Hi , This feels really strange posting to a message board, after
stumbling upon an article about C-PTSD, which bought me to tears,
firstly from the kindness I felt in people's posts and replies, but also
for hugging myself after reading a thread whic...
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Hi , This feels really strange posting to a message board, after
stumbling upon an article about C-PTSD, which bought me to tears,
firstly from the kindness I felt in people's posts and replies, but also
for hugging myself after reading a thread which made me feel like I was
not alone, and that some of my feelings, in some way, were normal. I
guess, the thing which really stood out to me from the post I read had
something to do with finally being separated from primary abusers, and
being in a 'child like' state, which, if I am honest, after a lifetime
of trauma and abuse, and finally, being in my own new home, alone - I am
so confused as to why I have never felt worse, in so so many ways. My
social anxiety, panic attacks, felling's of self worth and depression -
have never been worse, which, which I consider what I have experienced
in life, is so confusing to me and so incredibly scary. The past 1.5
years have been a massive journey of discovery and learning. After some
treatment programs, and a lot of therapy and journaling. I have come to
remember and partially understand countless things that have happened to
me from childhood until now. My current understanding, is that being
raised by a very ill mother, with multiple diagnosis's (and me obviously
having my own), lead me down a developmental path, and life, which, is
far from normal. The impact of my childhood, adolescence and adult life,
during which, most of the time, I was unaware in so many of what was
ACTUALLY happening, has caused so many issues, some of which can and
have been diagnosed (C-PTSD, OCD, GAD, Attachment Disorder) and others
which I would describe as coping mechanism's or behavior's other which I
still struggle to understand. The most scary and confusing part is how
much I have deteriorated since being alone - I feel like I am only now
starting, or trying to understand, how I go about healing and becoming a
functional human being. I have no idea what that road ahead looks like,
what supports I need, how to go about it, what advice to seek.... and
often, feel more confused, lost, lonely, anxious and depressed than I
ever have, even when experiencing actual trauma. I understand that
everyone's journey is different, and I know there are people far worse
off than me... but, these new feeling have caused me to do things and
have thoughts I have never had, which I just don't know how to deal
with... Hoping this makes sense....