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Depression for TBI sufferers

Community Member

Difficult times would arise for me suffering depression after a TBI due to being a victim of crime a year ago. I have chosen to do HBOT the last month which is rewarding and I would like to hear from others that have experienced a similarly injury as to how they have coped getting through their difficult moments 

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Community Member

I experienced a brain I jury back in 1996 from a fall so I might have some insight. The depression is due to the injury itself (lack of brain activity while the brain is healing) and the circumstances in your life (study, employment, relationships, etc.) that have been disrupted as a result of the injury. So for me, I could no longer work as an engineer and became unemployed. I became isolated, another cause of depression. I also lost hope for the future. I had to put various things in place to address these (woodworking hobby, volunteering, stopped drinking alcohol.) Social contact is important because it's natural to isolate yourself.