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What do you fear (today)?

Community Member

In line with my "when were you last truly happy" post, I wondered about what other people fear?

Is it an "every day fear", or is it a "just today" fear?

Do you fear getting out of bed? Do you fear opening the mail? Do you fear the phone ringing? Do you fear being alone? Do you fear the darkness descending? Do you fear confrontations? Do you fear rejection? Do you fear not feeling anything at all?

I wonder if just voicing that fear, sharing that fear, will help to take away it's power? Or will it give it life?

For me, my big fear at the moment is being found out. Fearing my kids or family will come across my posts. Fear a colleague will recognise my writing style or circumstances. Fear that someone will see through this big brave front I put on to get through the door each day. Fear that someone sees my vulnerability.

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Community Member

I am so pleased to see this thread still helping so many people to voice their fears.

i fear that this relapse is permanent, that they will never work out the right medication combination, and that the world will continue to move on without me.

i fear I will not be here to see my granddaughter start school and my children get married and have babies of their own.

i fear that not having posted for so long that I have caused others unnecessary concern and that they may judge me badly for "turning my back on them".

i fear that my husband will find out there is no money left in the bank and that we can 't afford the mortgage or insurance this month as I have managed to work so little this year and continue to accumulate debt at an alarming rate.

i fear never getting a full night's sleep again.

i fear that I will never have the commitment to finish uni.

i fear that I have disappointed so many people.

i fear I will act impulsively on my negativity.

i fear life itself.

Dear TA

I am so happy that you have once again reached out to your friends here .

We think about you often.

I am so sorry you find yourself in this position and you fear the strides you have made are no longer working

please ask for help TA - I know you feel so alone right now but we care and I know your family do too

Yiu mustn't think that you have caused any problems for us here , we just hoped and prayed if you were still checking in you would know how much we cared

TA you were super brave to seek the help you did before you can again

Keep posting here if you need to talk

Always here for you



Community Member

I fear recovery and getting better

I fear I will sabotage myself and undo the work others have put into me

I fear the future where I will have to take responsibility for my life

I fear that I will stop myself from living a full life

Community Member

I have been reliving this fear lately from when I was about 7 years old and a bit older. The fear of rodents.

I was really scared one day when I was a little girl. There was a fete at the school and I wanted to go. But mum would not let me if I did not wear this red skivy. The skivy had holes nibbled away from a ...... ( so I imagined at the time) The thought of it touching my skin was terrifying. I remember refusing to wear it out of fear. But I don't think my mum understood me. She said I was stubborn. I think I just wanted to be held and to not feel so scared anymore. But I forgive you my dear precious mum. I forgive you for not understanding me and not holding me, so I would not feel so frightened. I know you did the best you knew how to. And I love you...

Me xx

Lately I have been re living and existing with this intense fear of rodents. As there was one in my house.

When I was a little girl, I was huddled up under the covers in my bed. Too frightened to move much, too frightened to even let my feet touch the floor. There were scratching noises in the walls and ceiling in my bedroom. It seemed to be there many nights, but it may not have been. I have an extremely vivid imagination. So I could virtually see the large rodent running around in there. I am writing this now, because I want to be free from fear in my life.

I wanted to be held or comforted at the time and wanted the fear to go away. But it never happened. I did not tell anyone how scared I was.

Community Member
Getting Patient Profiled without people really know the real me. Being Judged. Getting fat.

Rodents.... It may seem lame to some people on here. Or even funny. But a fear is a fear. And that is what has been raging though me over the last week or so. Totally illogical. This fear is crippling me and I am constantly scared to walk around the house. I am now wearing shoes inside, because I do not want my bare feet to touch the physical floor. I am too scared to go into the kitchen, thus it's hard to cook anything healthy and then clean up afterwards.

My mum came over last week and helped me clean out my bedroom. Because they were in there. This is a old house and dad said there were properly many ways for them to come in. Hubby has put numerous traps around, but seeing them in full view only causes more fear in me. I tried to explain this.... but it falls on deaf ears. He does not understand me at all.

I know this does sound so unimportant and lame compared to what others face. And it's embarrassing sharing this...


Your fear is just as important as anyone else's. I can see how upsetting it must be for you and how it brings back the memory of when you were a child. It must be frustrating that your hubby does not understand.

Sometimes people find it hard to understand someone's fear if it is different from their own fear.

Don't be embarrassed, there are many people who feel the same way.

I appreciate you taking the time to share your story.


I fear that the relentless Christmas hype will get cranked up even higher over the next few days and not let up till the 26th....force-feeding us with "You must be happy, you must be happy, you must be happy"

I fear I will never ever stop grieving for my lost pet of many years....whereabouts and "what happened" unknown...no farewell ceremony, no cause, no outcome, no memorial, no certainty if even deceased...fear that the grieving and searching and pointless hoping will never end.

fear that I will not be able to usefully fill my time now I am retiring. Fear I will not find a happy fulfilling way to use my talents and abilities. Fear I will not have enough money to spend on anything enjoyable for myself or others.

Community Champion
Community Champion

I fear spending another year on my own hundreds of kilometres away from all my family.