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After 27 years of marriage she’s left and I’m gutted
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My wife and I were married for 27 years, 2 beautiful daughters in their 20’s. My wife works in hospitality, myself construction, both in our 50’s, the relationship has always been a work in progress. She is not a very romantic person, never has been, I guess some of it stems from her upbringing, my upbringing the complete opposite. Sometime ago I was a fly in fly out worker, it lasted 6 months. I was getting home every Friday night and her being out with one of her of her friends at the local watering hole or out with work friend. She would then get up Saturday and go to work, not leaving much time for US time. I should have said something but didn’t and I spiralled downhill feeling worthless, empty, gutted and no self esteem. She gets very into socialising with her work friends, occasionally I was invited sometimes I’d go, sometimes not, when they all get together they talk work, fair enough but I don’t want to hear because that’s all she’s talking at home. She’s been to Bali twice with work people, I haven’t gone, my choice, didn’t want to hear about their work all the time.
I was diagnosed with Depression at start of this year, which I’m on medication for and have spoken to Professionals about. I’ve told all my family and friends and received 100% support. She left me because she said we needed time to breathe, I hadn’t been the easiest person to live with I’ll admit that, I did tell her my depression stemmed back to when I was working away and coming home to an empty house and that she ranked well down on her list of priorities, she doesn’t seemed that concerned that her actions bought it on, she says she’s sorry but never made any attempt to rectify it, I think it’s lip service
She said she needs her own space, in 8 months that we’ve been separated I’ve had her over to the family home and cooked her dinner, she did say she didn’t want to lead me on, I understand that. I thought we were making some progress.
She told me recently that she’s going away in the new year with friends, I said that it hurt because to me that said she wasn’t figuring I’d be in the picture. She then said she doesn’t see us ever getting back together.
I feel worthless, gutted, emotionally and physically destroyed, thankfully I’m close and very grateful for the love and support of my daughters, family and friends, they give me reason to get up, it’s a challenge.
I just struggle as to why after 27 years she walks away from me
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Thanks for the support and caring words. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and offer your thoughts, it is extremely appreciated.
I know that it’s not the end of the world, a lot of people tell me that. it’s just it feels like it when I’ve got nothing to do and you sit any think. I’ve got to stop thinking, easier said than done.
cheers and nothing but the best of health & wealth my friend
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I must say I feel a lot like you, I think.
The wife has said to me “you’ll find someone else, that deserves you, you’re a wonderful person, caring you’ve looked after me all these years, gave me breakfast in bed every weekend. Didn’t stop me from doing anything etc”
There is the old adage once bitten twice shy. I don’t know that I ever want to go through this feeling again. After investing 27+ years and getting destroyed. It hurts too much to think about putting it out on there again.
I must say that I do enjoy my own company at the moment so there is that I suppose.
Clown thanks for taking the time to read and send your thoughts through, I appreciate it
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Dear EM,
Thank you for reading my post I’m truly grateful.
I will look at the recommendations that you sent through.
I’m very happy for you that you’ve found a wonderful person, you sound very brave for entertaining or considering this new relationship. I personally could not ever see myself looking again, I know people say never say never. Even my mother in law has encouraged me (I’m her favourite son in law, the fact my wife is an only child helps)
I do know that I’ve got to start looking after numero uno. I had 2 siblings front me today and tell me I need to get selfish and put myself first. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.
EM to you I hope that you continue to enjoy your new life and thanks again for your time
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Dear Dom
I agree with your siblings, it's great to know they've 'got your back'.
I'm really glad you have them.
The 180 & Gray rock techniques show us how to put ourselves first.
Also by doing these we can begin to block the person from our minds.
Freeing ourselves more and more over time.
There's alot of work to be done and I know how hard this is.
You are extremely worthy to love and be loved.
The funny thing for me was that I wasn't looking for anyone AT ALL. I was repulsed by the notion tbh! I felt completely "done" with any form of relationship like that.
I turned down multiple blind dates and other approaches altogether.
We connected when he was also going through separation / divorce and very much still in love with his exW.
We truly were only friends but became best friends. He was the only person whom I felt really understood what I was going through. He felt the same.
Our friendship became stronger over a year and it was then we decided to take the leap so to speak. This was 2y after my separation, 18 months after his.
No way did either of us think that we'd get together lol.
I'm telling part of my story in the hopes that you may be open to making new friends or perhaps socialising outside your current circle?
This may all be far too soon and I get that too.
Kindest regards
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Hey Em,
I’ve got to thank you again, I’m so happy that you mentioned “grey rock” as soon as I read it and I’ve got to tell you it rang alarm bells.
Now I know it’s only been a short period of time, but since reading it I feel so much better in a short time frame. I’m going to adopt it and run with it.
1. I’m going to tell my wife that I’m glad this has happened that she’s walked, no longer will I be emotionally or mentally abused by her.
2. Right now I couldn’t give a stuff what she’s doing or what her future plans are. She can have her new life and friends that’s fine with me. I’ve got my family and friends of over 40 years
3. I’ve asked my daughters not to tell her what I’m up to a day to day basis. They don’t blab to her, she asks them and they just tell her, nothing sinister just conversations. I told them that it’s only fair. I don’t know what she’s up to, therefore she has no right knowing what I’m up to. I’m going to tell my wife, not to ask the daughters because it’s not fair on them.
3. I’m going to tell my wife that our relationship is now that of a business relationship pure & simple. It has to be that way because we’ve got a house, mortgage etc. If it wasn’t for those things, I’d have nothing to do with her at all.
4. I’m my own man now going forward. No one is going to tell me what to say or what to do. My daughters will have to tell me what to wear (I’m coloured blind) often getting told that doesn’t go with that lol.
5. I feel empowered to move on.
Thanks again I feel like a completely different person now, no sadness, no anger and no bitterness, for the first time in a long long time.
Today is the first day of a new life
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Hi Dom
I'm glad that you are feeling better. It is not an easy task.
A word of caution if I may. To my knowledge, Gray Rock is a defensive strategy, typically used to protect yourself from the ongoing abuse of a narcissist, psychopath and other personality disorders. If your wife is none of theses, it will be ineffective. Either way, it is not a treatment.
Step one is to acknowledge and stop the abuse; Gray Rock might be the way to go. Step two is to recover from the abuse; Gray Rock will not help here.
The road to recovery is a hilly one, with many turns.
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Hi Mr Paul,
I understand where you are coming from in relation to Gray Rock and of course I’m going to adapt it to my needs. I understand Gray Rock is about protecting my emotional & mental state and not the answer to everything, but I feel it’s a tool that I can start with.
One of big issues that I’ve struggled with over the 8 months of separation is wondering what she’s up to etc. Knowing she can check anytime what I’m up to by asking the daughter that I live with and I wouldn’t have known that she was keeping tabs. But now I’m feeling that I’ve broken away from that.
By simplifying our relationship to a business relationship then I feel I’m taking the emotions out of it and putting up a screen to protect myself.
I do know that there will be ups & downs along this long road, however I’m feeling better equipped to face them.
Mr Paul I very much appreciate your thoughts and advice on not relying on Gray Rock to solve all my issues
Today will be a good day !
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Dear Dom
WOW! Your words so sounds affirming and I'm SO glad you're reaching / reached a new stage in recovery.
I really LIKE your dot points! I got goosebumps reading your post lol.
I liken ANY strategies you use as a "tool for your backpack".
You have "a job to do" and you need tools. Throw ANY tools that sit right with you in your backpack and you can call on these when and if you need.
Funny you said "I'm treating this like a business transaction" or such... that's EXACTLY what my GP said I had to do at the time! lol.
She also said LOOK at the relationship as though you were in business with that person.
Would you EVER go into business with them now you know?
Exit this business.
This snooping is unbelievably ridiculous isn't it!
I taught my VERY young children (under 12yo) what to say in response to all the nosey questions..."I don't know dad, ask mum".
On repeat.
Ofcourse he persisted and if he did... they were to practice the "pregnant pause" ie don't answer.
I know your girls are older but these "tools" come in handy in many situations lol.
I also know that my situation warranted me to have a fleet of semi-trailers full of tools lol!
Seldom is this needed.
I hope you can pop in and let us know of any developments as you progress through.
There are pitfalls that Mr Paul, myself and others may help you avoid in the financial settlement fiasco.
Well done you
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Hello Dumbdom, I too after 25 years married join you and the others who have kindly posted their own situation, so my heart goes out to all of you, because it certainly isn't a pleasant feeling, we expect the marriage vows to be true, unfortunately, they have little value to us.
My position was slightly different, I was depressed and using alcohol as a way of self medication as well as taking ADs, so eventually, my wife moved out (not the first time) and filed for divorce.
We still talk to each other and do see one another as if nothing happened, but we certainly couldn't live together again, in some way I wish we could, but I'm happy living by myself and have good communication with both my sons and grandddaughters.
Hope to continue tomorrow as I'm logging off.
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I’m guessing it might be awhile before you see this message after celebrating your tigers victory.
Thanks for reading my story and taking the time to share yours. Thankfully I never got to the bottle stage, I feel for you, it’s not like we set out to be miserable and difficult to live with, in my case as I’ve said before it was her actions that tipped me.
Can I give an example, I’d would be interested in how everyone would react to it
Last summer, we hired a beach out with 2 other couples ( Friends of over 30 years) for 10 night. She had to work a couple of days. She had 2 days off early into our 10 days, did she drive the 75 minutes down to spend it with us. No she drove 120 minutes to see her old boss ( widowed male about 48 years old) and stay at his place. Now I’m not saying anything happened, but you don’t think my mind is then running at 1000 miles an hour.
That’s the sort of actions that destroyed me and she didn’t see any issues with that.
Now I’m in a better place. No longer do I dwell on these I feel better today than yesterday and tomorrow is going to be better again.
Congratulations on your Tigers victory, time to change your profile picture