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(Trigger warning) PTSD after being stabbed
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Hi Mark
Vince and i are good friends
My buddy who will be back off holiday soon is whom i is who motivates me to want to get up and help him out as at times when i have needed support the most he has always been there .it was his daughter i made the last to rainbow' s still have not given her the other one she can give to her friend really look forward to helping her put the names on it
Take care Jason
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Hi Mark ad crew
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend, mine was not to bad watched few movies first time i actually injoyed the comforts of the place im in
Maybe i need a injury every no and then joking joking. But funny enough maybe this car crash i can pull a positive out off it it may have broken my cycle of having to keep busy to stop myself from dwelling on the situation i find myself in
You no guys its a very comfortable feeling knowing that my opa knows
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Phone is playing up says some time my device has been hacked and to download this app
Anyway back to were i was yes its a very comfortable feeling to no that my Opa knows the truth and even though he has passed away he has made it very evident to me that we are closer than ever
The thing that bothers me is he is very upset with wjat he has come to understand and i feel he thinks it is very important that his wife my Omi knows that im not the bad person i have been betrayed to be by my so called family
I really dont care what people think off me i no im not perfect but as a human there is always room for me to improve and to become a better person ,saying that ,i no i can look myself in the mirror every morning and i feel i sence of pride as i do my best to not hurt anyone intentionally and my driving force and goal in life is unselfish and ultimately is to make this world we live in a safer place and i do understand that it comes with degree off danger this is were i now am thinking clearer and smarter , as to achieve,
Look at were i crashed my car in front of kindy garden ,were i was stabbed at the end of the street is dcps im following my calling and what i believe is my purpose her on earth is , its a beautiful goal with change in law that is well over due and a im prepared to put my life on the line to get the ball rolling and hopefully witness the change
After all the children are our future and the it is important that they feel safe protected and supported ,if this planet has any hope off being a piecefull place with more love than hate cause from were i sit people love to instale uncertainty war hatred and its not sitting with me
What happened to piece, love ,empathy,loyalty ,honour dignity, integrity, respect ,to mention a few it all be swallowed up buy greed
Have a great day
Talk soon jason
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Jase, your last three posts are awesome, especially the second one - you are pulling a positive out of the negative and that my friend, is outstanding. I am so chuffed to read those words. Brilliant.
Can I ask Opa and Omi - I am assuming they are your Grandparents? It is just i have never heard those words before. Still being educated I am!
Your words are very encouraging. It is like there is a shift in your thinking which is very good.
Unfortunately in this world there are people who are evil and there are those that do not care for anyone other than themselves. This is life mate. All we can do is make sure that we are good people and i can tell you that you are a good person.
Keep this shift in thinking going. Love it.
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Hi Mark
Things are looking like there has been ashift i have a great fella who is advocating on my behalf in regard to the traffic accident i was involved in to prevent something similar happen again
I just received my first appointment with councilor first week in feb final i feel part of our community had hopefully can work out a way to get rid off these flashbacks and nightmares
And thankyou for giving me a boost as in what i stand for it reasuring to no that im finding the positive out of what i thought was only a negative ordeal but yes it did take some searching but i found it my goal lifes purpose so i probably should be greatful as im excited to take on this challenge
I just need to leave emotion out off it be clear,assertive and none aggressive and im sure common sense will eventually prevail
All the best Mark and crew
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Hi Mark
Sorry i didnt clear up your question, yes Omi is my grandmother who is still alive and believes i have done what my family have brainwashed her into believing my Opa passed away believing it and is not happy how i been treated as he knows the full storey and truth its like he is making me feel it is very important that his wife my Omi knows the truth before she passes away my Opa is fumming and can see who i am as a person and what evil intentions have been up against
I so happy he knows and he has made me aware it very comforting feeling its like i dont care for them anymore i dont care what they say about me cause at the end off days im going to a good place with the good souls far away from the evil
All the best Mark thanks Buddy!!
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Jase, you superstar! Have a look at the change in outlook that you have. That is so massive - i hope you understand just how big a deal this is.
You have a very unique experience, all be it, a horrible one but at the same time, but just think of the knowledge and wisdom you now possess.
I can well see you in the future being a really good help to people who have gone through similar circumstances to you.
Not yet though, you need to concentrate on you. Consolidate this new found attitude and exploit the hell out of it. Good on ya Jase, so proud of you.
Remember thought that the nature of the beast that is PTSD, you will still have bad days, that is when you look back and remember the coping mechanisms that you have learnt and you will push through the bad days and still achieve something.
Awesome awesome work.
Is it fair to say that you are a spiritual person? I'm interested in how you have communicated with your Opa?
Keep up the great work mate.
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Hi Mark
I will tell you this and please have a open mind because i have felt a strong presence guide i like to call it and all my guides have not been happy with the transparency that they have come to understand when they passed away it began when my father passed away when i was 17 years old and being denied and forced into signing over a power off attorney from that day i felt a strong presence off my father it ladted up untill my dads father passed away in 1999 and it was as if my grandad to over the position off protecting me and guiding me to the best off his ability well when my Opa passed away i think 2013 it has been overwhelmingly evident to me that his presence is so profound i can even begin to explain and dont no if i even should as i dont want to disrupt the connection its as if the lrss i talk about it the more he reveals to me and lets say six sence intuition had nothing to do with it he has allowed me to discover alot off wrong doing one example only i shall reveal i been taking photos off my so called family's renovations i let it go for 8 months before going to the city off stirling only to find out what he allready told me no building permits or demolitiom permits they are building a house out the back on the tennis court without any council approval we are talking 250 /$300.000.00 renovation remember all i wanted was his war medals and to uphold his wishes which to date i have not done my family wealth has somewhat increased dramatically and for some reason they dont what people shire to no about the money's they are spending on there property i have this confirmation from city sterling when i went there with photos and they could not believe what they saw greed remember all i asked for were his medals Opa is not happy
Hope you have a good eveningbest wishesand thanks once again for your support
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Morning Jason - just popping in to say hi. You are sounding bright, great to know things are looking up for you. 👍
BTW, I have an open mind about feeling the presence of our departed loved ones. I know my mum, dad and nanna are still around, I feel them near me quite often. They pop into my head and tell me things sometimes. If I'm wise I listen. I don't care or need to know whether they are spirits or guides, or whether it's my brain retrieving some wisdom from the memory of them. What matters is the experience of still learning from them and drawing comfort and connection with them. And to remember the love they gave and still give us. I'm glad you have your Opa with you.
Have a good day my friend. Take care
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Jase, don't worry mate, i have a completely open mind.
I find it very fascinating that people like yourself that have this incredible sense of connection and guidance with love ones that have passed.
Who am I to tell you what you are thinking and not thinking. That is the way i look at it anyway, you are you and you are experiencing things that I have no knowledge about.
Good on you - very happy that you have that kind of spiritual connection with your Opa.
Keep kicking goals mate, loving your work.