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Abuse in institutions

Community Member

I saw my home state had an enquiry into abuse in public institutions on the news yesterday.I got so scared and triggered. One of the stories shared was at a place where something happened to me.

It's coming up to the anniversary of that event. Idk what to do, how to feel etc.

Later on, I even tried to report it police and they said there was nothing they could do as it was too long since the event.

I feel so let down by the system.

12 Replies 12

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Marymag,

I say the same to you as I say to centaured. I hear you & care, No matter where you are, no matter what age you are, no matter whether you have a mental helth condition or some other condition - there is no excuse for treating people as poorly as some people do. & there is no excuse for anyone in a caring role to neglect to care, to at the very least, do their job in a responsible & humane way.

I hope you are finding people here you feel you can talk to, & that you, too, understand you can phone BB's Counselling Service on 1300 22 46 36.

I can imagine trust will be very difficult. If you don't already have someone who can provide professional support & therapy, to help you with the effects of the abuse, you can start with talking to your GP about some options.

I'm so very sorry you've lost your friend, after he didn't recieve the care he needed, either.

As Sophie_M mentioned above, you might find Blue Knot has resources & information of use to you.



Thank you marymag for your comment. I'm sorry you went through abuse as well. And that it happened again during another admission.

Do you have much support around to help you get through this time.

So about 5 years ago I was sexually assaulted in the psych ward. The worst thing is what happened when I reported it internally, then a few years later on to the police. Nothing was done and the person for away with it. At first they didn't even believe me.

Ita a shame things like this happen.