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I Have Become A Victim Of Workcover I’m Scared Um At The End

Community Member


im scared mentally for my self right now after 21 years of being a number for rejection of care. I have been bullied and lied to rejected medical care psychiatric admission.

im dead defeated mentally and physically as my teeth need fixing and I have been refused. Medication caused deteriorating dental issues refused treatment by administration staff. Admission for my health and safety psychiatric care rejected.

Corrupt Crruel Scammers refusing care. Now I have given up.

Broken Forever 

1 Reply 1

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I have heard of some medications side effects to oral health - so you are effectively claiming consequential damage.

Perhaps some formal application needs to be made to get this recognised.

Legal Aid in your state, is a free service which may offer advice/assistance to help prepare/lodge your claim.

Another option would be contacting the Ombudsman in your state to review your case, but this would require you to provide a detailed account of your claim and why you think they have been unreasonable.

Regarding dental care, you might be eligible for free dental care (through Public Dental Services) to address your immediate concerns.