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Introduction - Hello Everyone

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.

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I agree with Bluberry there mocha.

Just go with it!

You seemed to have tremendous anxiety over the lead up to see this psych.... habits of anxious thinking are VERY hard to break lol!

If you clicked, you clicked. That's awesome. Rest now.

Love EM

So it’s not very common at all to click with the first psychologist I take it? And my next appointment with her is at the end of the month on the 30th at the same time as today’s which I’m definitely not feeling anxious or nervous about at all.

Oh I will rest well tonight I hope 🤞

mocha delight said:So it’s not very common at all to click with the first psychologist I take it? And my next appointment with her is at the end of the month on the 30th at the same time as today’s which I’m definitely not feeling anxious or nervous about at all.

Dear sweet mocha there are no stats about how many people "click" with their first psych or not, this is an unknown.

For my journey I've found that after a certain amount of sessions with a MH professional; be it psych or Counsellor, I've pretty much got whatever I can out of them. I've used all their info up... then realised they were kind of 'spinning their wheels' and I wasn't getting any further along with that particular psych.

SO I left.

A few years ago my psych at work told me that due to the trauma I've been through, I will need a MH professional for the rest of my life.
I guess that's to help co-regulate me and I see her point.

I had stopped my Counsellor due to the demands of too many Court cases and the cost of the Counsellor also. Anxiety and PTSD was triggered pretty badly then. So I went back to her... she applied for Grants for me and it appears those grants have not run out.
I still see her but it's more like once a month now.

I also have the Royal Commission grants to call upon should this be needed.

All in all I'm really pleased with all I've learnt. I've been able to beat depression and anxiety by knowing the first onsets of both.
The full on surround sound PTSD responses have settled to I would say zero.

But this was all with ALOT of work on my side.
The psychs have not "fixed" me, all they did was offer ways for me to help myself.

So taking responsibility for my own mind / MH was at the core of it all.
And ofcourse I WANTED to get better!

Ahhh I'm rambling lol!
I'm super tired so might switch on the Netflix and hit the sack with some gourmet ice cream I bought as a treat! (I don't like ice cream but it looked really awesome lol).

You're a champion mocha. I'm so proud of you that you followed through and I'm very grateful you seem to have found a great psychologist for you!

Love EM

How are you both today ecomama and blueberry?

Hey Mocha,
It's an individual thing. Some people say that they just clicked with their psychologist in the first instance, others 'shop around' to find one they're comfortable with. It's like finding a doctor you're comfortable with. For me, I haven't found one yet. I will still be searching when Im ready to.
You did well in finding the one you feel comfortable with now :-)

Im ok mocha, how are you feeling today?

I’m ok thanks blueberry and I think I’m feeling a bit more positive but a bit tired as it took hours to sleep last night and when I did sleep it was very light at I couldn’t stop thinking about my session yesterday and the psychologist it was like she could read my emotions like a book even before I realised how I was feeling ect ect ect.

So good to hear that you're feeling positive. Today is RUOK day, so we're all asking that. Lol.
I'm hoping to feel positive too. I haven't felt positivity for some time now. But I'm holding on to that. All I can do is pray. I pray a lot these days. At times I wonder whether God is even hearing me. I just want to scream at the top of my lungs sometimes just to be heard. I guess we all have days like that.
Good luck @ end of month with your appointment. You won't need it, but wishing you well with that. 🙂

Hi Bluberry & all,

I feel ya...I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs and be heard too since no one was listening to me and wrecking my life.

I'm hearing you and I hope others hear you too.

What you've been through/ are still going through shouldn't be minimised and is traumatic and abusive.

They say by drugging me, it's treatment...but from experience it's harm.

Did you have a nice dinner tonight?