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After the crisis

Community Member
Thanks for having me here.

My wife and I had a major crisis some years ago.

Since that time every hug or smile feels fake, every sympathy is  an act of respect but does not feel sincerely. Sometimes I feel she is totally checked out and just waits for the right moment to exit. It’s hard to describe.

Any tips?
2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi their hope you are ok im no therapist but sounds like both of yaz  never fully moved on from the crisis. I known people who could never get past and it lingered around for years until they split or others who just moved past it but didn't quite know how to deal with each other since.  I think going back to the basics in life when we face adversity sometimes helps. 


1 if you feel like you do have a chat ask how she feels if you haven't already sometimes asking how the other feels before we tell them our feelings can soften the conversation 


2 Do simple things together like a date night eg have dinner or a lunch etc or catch a movie at the cinemas or simply go to to shops and have a browse for things. 


3 Go for a walk or do some form of exercises or activities together be surprised how much this can help


4 Keep being honest and open with communication and let each other know how you feel and how things are progressing 


Hope this helps




Thank you so much for your input.

1) Tried... she says she is OK, everything is fine. Even though I can see it's far from the truth. So 4 is fruitless, she won't open up honestly...

2) and 3) no time, too tired, too busy...

Sorry that I make it that short but that's how it is.