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CPTSD work based

Community Member

I have been treated for work based CPTSD by the employee support program but the govt dept I work for does not recognise this and despite taking months to recover by working some where else and coming back to my permanent I keep being told I have to go back to the place where the trauma occured. I can work other places successfully but keep ending up back on antidepressants when I end up back and feeling I am underperforming and in danger then of sub standard processes but when I work any where else I’m fine. I am not haivng luck winning a permanent contract elsewhere but have had lots of interesting jobs and complex jobs along the way. Please help. 

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Guest_91949136,


A very warm and caring welcome to our forums…


I am sorry you ended up with work related cptsd…


That seems unfair to me that they want to send you back to work where you got CPTSD from…especially since they know you got it there and know you’ve taken months to recover…Can your Dr or professionals put in writing that going back to that place could cause you a relapse?…not sure if that will help you at all…just a thought I’m having…


The government committing themselves to better mental health care within Australia should I’m my opinion listen to your concerns…If it’s okay to ask you, and only answer if you want to share….what type of work do you do?  …I am only asking as you said you don’t feel safe (danger) working at the location of your trauma…does this mean physically danger or mental danger?


I’m sorry, I’m not much help at all but wanted to welcome you to the forums and let you know we are listening….Hopefully by me replying to you, your post will be moved upfront and another lovely member might be able to help you more then I can…

Thinking of you with kind and caring thoughts..
