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Why do all white girls hate me?

Community Member

I'm a 37 year old mixed race male where unfortunately my mothers Philippine genes left a stronger mark on my looks than my white Dads genes did.

Theres a saying that 'we can't help what we are attracted to' and in my case that is white girls; those of English, Scottish and Irish descent. Blondes, redheads and blue eyes do it for me.

My misfortune with women has plagued me my entire life. No girlfriends through high school. I couldn't even get any of my female peers to partner up with me to do the Deb in year 10 or the year 11 formal or year 12 valedictory. I had to miss out or just go alone. I did hear that they all rejected me because apparently I would have spoilt the photos of their special night...I tend to agree now. I'd turn myself down if I could too lol. After high school I did TAFE for 4 years and same thing again; no interest in my whatsoever despite my attempts and advances.

I didn't kiss or hug my first girl until I was 33. We met at church. An unrewarding relationship stumbled along for 3 painful unrewarding years. We never had sex...I wanted to but she declined. Towards the end the kissing stopped as well because apparently I made her sick...glandular fever or something. So I'm still a virgin and a loser because of it.

I've had no luck at singles events, speed dating, online dating which I've spent a small fortune on. No one is interested or replies unless they are a scammer. I've lost money to that as well...perhaps I care to much.

I don't know what to do. It gets me down quite badly not being good enough for anyone. It gives me a headache every day of my life. My zest for life has dried up. The days where I don't have work it is a battle to even get out of bed.

This isn't how I imagined my life would turn out. I'm not a bad person and I haven't done anyone any wrong. But the nightmare is real. I don't see a way forward apart from undergoing plastic surgery which will be very expensive.

I've done the psychologists via the mental health care plan, antidepressant medication, hypnotism (didn't work but I went along with it because I felt bad for the practitioner), life coaching which was very expensive, love coaching in Melbourne, reading a lot of self help books and more. Does anyone suggest what I should do?


13 Replies 13

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni


I wanted to check in and see how you were doing?

It was great to read so many posts here in your thread being supportive of you. I hope this made you not feel alone !

We are here for you!

Community Member

Hi missep123.

Its been quite a while since I was on here. I’m now over 40. Still single, no dates or mutual love interests at all in that time. Still a virgin of course. Been indulging in some of my old hobbies but found no women to date or friend. Immersed myself back into just work really so that I don’t get as depressed. I don’t take much time off as that is when my depression is at it’s darkest I find as I have too much time to think and reflect. My faith has essentially died and shriveled up.

My ex has of course found someone new, moved on and prospered; they are engaged and expecting a baby now.

I’ve given up on love and life really; just working as it’s something to do to fill my days and life with. But that’s enough rambling from ‘The single 40 year old virgin loser’. Cheers.

Community Member

Thought I’d better give an update today.

Out of sympathy more than anything, a friend of mine arranged a coffee date for me with one of his single female friends which took place this morning. We had breakfast and coffee at a cafe and then went and looked at some sculptures nearby. The date went for about 3 hours. We had plenty to talk about by she just didn’t seem interested in me romantically no matter how hard I tried to create some chemistry. I don’t anticipate a response or second date so I think it would be safe to put this one down as yet another epic fail.

While I am disappointed I’m not surprised that the date did not end up where I would have liked. But I guess I was stupid enough to try again.

Right now I’m just depressed in bed on a lovely sunny Sunday afternoon but defeated by life to be bothered to venture out. Tomorrow I will also probably still depressed and deflated so that will be another wasted day to try and recover.

That’s all for now…

Community Member

I'm really sorry you're feeling this way. Rejection and loneliness are extremely painful; it is understandable if you are having a hard time. Remember that your worth is not dependent on how others view you. Instead of wanting to change, try to embrace who you are and work on building confidence in it. Spend time with people who respect you and begin to seek joy outside of your romantic life. You are not alone; it gets better!