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Feeling lost

Community Member

About a month ago I had to call the police in regards to my partner assaulting me (first-time drug and alcohol-fueled). The police have since pressed charges against him and they issued an AVO for my safety even after they had asked me if I wanted no contact and I specifically said I still wanted to talk to him.

We didn't follow this no contact for the first 2 weeks then he got scared and finally stopped talking to me. 

a couple of days ago, I stupidly called him numerous times and went to his place and he called the police on me and had me charged with harassment and I now have an AVO on me. I feel stupid cos I didn't do any of the things I should have done after the initial assault to protect him as we were planning to still be together. But now I can't believe how stupid I was and the fact that he could press charges on me after I protected him I am a mess. I have no family support as I don't want to get them involved and I also have no friends where I am. He was all I had I am so lost and alone and miserable.


1 Reply 1

Community Member

Very very important is to now dont contact him at all.   You dont want to make this situation worse.  Let everything settle down until your court date.   If he is willing to do something about the abuse then great    Therapy or at least no drugs or intoxication you may still have a future together.  I know its hard but you two need distance from one another.   Everything works out just be patient.