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What helped you with trauma recovery?

Community Member

Hi People

So I’ve been diagnosed by two psychologists with trauma related issues. I spent over 12 months with the first one and didn’t feel there was much progress (if anything brining the issue to the surface probably made me go backwards).

Ive had four sessions with the new psychologist and there’s definitely a better rapport but I still feel a bit in the dark about how to get some sort of resolution on this (anything would be good).

Can I ask if others have had a traumatic event and how they overcame it? I’m not expecting everything to be 100% but I need to feel a lot better than I do now to be able to push on. It really is consuming me.


5 Replies 5

Aline SM
Community Member

Hi Rupes79,

thanks for sharing what you're going through and I'm glad to hear you're feeling some progress!

Give the process time and patience! Overcoming trauma sometimes is more about accepting that it's a part of us and making peace with it then trying to fix something. When we first start it does feel like we're going backwards as our self protection system is wired to protect us from any painful memory - so when we talk about it, it feels like we're on that place again.

Your therapist will absolutely help you with this and you'll feel better, just don't forget that you're not what happened to you. Although we can not erase these memories, we can elaborate and reframe it, and that's what helps us to move forward. Stay strong and allow the process to happen! It will get better 🙂

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Rupes79,

Aline SM has given such a thoughtful response I'm not sure how much more I can add to this.

What I will say is that sometimes it does feel worse and the feelings of going backwards are totally normal in trauma recovery. I've had it likened to a messy closet. When we pull it all out and address it, it can feel overwhelming, but we need to so that we can organise it. So you might actually find you did make progress maybe.

For me, I'm using EMDR as my therapy.

Can you have a think about ways that things have gotten a little better? and some ways it could get a little better? For me, having a flashback that was shorter was a step forward in my recovery. But it took a bit of digging to see that I'm making progress.

I hope this makes sense? I feel like I'm rambling a little but you're absolutely not alone in this.


Community Member

Hi Rupes79 

You have been given some great reply’s here. 
Since you have a better rapport with this psychologist you will feel overtime you will have gotten soo much better. 
The healing process for trauma survivors unfortunately doesn’t have a time frame. We move forward, then backwards.. but then magically move many steps forward. 
It can be such a gruelling experience but sooo worth it!! 
Be kind to yourself with this process. It takes time and patience. The patience part can be frustrating… but you will learn to trust that the work you are putting in now will help you greatly. 
Be proud you have taken the step to seek help and better yourself for yourself. 
Keep going. Push through and I know you will see progress. 
Im 9 years in with my psychologist and never thought I would be where I am now. 
I have more better days than bad. And I will continue seeing my psychologist and sorting through the trauma because the quality of life, work and other relationships are sooo much better. 
Keep going … push through! 
You have strength and courage in you .. you got this! 


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Rupes79
Indeed you're in similar company on BB to connect with others who've experienced significant traumas & seeking professional MH help.
I was formally diagnosed with C-PTSD about 2y ago but was informally diagnosed about 7y ago (tho probably been this way for decades). 
I am now doing very well with tons of MH support & MOUNTAINS of my own research and actions mentioned on my thread. 

What does "resolution on this" look like to you? 


I commend you for seeking another Psych. 


I had Exposure Therapy 2y ago and although they were rough sessions, my psych taught me how to do it by myself on the 3rd session I think (which totally freaked me out tbh). She set Home work and didn't expect me to do it, I went beyond the homework and began phasing her out after some strange comments on Session 5, gone after Session 6.  

I got what I could out of her, sounds awful but true. 


I set MH goals with her then and still do now. Btw I've had the same Counsellor for approx 7y. 


Sending you lots of healing thoughts. 

Community Member

Hi Rupes79,

Last year I started Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), with a terrific psychologist. This was my third round of therapy, having been diagnosed with PTSD in 2016. CPT has made a huge difference to me. It’s very structured and there is quite a bit of homework involved, but I found the more work I put in, the greater the results.

If you feel you’re at s bit of a standstill, CPT may be worth a try.