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Introduction - Hello Everyone

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.

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Sure join a Church group. Why not! Join 20 if you want!

Our Church is pretty freaking awesome lol... Church meeting is on Saturdays, then there are SO many other activities like organic gardening courses lol, healthy eating / cooking classes, even trekking groups every week or more... they have HUGE Camps on pretty regularly.

On the Sabbath we all eat together after worship and the music is beautiful during the service.

There's Food Pantry to get involved with too.

And no one, NO ONE is turned away from this Church.

My Pastor organised so much help for me - delivering food pantry food when I was at Court.
Bringing people around to work in my garden with their own tools since mine were stolen.

He even helped my eldest daughter with cars and trailers to get in to her ex's house and get all of her stuff out lol. Then delivered it all to her new place.

You really even don't have to "believe" to be welcomed. Included. Loved.

There are NO prerequisites lol!

I also met some wonderful women through my local Women's Health Centre.
Such meaningful Courses to do for free.
The "Breaking Free" Course was a life changer for me. My group was so beautiful. So damaged, but wonderful hearts and they all understood what I went through, as I did them.

Love EM

I've been hesitant because church organisations & leaders put me right off with the historical institutional child abuses and didn't want to associate, but I know they're not all like that. Just don't like the corruption.

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Valued Contributor

Oh heck yeah Bluberry!

I had to report to the Royal Commission over all that.

You are talking to the CONVERTED here! lol.

I hate to say this but alot of child abuse also happened in schools. Happens. Happened.
In families too.
It happens everywhere, I'm disgusted to acknowledge.

The online book "People of the Lie" really helped me understand that evil is everywhere.
We LIVE in a world full of evil with a few good people.
That's how I see the world now.... instead of fighting to try to see the world I THOUGHT we lived in.

My experiences show the former, NOT the latter.
So this book "fits" and I felt so FREE after listening to the book.

That's just me.

Now I almost feel like I can "see" an evil person from the get go.
I'd want to at my grand age lol and all the study I've done in the past few years.

So I doubt I'll be blindsided by evil again but IDK.

And I don't trust ANYONE 100%. Nobody.
I like that. I was far too naive and trusting before.

Now I'm not and I'm happy. Funny how it's worked lol.


Hey Ems,
I'm with you on the trust thing. Trust is hard for me... I'd like to trust again someday, but even still I don't believe I could ever trust 100% either.
Evil and sexual assault exist all over, yes. It is rife within the Catholic institutions. And, I know you had to report to Royal Commission, as you've told me. That would not have been easy. I'll go to your thread.

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Valued Contributor

It's actually been a CONSCIOUS decision not to trust anyone 100%.

It's how I WANT to be.

I don't pine for the days when I trusted people all over. People do hurt me and others whether intentionally or not..... now I expect it lol and am FAR happier that way.

When hurtful things are said etc, unless it's my children, I have trusted them alot more than others but still not 100%..... it's not such a big deal when others say or do awful things now.

Funny thing is a person at work who said the most awful things to me years ago about "taking" my job lol.... and yes I was shocked at the time but laughed and responded well.
She has run rampant now... and I doubt she will have a job with us next year.
The boss is FURIOUS with her.

True colours come out in the end.
All good

TRUST is a BIG issue with me as it is with you. And agreed, people's true colours do come out sooner or later. Some are very transparent, others take a bit longer to show. I believe good prevails over evil. A bit naive some might say.
I pray that the truth comes out, every night. I also pray that God will eventually hear my prayers and grant me happiness. I pray for good people in the world and for bad things to happen to evil.

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Valued Contributor

How are you doing?

I can't wait to hear how mocha went today.

Love EM

Same. I hope it went well for her.
Hey Mocha, hope you're well.

Thank you both blueberry and ecomama for asking how it went & it went well plus it may be early days still but I think I clicked with the psychologist. But time will tell but I don’t know if me saying ‘I think I click’ with the psychologist is to early to be thinking that or not.

That's great!! If you connected with the psychologist, don't second guess that. It's rare to click with one in the first instance. See how you go with her/him with your subsequent visits. But to click now is always a positive sign.