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Introduction - Hello Everyone

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.

977 Replies 977

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Blubs,

that's so nice that he was careful about that and aware.
Sounds like a nice guy.

i hope it goes well tomorrow!

Thanks hun. He won't be here till after work. So, yeh, it should be ok. Idk I get funny avout these things living with complete stranger .. You know ppl. Some you get alobg with, others you don't. Ill keep you ladies posted though. :-)
Yeh hairdressers. Keep ringing around or wait list is good. Ill be calling mine tmr. Need a trim.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

HI Blubs, i understand its really hard to know how someone will b e to live with, i tihnk ull be great with him though, he sounds respectful and so are you.x

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Blubes

It's completely normal to be nervous about having a stranger live with you.
If you were all 'whatever' about it, I'd be worried! lol.

You're aware and that's good.

You never know, HE could be very nervous too! Worrying about messing your nice WHITE furniture and walls lol... but he did a respectful thing and refused to sit down in his grubs.
Good. Noice.

I just want locks on your bedrooms doors lol... just your ecomama sayin' an all.

Aha! Yes a mud room! aren't they freaking awesome?
Love 'em. With all my grubby garden work, steel capped boots covered in Lord knows what, a mud room would be great for me / us.
I wanted one even before I met my American bf.
We already have a bathroom downstairs, a chuck together by a previous owner...not shabby chic just shabby lol! But that's fine.

Bf being a super clean, neat freak, Engineer type means that a mud room is more important, keeping the grubby stuff away from the electronics stuff.

My "Glass Room" is just what I called it. It's the work I'm doing with Uncle if I can restrain him to ONLY that phew. Hard.

So at the back (and one side) of the house it's 2 storeys. Underneath our top storey, very shabby loungeroom lol. It used to be held up by steel posts but demon took them away (to make it fall down).

Anyway it's a porch down there and VERY cool to be in during Summer. It's also right near a huge Italian like outdoor oven, so lovely.

Uncle and I decided to enclose this porch on the 2 open sides. Downstairs bedrooms are next to it.

Uncle has a wide sliding glass door and glass panels to give us.
That will go at the front with glass louvre windows at each end.

The other side now has panels of blueboard making a wall.
We'll keep the middle panel as a wall to give SOME privacy from the nosey neighbours.
Then have glass louvre windows on each end of that wall too.

So there's a lot of glass, hence the Glass Room lol.

Outside the partly walled wall is a path and the metal fence.
I might grow a "Green Living Wall" against that fence but I think Council Laws prevent me from attaching it to my fence IDK, I'll find out later.
It's shady so really nice for ferns etc.
I'd rather plants than metal!
No biggie atm.

I've been in a hurry to get stuff done because the place is a total shambles because of demon.

I seldom ever have friends over but the ones who do visit are very polite LOL...
I'm not even comfortable at all with this mess.

Now we're building & changing rooms... ugh.

Love EM

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hey Blubes... how are things with the new flattie?

I wanted to tell you I tried watching 'Wentworth' but couldn't. It confirmed to me that shows about Jail, Law with Australian accents are "too close to home". But I gave it a go!

Love EM

Hey all, me luvly ladies,

My flatmate hasn't moved in this evening. He'll be officially moving in on Wednesday. He hasn't finished packing and cleaned yet. He's been lazy over the weekend.

He just left though. Was here to move some more things in and gave me rent money. His personality is coming out a bit more. He wasn't so tired from work this time. He makes me laugh. He's funny when he jokes around. So, I sent him a msg during the day and told him that I was nervous about sharing with him and that it's not him per se, it's just the way it is. He msged me with a joke. Then when he was here, he tried to make me feel really comfortable with him by cracking jokes and mucking around a lot. He made me laugh heaps. He's a nice guy. Not at all intimidating. And lol, I'd have to get used to the Italian accent!! The accent makes me laugh also when hes joking around.

I still haven't broached the girlfriend thing. Im playing it by ear. See how it goes.

Gonna take care of dinner now. I'll be back.

Blubes xx

The show is about Jail, yes. Women's prison called Wentworth. The laws are Australian and actors are Aussies. It's a bloody good show but if it's too close to home, maybe don't watch it hun.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Okay so the flattie is a joker, cool!

What did you have for dinner? lol, I heated up leftovers, my freezer's getting full of frozen leftovers. (I have to adjust how I shop and cook now I have 2 less to feed - tricky!).

Thanks Blubes. Yeah can't do Ozzie crime shows. Can watch English ones very easily, I loved Shetland ALOT and Midsomer Murders and Agatha Raisin etc.

It's like the English ones I know are fantasy but the Ozzie ones a bit of confusion and prob triggering happens.

Lots of furniture moving houses from here to son's (whatever we're fine to lose lol) and to Alexa's because she wants it and we don't. So that's pretty cool.

Yvette's designing her new bedroom space and hoping to upstyle some old furniture from the storage area. She's pretty stoked she'll have the BIGGEST built ins in the whole house lol.
She's even talking about her future ie up to 18yo which is a first. She seems so much better the past 3 days - I'll take that! And bought herself some super expensive perfume yesterday with her hard earned money lol.

I'm glad she's improving.

How are you all going today luvvies?


Ems, you said: "Bf being a super clean, neat freak, Engineer type means that a mud room is more important, keeping the grubby stuff away from the electronics stuff". Hmm, you're anticipating him living with you in Australia. I hope he does, I really do. But, you could well end up living in the U.S with him FULL TIME. Whatever happens, you guys will finally be together.

Ahh, now I understand the 'glass room' concept. Sounds good.

It's all happening isn't it, with furniture moving to Alexa's and sons new home, daughter designing her room - boy, I feel exhausted as I was reading!! I hate moving homes. I did it twice this year and was tiresome. And, finally finding homes for all your belongings, yuck.

Dinner was chicken pad thai take away (Thai stir-fried noodles). Yum.

To be continued ... Q&A is on - issue is about social media.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi All,

Love the home movements EM - it's so nice to have changes and I guess letting go of some stuff you don't need could work out for both you and son. Hoping everything's looking nice for your daughter in her room with her awesome built-ins. Buying perfume is a beautiful treat, I'm happy Yvette can enjoy it.