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What do you fear (today)?

Community Member

In line with my "when were you last truly happy" post, I wondered about what other people fear?

Is it an "every day fear", or is it a "just today" fear?

Do you fear getting out of bed? Do you fear opening the mail? Do you fear the phone ringing? Do you fear being alone? Do you fear the darkness descending? Do you fear confrontations? Do you fear rejection? Do you fear not feeling anything at all?

I wonder if just voicing that fear, sharing that fear, will help to take away it's power? Or will it give it life?

For me, my big fear at the moment is being found out. Fearing my kids or family will come across my posts. Fear a colleague will recognise my writing style or circumstances. Fear that someone will see through this big brave front I put on to get through the door each day. Fear that someone sees my vulnerability.

810 Replies 810

Hello Cesca

Would you like to start your own thread and talk about this? Also have a look on the Long Term forum and join in the conversation called My Bipolar Life.


Hi Mary,

I dont think im quite ready to start my own thread as im not quite ready to share everything just yet but maybe after a bit of time
thanks, I will have a look at that conversation! I wasnt sure if it was just for people who have bipolar rather than people like me who have family members with it, but I will go have a look and find out.

Hello Cesca

No need to start a thread. The reason I suggested it is because replies to your post above tend to get lost in a more general thread like this. Writing on your own thread means people will answer you specifically and you will not lose answers. When you are ready is time enough.

My Bipolar Life is used by those with Bipolar Disorder and family and friends. It's a self help thread where everyone contributes their bit. Browse the thread. I would suggest not trying to read it all as there are a great many pages. It was started by a BB member who was diagnosed with Bipolar last year.

If you are concerned you may have Bipolar why not visit the Black Dog Institute, www.blackdoginstitute.org.au They have a self test for Bipolar. Once on the site click on clinical resources and go to the Bipolar section. I hope it helps.


Thankyou for the suggestion though! Its definitely something I will try to do in the near future.
I had a bit of a read tonight, will read a bit more tomorrow after my exam is finished and I have the time.
Im not worried that I have bipolar, more that I will get it in the future (due to the increased chance thanks to genetics).
Thanks for taking the time out to help though!

hope you are well

Community Champion
Community Champion


Sending you a hug. How are you today? Are they ongoing fears ?

I fear that I maybe messing up another relationship as something I said in good faith was totally misunderstood.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Quirky,

yes ongoing, popping up now and the. I posted to you on the 'do you love yourself thread' 🙂

Cmf x

Community Champion
Community Champion


Thanks. Saw the other post. What is the worst from the 3?


Community Member

I am afraid of always feeling like this, of things spiraling out of control, of not being able to cope.

Of not getting better.

I am afraid of being alone.

Community Member
(thanks so much for approving the posts so quickly - it means so much when you are feeling desperate!)

Community Member

Just saying hello,

I am sorry I am really tired and going to bed,there seems to be a lot of activity tonight,try and join in,hope to chat tomorrow.
