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Wondering i also have PTSD

Community Member
I have made a post earlier on , which i hope will be approved. i am wondering if i suffer from PTSD. i have taken several different versions of online "tests" which i know are not accurate diagnosis'. they just provide insight. And they all say the same thing, extreme / high risk of PTSD. i am wondering, please, any PTSD sufferers, can you explain what its like, and how it "feels" and how it impacts your daily life. i have high functioning asperger syndrome, and other diagnosis' and i have learned most recently, i cannot trust my own thoughts, i dont know how i feel on a day to day basis. only time i know what i am "feeling" is when i cry, because their are tears, and my heart hurts and goes cold, and when i am angry. because i get very jittery and end up having a seizure if i get to upset. i basically sit here, flat and emotionless. i am capable of laughing. it seems people dont like it though. they say i am childish, and my friend said i have the mental age of 13. which actually makes sense. as i have always gotten along better with people much younger than me, and seem to be on the same wavelength, and just "click". especially if they are autistic to. even girls, as young as 15 have tried to date / get with me. i know this is totally inappropriate so i turn them down respectfully. i cop an earful for it, but i know its the right thing to do. i just wish i knew why someone that young could possibly have a "crush" on someone like me, and my age. which i disclose well and truly early on. like when i am introduced to a girl, or if she talks to me. i tell her my name and age. its very confusing. i realised i have gone a bit off topic here. sorry. i do that. just looking for advice.
1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

hi and welcome to the forum.

before I go into your post, is your name related to a game? NBA? just wondering.

Thank you for your bravery and telling your story here. The people here are supportive and non-judgemental. Regardless if the issue, when you are unsure of what you have or don't have it is very easy to go the Internet to find the answer. Now I have done that myself and in each case did not work out well. I am understand the reasoning behind it as well. My or your wanting an answer to what is happening to us.

Anyway, a couple of thoughts...

1. While I do not have PTSD I also do not want your post to get lost amongst other posts and hopefully others might be able to respond to you.

2. From the little reading I have done I think that PTSD shows itself in different people in different way. Depression or anxiety shows itself differently for each of us. For me it might be a racing heart or tight in the chest and for another person something different. With that said, living with PTSD can make a person feel as though they are constantly uneasy, on-edge, scared and depressed.

Do you get any professional help? If so, I would suggest you bring up this matter with them.

Kind Regards, Tim.