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"Trigger Warning" Is it a trigger for anybody?

second time
Community Member

Just wondering if anybody here has "Triggers" from the word Trigger Warning. I can not help but to think of my brother ending his own life. I have pondered why this term is used-even on suicide loss forums. What could be its replacement I ponder.

"Warning Reactionary content"- "Potentially Traumatizing content". Not sure maybey it will never be changed, but for a small percentive of people on these forums the term is potentially Triggering.

At the same time it gives me exposure to the word maybe softening it slowly.

It just shows how multi context some words can be, especially when dealing with people like us who are working on improving there

Mental Fitness.


8 Replies 8

Community Member

Yes. The anxiety is instant.

Something about that word.

Still it didn’t stop me from reading your post.

The anxiety subsides eventually.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi second time

I feel for you so deeply as you remain impacted by the painful loss of your brother. My heart goes out to you.

I'd never thought about the impact of the words 'trigger warning' until you mentioned it. In thinking more about it, it's true, the words are triggering to various degrees. While 'trigger' implies we may be set off emotionally in some way or upsetting memories might come to surface, there are elements of fear attached to the word 'trigger', alone. Couple that with the word 'warning' and it's kind of like 'This is no basic trigger, this is a red alert trigger'. Such words can conjure fear and upset. They can also produce some torment, 'Do I dare look into this or not? What should I do, for I cannot unsee what I've seen?'.

I think the ability to feel words is a unique ability. While such an ability can connect our soul and imagination to the words of a poet, this ability can also be potentially soul destroying at the same time. The ability to feel words can lead us to pure joy or pure despair. Being a gal who works hard when it comes to not returning to depression, I've found manipulating or redefining words to be an absolute must.

It's interesting, a take on words I heard not too long ago. What it came down to was how spelling can be a kind of spell casting in a way. For example, up until some decades ago those who were deemed intellectually challenged fell under the doctrine which spelled out how worthless they were. Documents which promoted cruelty, neglect and abuse (especially within institutions) were plenty. With the majority believing in such spelling within these documents, they all fell under the same illusion: These people are worthless and there is no need for great care and consideration. Then, those who worked to break the spell came along and now we have laws in place which have destroyed and replaced that old illusion. Thank goodness.

Words are interesting and they can be powerful in so many ways. Those who feel their impact understand their potential power.

second time
Community Member
I am not sure if I can add context as it was edited out. For me the "trigger" is that a "Trigger was used in my brothers death.

Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I think you bring up a valid issue. On TV they sometimes say something like “the following story/program contains content that may be distressing for some viewers”. The use of the “T” word on forums such as this does have the potential to affect some people, but as you say exposure to it may soften the effect over time as well.

I won’t go into details other than to say a particular method was used in the suicide of a relative of mine. The other day the word was mentioned on the radio in a completely different context. It nonetheless elicited an immediate physiological reaction in my body. However, I was able to then realise this was happening and not get too overwhelmed by it, but probably that word will always have some effect, but hopefully less over time.

I’m sorry for what you’ve been through. Take care and all the best.

Eagle ray I am also sorry for your Loss and the trauma you have, It can be random hey the impact of a word and what it can contain.

I had never thought much of this term until my brothers death, with so many people passing in this way and the people who ultimately use forums like this and others, I would like raise awareness to flag moderators to raise the question higher up in Beyond Blue and other forums, is this term the best for a forum like this, sometimes for me and I dare say others the term itself can do the thing its trying to avoid by using 'that' word.

It is unique to people who have had trauma induced by a trigger. But is used on forums to warn people something might evoke trauma.

I also Lost my father to suicide when I was 10, and its method is
also a word commonly used to encourage people down and out, I had never
thought of this word until after my brothers passing I used it in a
different context to our 3 year old. It now seems to occasionally carry the traumatizing added meaning.

Hi second time

It's understandable how you'd be upset by how the warning is termed. How terrible. I'd never considered this before, that 'T' word. I think I know the phrase you're referring to when it comes to your dad. My heart breaks for that 10yo boy in you and how this little boy's life was so dramatically changed. I am always careful not to use the phrase that can be related to 'Stay with this. Don't give up'. I know people who have passed in this way and it conjures up deeply upsetting imagery that can lead me to tears at times.

When I talk about the ability to feel words, I should also mention the ability to feel what we can see in our mind at times. We are complex beings, impacted by words, thoughts, imagery, other people's suffering (through our empathy) and more. While emotional detachment is not always a good thing, becoming emotionally detached from words, thoughts, imagery etc can be a relief at times.

Maybe 'Potentially distressing content' could be a suitable replacement for the other. I believe you raise an issue that needs attention. If you go on to raise it further, with the moderators for example, you have my full support.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear All~

Use of the word trigger in a content warning seems to me may be unnecessarily confronting or distressing for some. The word itself does not convey anything specific in the same was as for example "Strong Language" does before films or TV programs, and it also seems unnecessary to use it when there are perfectly good benign alternatives.

Why employ a word that may be distressing when it can be completely avoided?

I would be very happy with Therising's "Potentially distressing content"


Hi second time.

I just wanted to say thank you and I’m so sorry for what you went through with your father and brother. I sent a reply earlier but it didn’t appear. Thank you for having the courage to raise this issue. I think “potentially distressing content” sounds like a good option too. Wishing you the best.