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Poems by mmMekitty *TW*

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello everyone,

I’ve written poems with content which some people may find distressing to read.

I write to express thoughts & feelings. Sometimes these are vivid.

I welcome any response from anyone, whether comments or with poetry of your own.

* Pacific Shore

Thinking too much. Now I'm in pain,
All those memories come up again,
Who can stop the memories, put them out?
Who hears my whimpering effort to shout?
"Go away! Get off of me!
You're not the brother I want you to be!"

I can understand, but Mommy,
I can't ignore - you weren't there for me.
Money can’t replace your protection.
No money makes up for a lack of affection.
Casting your ashes off a Pacific shore
Won't bring us together, no, no more.

[April 2022]

* Shipwreck

A shipwreck,
Tossed about at sea,
splintered boards,
Rubbish & debris,
A broken heart,
A shattered me.

[April 2022]


21 Replies 21

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Thank you, again.😸

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

😸Link worked! So, now I am here, I will post this poem I wrote yesterday, for those who followed my link from 'Introducing mmMekitty' (& anyone who happens along).


*     Polly


Pecking crackers,

Pretty Polly, perches,

Prattling, parroting curses,

The perfect panacea:

Pollyanna, in a cage.






Community Champion
Community Champion

Beautiful, mmMekitty. I love the alliteration. 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Well done kitty the link worked. Boomer!


This is a link to redesigning the forums for all the help discussions. 



Th8s time I'm going to beddy byes. 


Nigh nite darl 🤗 good restful dreams ☺


🌹🐺🍫 sshh don't tell anyone about that piece of choccy. 🤣 at the choccy jokes on oh struth...one of threads 😄





Thanks DB. 😺


I've got a great title for a movie, book, musical comedy, "The 3 Chocolatiers" - what d'ya reckon? So long as you get souvenirs, I think it's gotta be a winner franchise.


Or it's too late for sensible thinking?





Hi mmMekitty,

just found your thread and wanted to say your writing is beautiful. I have actually recently started trying to express my own feelings in creative writing, sometimes poems sometimes other stuff, and I have found that a bit helpful. I hope these poems are something helpful or good for you too

Hello CaramelCrisp 😺,

Writing has been the most useful way for me to express my feelings, to work through thought & get them into some sort of manageable order.

The most important thing to do is to give yourself permission to say anything, in whatever way you want to say it, no restrictions.

If you think what you are writing is good, you can tidy up later.

I wish you all the best with your writing, & would be happy to talk more.

Thank you for saying my writing is beautiful. I usually don't think it is. With the poetry I am usually wanting to bring ideas into focus, & use a different way of saying things that other writing I find does not do, angles & perspectives, I guess.



Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

(Letting thoughts run the course. Maybe I can work on this... but here I will leave it unedited).



*    Alone


I think, I am not alone.

No matter how anyone crunches the numbers,

That's one thing undeniable,

Until, writing here, a Reply to myself,

I am alone.


alone, in my head,

I hear their voices,

Read their words,

Count the numbers too, if I could,

Over all the years,

Every single time, 

All of us, alone.


Some of us deny, to survive.

Some scream loud & long, to be heard;

Some cry into pillows at night, in fear & pain;

Some escape by any means, unable to cope -

All alone.


I am just me, alone,

Someone who wants to be there,

Someone who won't turn away,

Even though I don't know what to do or say,

Someone who knows you are alone,

But doesn't want you to feel that way.


Then I take a different view

& I don't want it to be you, 

Not you too.

I'd rather be the only one

Here on my own, alone.



mmMekitty August 21 2022

just found this thread, mmMekitty. your writing is wonderful & deep. i used to write aswell, rhyming poetry really, like what you did. but i haven't written in years. i guess i lost interest & couldn't think of things. i have my own writing on my ipad, some i didn't finish. but it's probably too dark to post on these forums.

Community Champion
Community Champion

I like this one, mmMekitty. "Some of us deny, to survive" resonates particularly well, as well as the line directly after, "some scream loud & long, to be heard". 


Your writing has a certain universality to it that I like. Keen to hear more, if you have more to share.