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PTSD & hair loss

Community Member

I've posted my issue a week ago and I don't know if it is appropriate to post another one here, so I'm sorry if I'm doing it wrong. 

I feel like I'm going crazy now because my abusers (they are my family members) contacted my friend in Japan, asking her to talk to them. I know what they are going to tell her, they are going to tell my friend that I am crazy and have mental health problem and don't believe me, I know my friend understands (because she saw some of the things that they did to me) and but she says she is scared now. I contacted the authority in Japan but they say I should hire a lawyer. My PTSD symptoms have skyrocketed ever since, I've already lost so much hair due to all this and am going bold... my wig is too hot and feel like it's making it worse... my hair loss making my social anxiety worse too. I don't have any friends here in Australia, I contacted Grow meeting but no answer... so lonely and just crying. 

3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Illbeok~

Welcome here ot your new thread. You asked if it was ok to post here and I guess the  answer is a practical one. You make mention of your family, your sister, and of GROW, and wihtout reading your prevision two threads it is not really possible to see the  significance of what you are writing.


Having threads on differing topics can be ok, however if there is an underlying cause or theme it gets unwieldy and you have to keep on explaining things.


I hope that makes sense.


I know may self-help books advise talk to family, however one size does not fit all, and if they are a large part of the problem then distance is what is needed.


I do not know how things are with your sister but I'm sure anyone that loves you would not want you to lose your job, and would feel very guilty if they were the cause of it. In my life I have found just because a person is reaching the end of thier life does not mean they do not have normal feelings like they always did.


As an example a friend of mine realy enjoyed talk of small  everyday things and humor, a relief from tongue tied sympathy.


You have had some excellent advice on how ot keep in contact


Hair loss due ot stress happens to many people and to the best of my knowledge as the underlying issue (PTSD ) improves the hair grows back. It can be an embarrassing and limiting thing, but please do not stop from trying ot get out and be with others.


I've seen more than a few ladies who are undergoing chemo and wear caps, some with really nice designs, I think the gold and red paisley one on a black background was the best.


If It was me I'd persevere with GROW, I've heard good things in some places.


If the person in Japan is a true friend then maybe simply being frank about your condition might be the best way to go, so it is a set of specific symptoms, not that vague and insulting term 'crazy' which might worry them.


You know you are welcome here anytime





Community Member

Hi Croix,

Thank you for your reply. I will keep my post on this thread. My sister died recently and she was my only ally. But I think I should just get toughen up! Thanks.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Illbeok~


You have my sympathy over your sister, not only someone that loved you but an ally too.


Throughout all your posts you have not seemed like the sort of person that needs to 'toughen up', quite the reverse, you have managed in horrible circumstances and made sensible if hard decisions, like distancing yourself from your mother.


There is no need for you to change, it is other people that need to.


I hope you can straighten things out with your friend in Japan, in some regions the Cherry Blossom Festival is starting and quiet friendship would fit in well.

