for me to do the same also. I'm feeling absolutely gutted that we can go from being such good best friends to him cutting all ties and going to the extent of deleting my number and being so harsh in doing so. It's like there is a piece of me missing and honestly my heart actually hurts and I'm just on the verge of crying all the time. I can't talk to my partner or my family because of the feelings that were shared and I don't want my partner to get cross with him. And most of my other friends are work colleagues and really shouldn't know about this. I don't know if I'm being silly or what butI' m just feeling so low and hurting inside and I really just needed to tell someone that would listen beyondblue's clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.