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Abuse in institutions

Community Member

I saw my home state had an enquiry into abuse in public institutions on the news yesterday.I got so scared and triggered. One of the stories shared was at a place where something happened to me.

It's coming up to the anniversary of that event. Idk what to do, how to feel etc.

Later on, I even tried to report it police and they said there was nothing they could do as it was too long since the event.

I feel so let down by the system.

12 Replies 12

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Centaured

I heard the same news and it wasnt reported as abuse yet it was unpleasant. I think that the statistics re use of physical restraints was only an indicator of a state by state comparison using official figures

That aside...The government figures were only numbers and stats and I didnt read anything about individual circumstances

Im sorry Centaured that you were involved in any form of abuse whilst in the system. This is unacceptable and I understand how you would have felt after reading the results

My big brother went through the same back in the 1980's

you are not alone Centuared

my kindest always


I think we are referring to a different enquiry Paul. This one was looking at how abuse in institutions was handled in northern Tasmania where I used to live.

Hi Centaured,

Yeah, these are situations are very triggering and distressing. 
Several organisations have been actively trying to support people through the Royal Commissions, investigations, and disclosures, for these exact reasons.

We know that you know you can always talk to us. Another organisation involved in supporting people through the fall out of these distresses is Blue Knot - it could be worthwhile having a chat to them too on this occasion. Click here for the information.

Of course you know where we are if you need us! Please keep reaching out, Centaured!


Sophie M.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Centaured, may be you could ring Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 and report it to them, being anonymous.


Hi Centaured (and thankyou Sophie_M for your help)

No worries....I woke up Wednesday morning and was listening to a different report/enquiry...I was only trying to provide some support as per your post. I was unaware that there was another enquiry in Tasmania

Any abuse is unacceptable irrespective of the geography. I understand your pain as I was a carer for my brother whilst he was in state care in Vic

If you want to elaborate about your own situation, you are always welcome. Its always good to see you!

we are listening


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Centaured,

I feel my heart break every time I hear of yet another instance of institutional abuse. There seem to have been so very much, so many places over so many years.

I'm so sorry you have lived through such abuse done to you. It's inexcusable, no matter how many years later you speak out. Being triggered by a the news item unexpectedly mentioning events in places familiar to you, would be all the more alarming. I think, now would be a good time to seek some extra support.

Unfortunately, it gets more & more difficult for police to investigate as the years go by, so I suppose that's why they are not able to help now. Royal Commissions & such seem to be the only way to have this abuse officially recognised.

I think, even with a lot of support it would be a very difficult & potentially re-traumatising to be a part of. If you consider becoming involved in any such public inquiry, then I would suggest getting a very clear idea about what it would involve, & some specific counselling in relation to what you may experience during the process.





Thamk you, Sophie_M, for your message.

Thanks everyone for the replies. I barely slept last night, but was able to call 1800RESPECT and speak to someone about how I was feeling.

Im not ready to talk about this event yet. I feel as if it would trigger other people too. And thank you Paul for sharing your experience, it is a shame so many get used by systems supposed to support us.

Community Member

Im sorry your triggered by this.
your not alone, i went through a lot back in the late 80’s and early 90’s in institutions, still have nightmares.
In some ways they are worse today though, my last visit a few years back, staff were behind big plastic walls and barely interacted with us patients, and what little interaction they did have, most, and im talking 95% were extremely intolerant and impatient with the “ normal “ behaviours one would expect with very poor mental health. In fact a friend of mine went in to hospital late last year and found that he was worse off, needless to say he ended his life the day he was released.
It was awful, so so sad.

I myself came out much much worse than i went in.
I suspect that staff arent fully trained in psychiatric nursing these days, because the couple of old school psych nurses that were there were a real stand out, completely different to as i say 95% percent of others. They were my saviours and i suspect they will burn out fast the poor buggas.
hope you find some peace with it, and know you are not alone.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Centaured,

I understand how very difficult this is for you now. It's your choice to talk or not, & to choose who you talk to, if you ever want or need to. I hope you have some safe way of managing all the thoughts & feelings you have at this time.

You know you are welcome to talk here or to phone BB's own counselling service, or whoever you feel you can trust. I feel so much for you, & everyone, members of BB or readers out there, everyone. I know, you don't know me at all as a real person, I'd like you to know I'm real, & I care.

