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Police Wife Help

Community Member



my husband has been a police officer for 18 years.

Suddenly he can’t get dressed for work, can’t go to work, and is generally a mess.

He’s seen the doctor and has been diagnosed with PTSD- not a huge shock for me as I’ve watched the symptoms worsen for years, most notably in the last 12 months

what is shocking is that he’s now not going back to work.. ever - I found this out today

We now face an uncertain future 

anyone been here and can tell me what to expect 

the doctor said today (and it keeps going around in my head) He will never fully recover

what the actual!

excuse my ignorance- I’m in shock and not feeling overly able to communicate right now

i appreciate your responses in advance 

10 Replies 10

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Angel,


David35 has some good advice although I'd doubt his ability to work at all.


Yes, something has to change however, it might not be a good thing to get amerced into the politics at this point, accept the system with all its flaws and focus on hubby to get the best out of him in terms of survival and happiness.


That might include some deep thinking about his interests to form a hobby that he can sit at a desk and do. I know when deep into depression I found jigsaws relaxing and routine that helped a lot. I was also into model airplanes and built them at a desk as well as attended the airstrip on weekends and just watch them fly, eventually talking to fellow pilots. This diversion from his struggles can include several interests like attending a beach to just watch the ocean, ships etc, a lookout, mens shed (and they cater for mentally unwell quite well) and other ideas like a motivation lecture or movies. Two years ago I purchased a train set and slot car set for my shed, keeps my attention focussed and not on my memories that the jail (as a prison officer) gave me some 40 years ago. Yes, I'm still haunted.


I hope I've helped and I'm glad you are still updating us. You are an extraordinary spouse.

